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Patrice from California writes

I've been using Bifen for ants, but still have earwigs and silverfish, what should I use for those?

I already put Dekko in the attic where I found silverfish. But I don't know where those earwigs come from?? It's not much, just a few, but I don't want them to hurt my paralyzed dog.


That's awesome Bifen IT has been doing such a great job for you. To treat the Earwigs, please refer to our article Getting Rid of Earwigs. There are many steps you can take to treat and prevent earwigs and Silverfish. By following the steps in our article you will also help to eliminate the Silverfish as well. You also may want to try a residual spray like Demon WP that is labeled for earwigs and silver fish. You want to spray the entire perimeter indoors and out.

Answer last updated on: 05/15/2013

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