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Montana from North Florida writes

Is Fertilome Centipede Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-15 good for Florida centipede lawns?

the Bonus S weed and feed for Southern lawns has 29-1-10, why so different from Ferti-Lome 15-0-15? If I weed separately then would the Ferti-Lome mixture be a better short term and long term fertilizing? They both say for southern centipede lawns... Please advise, even if it's a product not the Ferti-Lome. Thank you.


We are not familiar with the Bonus S Weed and Feed 26-1-10 as we do not carry this product and cannot make an accurate comparison. What we can tell you is that the Fertilome Centipede Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-15 is used twice a year, once in spring and once in fall, to give season long nourishment of your lawn. It will not provide any weed control, so if you are looking for a product that will provide a little of both, you could use the Fertilome Centipede Weed and Feed 15-0-15. The numbers at the end on both products stand for the amounts of different fertilizing nutrients your yard needs to stay green, so the amount will be the same on both bags. However the Weed and Feed also has other ingredients that will provide post emergent (weeds that have already come up) control of pesky weeds in your lawn. Please see the product label on each for application instructions for your yard and your needs.

Answer last updated on: 04/30/2013

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