Onslaught Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 217 questions)
  • Asked by Sterling
    Will Onslaught kill bird mites?

    Onslaught will kill bird mites, but the problem with bird mites is finding the breeding source.  Onslaught may provide some relief, however many times mites will breed under carpet or in wall voids, where you cannot spray.  This is why treating for mites is very difficult and usually requires multiple products and lots of vacuuming.

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  • Asked by Mat
    Why is Onslaught so much more than others like Bifen and Conquer?
    I did my research on the insecticide portion of my planned flea control program (will be mixing with an IGR). What does the Onslaught offer that products like Bifen, Conquer and Demise do not? The significantly higher price tag must be due to some increased benefits.

    Each of the products you mentioned have different active ingredients, or different formulations and different manufacturers. So that we are comparing apples to apples, we will compare Onslaught and Conquer which both have the same active ingredient, Esfenvalerate and both are sold in pint size bottles. Conquer contains 3.48% of the active ingredient and Onslaught contains 6.40% of the active ingredient. You will use 1 ounce of Conquer to make 1 gallon of finished solution for flea control while you will only use .5 of Onslaught to make one finished gallon of solution for flea control. Conquer is labeled for about 50 insects, Onslaught is labeled for about 200. Onslaught also has the benefit of being micro-encapsulated which makes it safer to use indoors and makes it last longer outdoors. 

    Bifen is not a good choice for indoor flea control because it cannot be used over carpeting or on furniture It can only be used in cracks and crevices around the perimeter of the room. Demize EC is a great product, which offers a fast  knockdown but it does not offer any residual control and it can only be used indoors.

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  • Asked by Mike from Dover, Nj
    Which one is better Talstar, Bifen IT or Onslaught?

    Talstar P and Bifen IT are essentially the same product, they are just made by different manufacturers. Talstar P was manufactured 1st and is known to be the "name brand" and Bifen IT is known to be the generic. Onslaught is micro-encapsulated and will last a little longer on outdoor surfaces which does give it a bit of advantage over Talstar P or Bifen IT. You can also use either one to do a barrier treatment around the outside of your home and in your crawl space to stop pests from moving indoors.

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  • Asked by Sherrill from Bridgeton Nj
    Can onslaught be used on bare floors?
    I want to use onslaught indoors against bird mites. Under the usage instructions it sounds like it can be sprayed on bare floors. I would want to spray it all over my bare floors and walls and carpet but I go barefooted a lot, so would this be a problem?
    Yes, you can safely and effectively spray Onslaught Insecticide indoors as a floor broadcast for bird mites. Be sure to allow the floors to fully dry. Once the treated area is fully dry you may re-enter the treated area with bare feet safely.
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  • Asked by James
    Is it safe to use a full ounce of Onslaught one week after application?
    I have recently sprayed Onslaught in my apartment twice for bird mites at 1/2 ounces per gal. each time with about 8 days in between with Gentrol the first time. Is it safe for me to use a full ounce next after another week?

    According to the Onslaught product label, you can use Onslaught at the "heavy infestation" rate of 1 ounce per gallon of water every seven days. Gentrol is not labeled for mites and therefore is not recommended for bird mite infestations.

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  • Asked by Chuck from Alba Tx
    I have mites, have them for a few years, what do you recommend, I use Suspend SC
    I can not see them or catch them, they craw on me and bite at times and at times go for my eyes, they like my feet at times. Suspend works a little but they keep coming back, and I have tried everything you can think of even moving. I have not talked to you for a few years and thought maybe you have found something that works better than suspend.
    It is important to be absolutely sure you are actually dealing with mites. Have the suspected bird mite identified by a reputable source, such as your local cooperative extension office or a reputable pest control operator. Treatments will vary for different pests. Treatment for say bedbugs is much different than the treatment for bird mites.  Removal of the infested nest or bird and a thorough cleanup is necessary. For treatment in the home, we recommend you frequently vacuum all carpet and upholstery and dispose of the bag or vacuum contents in a sealed bag outdoors. Spray Sterifab on couches, chairs and other upholstered furniture where you may spend time resting. Use MotherEarth Dust in all cracks and crevices around the perimeter of the room. Apply a thin coat of MotherEarth dust to rugs and carpets. Rake (not sweep) nap back and forth, causing dust to enter rug or carpet. Let product sit overnight. Repeat application as necessary and vacuum every 3 - 4 days for effective control. MotherEarth Dust does not have a fast knockdown, it can take several days for insects to die after they contact the dust. Onslaught can be used for a faster knockdown. Thoroughly apply as a fine particle broadcast spray using a hand pump sprayer to infested rugs and carpets and other cracks and crevices around the perimeter of each room. Put all clothes through the dryer on high heat to help kill mites and their eggs.We have had many customers use the above recommendations with great success. Most customers report that it can take several months to get rid of all of the mites. Finding and removing the source of the infestation is very important and is the key to getting rid of the mites for good.
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  • Asked by Anonymous
    After spraying insecticide, how long do I need to wait before I can mop the floors and baseboards?
    Exterminator sprayed Onslaught (I believe) combined with Gentrol. I just purchased Bedlam to spot treat on my own too.
    You did not indicate what pest you are treating for, but we assume you are treating for bedbugs because of the purchase of Bedlam. Bedbug treatments are mainly applied directly to cracks and crevices where these pests hide. Mopping or wiping down the baseboards should not effect the product that is in cracks and crevices around the baseboards. If we have missed the mark though and you are treating for a different pest then mopping or wiping down the baseboards could remove the residual product and pests crossing over the area would no longer be controlled by the products. It would be our recommendation to avoid wiping or mopping the treated area until the pest insect is gone to avoid disturbing the residual properties of the products.
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  • Asked by Michelle from Perry, Oklahoma
    Is Onslaught safe around pets?
    I have two miniature dachshunds that stay indoors most of the time and two rottweilers that are on the outside. We want to treat our home for scorpions, wolf spiders, flees and other insects but want to make sure it is safe around our pets.
    Onslaught is pet safe as long as you follow the product label. Be sure pets are out of the area while you are doing the application and they can return to the area as soon as it is dry.
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  • Asked by Alice from Missouri City Tx.
    How long do I need to leave my house after it was sprayed with Onslaught?
    Onslaught. THE time release one

    Onslaught is a water based insecticide and you will be required to leave the treated area for as long as it takes to dry which is usually about an hour (or two hours if you were heavy handed with the spray application).

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  • Asked by Kenny from Dayton, Ohio
    How long will Onslaught remain good after it's mixed?
    Onslaught should be applied within 24 hours of dilution.
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  • Asked by Barbara from Tyler, Texas
    What dust should I use along with Onslaught for bird mites?
    We would recommend using Cimexa Dust for a Bird Mite infestation. CimeXa Dust is 100% Silica dust, is very safe, odorless, and will not stain.  CimeXa Dust will last up to 10 years when applied to undisturbed areas like wall voids. It is very effective on a broad spectrum of different insects including Bird Mites. When pests come into contact with CimeXa, the product clings to their exoskeleton and absorbs the waxy coating, causing death from dehydration.
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  • Asked by Travis
    Will Onslaught kill wolf spiders?
    These spider's seem to be every where. In the year and a half that me and my wife have lived in the home we have found or killed over 200. Not that I'm actually keeping count but it seems every day I go into the basement there is a new one laying somewhere. I have also killed many in our yard while mowing. They are becoming rather large and I can see them going over twigs and see the grass moving as I mow. I bought a product at Walmart last summer and it seemed to help, I sprayed around the baseboards and the spiders didn't make it 4 inchs away before they were dead. But I can't seem to stop them from getting into my house. Will onslaught help or what product do I need?
    Generally speaking, Onslaught will kill wolf spiders, but it does not offer a fast knockdown. Onslaught is micro-encapsulated and can take several hours to kill the spiders. We usually recommend Cyper WP because it offers a faster knockdown and the same residual as Onslaught and it can be used for indoor and outdoor spider control. The active ingredient in Cyper WP is cypermethrin, which is known to be one of the top choices for spider control. Spraying Cyper WP will also help to get rid of the insects that spiders feed on and that will help to stop new spiders from moving in. Indoors, spray around all baseboards, door frames, window frames, under appliances, in closets and storage rooms and in areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure. Outdoors you should spray around the bottom of the foundation, on the ground adjacent to the foundation, door frames, window frames and places where the utilities enter into the structure and any other place insects can harbor.  We have included Cyper WP in our spider control kit, which also contains glue boards to help monitor the infestation (and help catch the spiders too).
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  • Asked by Debi
    Will Onslaught continue to kill black widow and brown recluse spiders even after it has dried?
    Yes. Onslaught will leave a long lasting residual that will continue to kill spiders for a month or more. Onslaught will also help get rid of the insects that spiders feed upon which helps to prevent new spiders from moving in.
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  • Asked by Aurore
    Should I use Onslaught or Demand for bird mites?
    If I use Onslaught and Nylar for bird mites, it should be a good combination? How often should I treat? Can I treat a whole carpeted area and furniture? And of course, I know to do lots of vacuuming!
    Yes, lots of vacuuming is required! We recommend Onslaught for bird mite control because it is labeled to spray over carpeted areas. You should not treat more than one time per month. We recommend using Sterifab for upholstered furniture such as couches and chairs. We really cannot recommend the Nylar IGR for bird mites because it is not labeled for this type of insect.
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  • Asked by Eddie
    What is the mixing ratio of Onslaught. Do I add water and then spray? If so, how much?
    Onslaught is a concentrated liquid insecticide that must be diluted with water. You will use .5-1 ounce of Onslaught per gallon of water depending on what pest you are treating for. We strongly recommend that you read the Onslaught product label to learn the correct ratio for the pest you are trying to get rid of and the area you are treating. For your convenience all product labels are available on individual product pages in the product description box.
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  • Asked by David
    Is Onslaught safe for a kids play area?
    I would like to spray this chemical in my kids play area to control ants and other pests as well. Once the spray dries, is it safe for the kids to play in the grass, etc?
    Yes. Be sure the children are out of the area while you are doing the actual application and they can return as soon as the area is dry. Do not spray Onslaught on toys or play equipment.
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  • Asked by Linda from Tampa Fl
    What should I use to treat bird mites in my car?
    To treat mites in your car you could use a product like Cykick Aerosol along cracks and crevices. Then you can use a product like Sterifab on top of seat cushions. This product labeled to be used in areas where you may come in contact with.
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  • Asked by Darryl
    How fast does Onslaught kill bedbugs? Does Onslaught kill the bedbug eggs?
    Onslaught is a micro-encapsulated product. Micro-encapsulated products can take a bit longer to kill insects because the capsules need time to dry out and crack open to release the active ingredient. Most insecticides do not kill bedbug eggs which is why it is so important to do follow up treatments at 7-10 day intervals. Concentrated insecticide sprays should only be one part of a bedbug control program. You should also use an aerosol spray with a straw attachment to get into cracks and crevices and an insecticide dust in wall voids and other concealed areas.
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  • Asked by Deb from Cary, Nc
    Can Onslaught be applied at any time of day, regardless of temperature?
    Any temperature between 40F and 85F is just fine to apply Onslaught.
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  • Asked by Michelle
    What will kill bird mites in the back yard and patio furniture?
    We had a bird's nest outside our back patio door. We also found a dead baby bird covered in mites. I got rid of the bird in a near by field. My daughter went outside on the back porch and came back in with about 20-30 mites all over her. I got her in the shower and washed her up. I did some research on line and found out to get rid of the abandoned nest which has been abandoned for a couple of days now as we have been watching the birds in it. I got the nest down and sprayed and saturated the nest with pest control spray. Then to my discovery the mites were all over my patio furniture as well, so I sprayed them too. I feel like I need to spray the entire back and front yard and the furniture. Is there anything else you recommend for this. Never had this problem til about a day ago. What else could I do for the inside of the house since my kids did go in the backyard today and may have brought a few in.

    Getting rid of the bird nest is always the best course of action. The bird mites that may have made it inside on your children will die very quickly due to lack of a food source and an appropriate environment. For outdoor treatments, you can use Onslaught Insecticide. You can spray your front and back yard but you cannot spray your patio furniture. Patio furniture should be washed with soap and water and allowed to dry in the sun.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 217 questions)