Customer Reviews for Monterey Sluggo Plus Snail & Slug Killer

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4.2 of 5 stars
(21 customer reviews)
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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    This has been GREAT!

    By Rebecca on 07/09/2014

    I have had a huge slug problem in my garden for three years and because of my dogs, have tried every "natural" remedy out there and none have worked. Since I started using Sluggo, things have gotten a lot better. I've seen one or two, but nothing like last year and my plants have been better for it. Also, the dogs don't seem to have any interest in it whatsoever. My vincas didn't seem to like it, but I would say all of my other plants are 99.9% slug and snail free. This has definitely been a huge improvement.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    As Good As It Gets

    By Rob on 08/10/2017

    Anyone who does battle with snails knows how futile their efforts can seem. It all depends on where your snails are as to how effective any chemical can work. Unfortunately, my main issue is a large swath of viney ground cover that also grows into my neighbor's yard. Sluggo has prevented 99% of the snails that used to cross my driveway into other parts of my lawn. However, not that my neighbor seems to care in the least about her yards, the mass-exodus-after-rains or watering continues into her yard. At least I don't have to worry about the darn things migrating my way. I know there is no way of totally eradicating the pests in this situation, but at least during the warm seasons I have a reliable tool to keep snails out of my gorgeous lawn and their favorite snack, my Hastas. I will continue to keep buying the product with confidence.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Snails ans slugs stop eating after eathing Sluggo Plus

    By Jack on 05/08/2020

    This product is safe around animals. My dogs have eaten it before and I try hiding it from them in the nooks and cranny's. Kills snails and slugs by ingesting causes them to stop eating and then they kick the bucket.

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