Martins I.G. Regulator - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 49 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Fla.
    Why must Martins IGR be mixed/used within 24 hrs? Does it not work if it sits for a few days?
    I have to keep animals out of each room until it dries and sometimes that takes a bit of time. It is much easier if would last a couple days.
    The acid in water can break down the actual chemical which is why you cannot leave the product sit in water for an extended period of time. We recommend that you mix 1/2 fl oz with a 1/2 gallon of water so you don't have to mix the entire gallon up at one time.
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  • Asked by Chad from Texarkana Borderline
    Can I mix Martins IGR and Martins Viper when spraying indoors?
    We have been told to mix Martins Viper insecticide with Martins IGR for treating fleas indoors. However in reading the directions, Martins IGR (growth inhibitor) can be sprayed indoors on carpets, furniture, pet sleeping areas and rugs, while Martins Viper adulticide is directed to be sprayed indoors on Cracks and crevices not on couches and beds .... so how can you mix these two chemicals when they are not supposed to be sprayed in the same areas?

    You are correct. Martins IGR can be mixed with Viper. Specific label instructions still apply to each product. If you find that you are needing to treat areas that Viper cannot be applied, you will need to apply the products separately. You should not apply either of these products on bedding, mattresses, or the skin contact areas of couches or other furniture.

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  • Asked by Jason from Prosper,texas
    Is it ok to stay in house after you spray Martins IGR?
    You can return to the areas that were treated with Martins IGR after the surfaces are completely dry.
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  • Asked by Trev
    How long do i wait to vacuum after application of Martins IGR?
    I ask this because many of the Pyriproxyfen (the prime ingredient) studies via Google scholar, while talking about the sterilization of male/females adults also refer to the feces being contaminated, as such when other fleas consume it they themselves are sterilized. So would it better to wait 2 - 7 days? or just vacuum every day?
    We always recommend vacuuming every day during flea treatments. Not only does this suck up the dead adults and any feces left behind, but the heat and vibrations of the vacuum help stimulate the eggs to hatch and be exposed to the product you are using. The fleas are protected inside their eggs much like a chicken egg and until broken or hatched, nothing can affect whats inside. By forcing the fleas to hatch you help control the infestation faster as they are being pulled onto a surface that has a residual insecticide of your choice and the IGR waiting on them. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Michelle from Clearwater, Florida
    Can I spray furnishings such as sofas, curtains, bedding?
    Yes, Martins IGR can be sprayed in areas where fleas may harbor, such as carpets, furniture, pet sleeping areas and rugs.
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  • Asked by Terri from Norman Ok
    What is the shelf life of Martin's IGR?
    I purchased some a couple of years ago. It has been kept in a dark cool place. I have used it but I store it carefully.
    Martins IGR has a shelf life of about 3-5 years from the date of purchase. The product should be stored in a place where it is protected from over heating, freezing and direct sunlight to ensure the longest shelf life possible.
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  • Asked by Lucille from Portland Oregon
    Do I loose effectiveness of the Martins IGR in my grass, garden areas when I water or it rains?
    Best plan for fleas and water
    You generally want to apply the Martins IGR when it will not rain for at least 24 hours after application.  This insures that the product has enough time to dry and adhere to the surface it has been applied to.  You should consider purchasing our Outdoor/Indoor Flea Kit. This kit contains Onslaught which is a broad spectrum insecticide which can be used as a broadcast spray for both indoor and outdoor infestations. The kit also contains Martins IGR which will help break the breeding cycle of the fleas for long term control. You must vacuum indoors prior to the first treatment and then vacuum daily for 14 days to help eliminate some of the flea eggs and flea debris that the pupae feed on. Outdoors you should concentrate on moist, shady areas and areas where the animals spend time resting. After 14 days a retreatment may be needed to eliminate any left over fleas (the kit comes with enough product for repeat applications). Your dogs must be treated with a product that is labeled for flea control on animals.
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  • Asked by Sally from Clinton Township, Michigan
    If I vacuum again, will I have to spray the Martins IGR all over again?
    Hello, I sprayed Martin's IGR throughout my whole house a little over 2 weeks ago and was wondering when I should vacuum again. I thoroughly vacuumed before application. I do not want to suck up the IGR and have my spraying lose its effectiveness. My vacuum cleaner is rather powerful. This is for a flea infestation. I did not use an adult insecticide, but my cats are on Advantage II. This was a whole lot of work and I would like to avoid doing this all over again if possible. Thanks for any advice. Sally Koshko
    To answer you first question, you should vacuum daily. A vacuum cleaner will not break down Martins IGR no matter how powerful it is. Also, you should be using an adult insecticide. Using the Martins IGR alone, without an adulticide, will stop the reproductive cycle but does not kill the fleas. It is very important to mix the Martins IGR with an adulticide such as Onslaught for a complete and thorough Flea elimination plan.
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  • Asked by Valerie from St. Paul, Mn
    How long can Martins IGR stay in the mixed bottle before it goes bad?
    The bottle says don't let sit overnight. Just wondering how long in hours after the mixture goes bad once its been mixed with water. Also how often should I reapply the product? Reapplying example: Daily, Weekly, Monthly mixed w/ water Example: 8hrs, 12hrs, 24hrs. I'm also using Martin's Permethrin mixed with the the IGR in the same bottle. Will this still help with controlling the flea life cycle when used together? Thanks so much!

    Martins IGR should only be mixed as needed and not sit in a sprayer longer than 24 hours.  You really do not want products to sit in sprayers long as this can cause damage to the sprayer and products start to breakdown once mixed with water.  For maintenance outside, Martins should be applied once a month, inside it has a residual of 7 months.  Martin's Permethrin should also be used within 24 hours, applied once a month outside and once every 90 days inside for maintenance of general pests.  For fleas you are typically applying every 2 weeks for active infestation for at least a few treatments.  You can apply the products at the same time from the same sprayer.

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  • Asked by Jane from Forest Hills, Ny
    After applying Martins IGR, how long should I wait to mop wood floors?

    Mopping would remove any residual of the Martins IGR, so waiting as long as possible would be recommended. If treating something other than fleas, applying Martins IGR as a crack and crevice application along baseboards, windows, under cabinets, behind appliances, etc to get the full benefit of the residual. You may reapply ever 60 days for preventative treatments, or as needed for active infestations.

    If you are treating for Fleas, you do not need to apply Martins IGR to wood floors as fleas do not bed or harbor there. Concentrate your applications to carpeted areas, rugs, upholstered furniture and pet bedding.

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  • Asked by Brittney from Houston, Tx
    Does the Martins IGR work?
    I sprayed it it seems to have only mad them to attack me in apt and car.

    We are sorry to hear that you are having this type of problem. The Martins IGR is only an insect growth regulator, it will stop insects from being able to reproduce, but it will not kill anything.  You will need to use it along with an insecticide concentrate in order to completely eradicate for the pest you are targeting.

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  • Asked by Mason from Gilbert,az
    Can I mix Martins IGR with water or is there something else I have to use?
    do i have to use anything or just water?
    Martins IGR 1oz needs to be mixed with 1 gallon of water. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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  • Asked by David from Bakersfield, Ca
    Is Martin's IGR labeled for use in California?
    Martins IGR is not for sale to California because the manufacturer did not register the product in that state. Paragon Surge IGR contains the same active ingredient at the same concentration and it is for sale to CA.
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  • Asked by Joe from Arlington, Tx
    What is the mixing rate for Martins IGR?

    Per the Martins IGR label, you will prepare a diluted spray solution by adding 1 ounce per gallon of water. Partially fill the mixing container with water, add I.G. Regulator, agitate and fill to final volume. Do not allow spray mixture to stand overnight. Mix before each use. 


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  • Asked by Susan from Clearwater, Fl
    How long will Martins IGR last unmixed in opened bottle?
    I have treated my small house today have only used 2 ounces( mixed per direction 1 oz to 1 gallon water. Will the remainder of the product keep ( out of light and cap tightly on) until the next time I need to use it in in 6 months?

    The shelf life of Martins IGR is 3-5 years once it has been opened. It is recommended that you keep your product in a cool, dry environment so that it does not freeze.

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  • Asked by Vicki from St. Joe, Ar
    Can Martins IGR be applied during daylight hours?
    Martins IGR can be applied indoors and outdoors for the listed pests. You generally want to apply the Martins IGR when it will not rain for at least 24 hours after application.  This insures that the product has enough time to dry and adhere to the surface it has been applied to.
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  • Asked by Jill from Sylva
    How long does it take for Martins IGR to dry?
    We had been in an extreme drought. Then we had weeks of rain. I waited several days after the rain to apply Martins IGR in the yard. We have had 2 days of bright sun but the soil is still moist due to all the rain we had. I have dogs that need access to the yard. The label says it is safe when dry.

    As long as the Martins IGR has had time to dry on the surface (this usually takes 1-2 hours), it would be fine for your animals to be out on it. The soil underneath just the surface it not an issue when using this product. 

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  • Asked by Brian from Lake Mary, Fl
    What's better for outside use Martins IGR or Archer IGR?
    I was wondering what to use outside in my yard for fleas and which IGR does a better job outside and which one works longest out of these two 'Martins IGR' or 'Archer IGR'? Are they basically the same product with a different brand name or are they different chemically and work differently?

    Either the Archer IGR or the Martin's IGR both contain the same active ingredient, Pyridine 1.3%.  They both are photostable up to 14 days outside and are essentially the same product just different manufacturers.  You would be able to do more applications with the Archer being in the larger bottle, but either would work the same for fleas outside.

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  • Asked by Wendt
    How much water do I use with Martins I.G. Regulator?

    Martins I.G. Regulator is mixed at 1 fl. oz. per gallon of water.

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  • Asked by Victoria from Sebring, Fl
    I have six cats and a dog and it would be very difficult to take them all out of the house. Can I apply Martins IGR if I keep them all in a separate room?

    You can apply Martins IGR by treating room by room.  Just make sure not to let the animals back into the treated room(s) until everything is completely dry.  Please be advised that Martins IGR is only an insect growth regulator.  It will stop insects from being able to reproduce, but it will not kill anything.  You will need to use it along with an insecticide concentrate in order to completely eradicate the pest you are targeting. 


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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 49 questions)