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Jacky writes

Is the spot treatment and broadcast treatment application rate the same for Q4 Plus Herbicide?


The Q4 Plus Herbicide Product Label states: Broadcast Treatments for Cool Season Turfgrass (kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fescues, annual bluegrass, rough bluegrass, annual ryegrass)- Use rate per Application is 7 to 8 pints per acre or 2.6 to 3.0 fl oz/1000 sq/ft. When broadcasting your water volume may change so while the concentration of product per area is the same as the spot treatment, if your turf is very dense you may need 2-4 gallons of water over 1000 sq/ft, vs the only 1 gallon needed for spot treatments. 

Answer last updated on: 05/08/2019

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Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

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