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Karen from Crawford Texas writes

Martins Clear Pasture mixing ratio?

What is the mixing ratio for Martins clear pasture to use on Poison ivy with small hand sprayer. I will probably not broadcast, but spray individual plants. Some are near cedar (mountain juniper) trees and live oaks. What do I need to know about spraying near the trees.


Martins Clear Pasture per label instructions: Apply CLEAR PASTURE at the rate of 1 quart per acre. Three to four additional applications at 4 week intervals will be
required to give adequate suppression of bermudagrass and allow fescue or other desired turfgrass species to dominate.
To improve suppression and control of bermudagrass, 1 quart per acre of CLEAR PASTURE may be tank mixed
with a postemergence grass herbicide registered for this use pattern. Three to four additional applications of this tank
mix at 4 week intervals should be made to achieve control. Reseeding following application will accelerate the transition
to cool season turf Be sure to try and make your application on less windy days and try to keep the application outside the trees driplines.

Answer last updated on: 07/05/2014

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Martins Clear Pasture

Martins Clear Pasture

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