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Tim from Richfield writes

Is Milky Spore Powder applied 3 times a year, and is that the best way to treat 3 acres?

We have a 3 acre yard and a pretty bad beetle infestation. About 1/3 of the yard is rough (uncut), 1/3 manicured and well maintained and 1/3 cut - but not receiving a high level of care. I can't afford to treat the entire yard 3 times a year. Can we open up the pattern to 8x8? Do we really need to treat 3 times a year? Is there a better product for larger areas?


The Milky Spore Powder is a one-time application, while the Milky Spore Spreader Mix is applied 3 times a year in Spring, Summer, and Fall. After the one application, it will take about 1 year for the Milky Spore Powder to provide the 10 year control. The Spreader Mix is applied 3 times per year for 2 consecutive years to get that 10 year control.  You can treat a section of the area at a time in the 4 x 4 sections using the Powder, however, opening up the pattern to 8 x 8 may be too far apart for the spores to inoculate in a reasonable amount of time. You can contact St. Gabriel Organics directly for more specific information at 1-800-801-0061.

Answer last updated on: 08/21/2018

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Milky Spore Powder

Milky Spore Powder

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