Product Q&A

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Daniel from New Jersey writes

Is the application rate of 1.5 fl oz per 100 gallons of water correct for foliar sprays on shrubs? This seems like a very small amount of product to be effective?


Correct, according to the product label you will use 1.5 fl oz (45ml) of Quali - Pro Imidacloprid 2F per 100 gallons of water for treating listed insects as a foliar spray applications on trees, shrubs, evergreens, flowers, foliage plants, ground covers and interior plantscapes. The 1.5 fl oz per 100 gallons of water breaks down to be 0.15 fl oz per 10 gallons of water if smaller applicaiton is needed. 

Answer last updated on: 08/25/2021

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Quali - Pro Imidacloprid 2F

Quali - Pro Imidacloprid 2F

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