Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray - 16 oz. can - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 119 questions)
  • Asked by Eric from Lawrenceburg, In
    When can I mop my floors after applying Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray - 16 oz. can, 24 hours or 2 weeks?
    Just got the floors sprayed. We have hardwood floors. I came back 9 hours later and my floors were shiny and slippery in some places. Ive read on here that you recommend that we mop in 2 weeks to some and also said we can mop in 24 hours, which is it? Theres no way this can be safe for my 1 year old to be walking and or crawling around on. It's a poison, an insecticide. Our Orkin man wore a mandatory respirator. So when can we mop this stuff up?

    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray - 16 oz. can really does not need to be applied as a broadcast across hard surfaces as this is not a habitable place for fleas to stay.  Treatments should be directed to cracks and crevices around the rooms with this flooring and any cracks in between boards. You can go ahead and mop anytime if you wish but it will remove the product from these areas.  Once dry after application the area is safe to contact though as only a small amount of active ingredient is there and is only enough to harm a small insect.

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  • Asked by Jennifer from White Oak
    Is Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray safe around pets?
    I have been told that pets do not need to be completely removed from the house when using the aerosol precor 2000, only put in a separate room until treated area is dry and ventilated. Do they need to be completely removed from house to use the precor fogger?

    Unless you're treating your entire house with Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray, your pets don't need to be removed from the home, they can just be placed in a separate room. Your pets can be allowed back to the treated areas once the treatment is completely dry.

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  • Asked by Roger from Lynch Station, Va
    Can Precor Spray be used in kitchen area?
    Kitchen has open area sunroom to one side, dog stays there most of the day and all night Can we spray dog area without having to remove dishes, pantry items, etc. from kitchen? Do we need to turn off AC/fans.
    You can safely use Precor in the needed area as long as all food has been removed from the counter tops or you put a sheet or towel over the area. Be sure not to direct spray into the cabinets or on the counters. You should not have to turn off the A/C though we do recommend you turn off the fan during th application.
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  • Asked by Val from Akron, Oh
    Is Precor 2000 Premise Spray safe in the home with birds?
    Is this product safe to use if you have birds? I know it says to allow it to dry for an hour before re-entering but my parrots are free-flying and have extensive freedom in my house, so I need to make sure that the residue left on carpets and furniture is not going to be harmful to their sensitive system in any way!
    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray should not present a safety hazard to the bird as long as it used as directed on the product label and is completely dry before contact. If your bird has any health concerns you should contact your vet before use.
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  • Asked by A from Orlando, Fl
    Can Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray kill bed bugs?
    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray is labeled only for the treatment of fleas and ticks indoors. Please click on the link below for our bed bug treatment kits.

    Bed Bug Kits
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  • Asked by Wesley from Augusta
    Is Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray toxic to walk on barefoot after a few days of application?

    Once the application of Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray has dried, it is safe to walk on barefoot. 

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  • Asked by Charles from Charleston Sc 29403
    Flea in my bathroom tub
    If you have what appears to be fleas in your bathroom tub and they arent in other areas of your home, you are most likely not dealing with fleas. It sounds like you may have springtails which to the untrained eye can look very similar to fleas. Please get a sample of the insect on a glue board or piece of tape and take it to a local pest control company or your local Cooperative Extension office to get it properly identified. Once you know what the pest is we can recommend an accurate treatment method and product for you to use.
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  • Asked by Sundie from Woodville Texas
    Can I shampoo carpet before I apply Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray?
    I wonder! I shampoo my carpets rountinely and with this Precor it is a wet application at first. Would it change the effect in working IF I shampoo my carpet prior?

    Shampooing carpet before Precor 2000 plus application would be a great help with your flea treatment. It will help to remove any organic debris the fleas may be feeding off of.

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  • Asked by Patty from Altamonte Springs
    Is Precor 2000 Plus odorless and is it toxic to people?
    Precor 2000 does have a bit of an odor as do all aerosols though we have never had a complaint that the odor is very strong or that it lingers. As long as you follow the product label and stay out of treated area until it has dried the toxicity level is relatively low.
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  • Asked by Kathleen from Dingmans Ferry Pa
    How to insure complete coverage on vinyl/tile floor ?
    I am trying to find out how to ensure that I can get complete coverage in my home. We have only tile /vinyl flooring, and we sprayed on can two weeks ago and are about to repeat, but we are now seeing more little ones. Is there a recommendation?

    With flea treatments, we do advised doing multiple treatments with the Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray. There may still be activity after two weeks because this is the pupal stage when younger stages of fleas may still emerge. Spray Precor 2000 Plus Premise 2-3 feet away from the surface and let dry. If you have pets, make sure they have been treated as well. Early stages of fleas will not have anything to latch on to if they are on tile/vinyl flooring so the problem could possibly be outdoors and they are being brought indoors as a result of that.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist with your needs.

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  • Asked by Rita from Puyallup, Wa
    What is the best way to handle treatment after spraying the Precor 2000 Plus on my carpet and floors?
    I have read in several places here to vacuum daily and wait two weeks to mop. Do I need to also spray with NyGuard and Bifen IT which was sent with the kits I purchased?

    You should vacuum before applying Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray and every day or every other day thereafter as long as you continue to see flea activity. You should concentrate this treatment on carpet, rugs, and under and behind furniture. Smooth floors such as tile or new hardwood floors may be vacuumed and do not need to be treated with a broadcast spray unless there are many grooves or cracks and crevices where flea eggs could be deposited. NyGuard IGR and Bifen IT should be diluted and applied together according to the product labels to treat outdoors. Please let us know if you have further questions.

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  • Asked by Sherry from Gridley
    Is Precor 2000 toxic to indoor pets?

    All pets should be kept out of the treatment areas while you apply Precor 2000 or any other indoor use product, and until all treated surfaces have dried. Once it has dried completely it is safe for pets to return inside and resume normal activity. 

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  • Asked by Evelyne from Cherry Hill, Nj
    Can fleas build up a resistance to Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray?
    If so, is there another product that can be safely used inside? Our cats go up in the ceiling as soon as there is a change in routine and we cannot get them down so have to stay in the house.

    We are not aware of any issues with resistance to Precor 2000 Plus in particular, however the manufacturer has already thought ahead and developed a new version of this product called Precor 2625. Precor 2625 has newer active ingredients to reduce risk of resistance, to increase safety, and to increase coverage from each can. Another similar product that you could use in rotation would be Alpine PT Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol. Please see our Flea Treatment Guide for more tips.

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  • Asked by Ella from Markham
    Why do we need two applications for Precor?
    Wouldn't the new adults that hatched after 1st application be sterile? However, if there is an IGR in this, wouldn't this 10% population be biting but sterile for 7 months and not lay fertile eggs? Can we just try to avoid being bit by them and slowly vaccum them up to avoid a second spray?

    Heavy infestations may require retreatment after 14 days with Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray.  It is rare that flea infestations are eliminated with just one application unless it is a very light infestation. Generally it take a few applications.  Vacuuming is very important when treating for fleas. For best results, vacuum thoroughly before spraying and discard or empty the vacuum bag in outside trash. Continue vacuuming frequently to help remove flea eggs and flea debris.   You can monitor the treated areas for activity and decide to reapply or not in 2 weeks.

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  • Asked by Catherine from Boulder Creek
    How many hours need to pass before vacuuming Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray?

    You should vacuum before applying Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray and then 24 hours after, every day (at least every other) for up to 2 weeks when a retreatment may be needed as well.

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  • Asked by Victoria from Leavittsburg, Ohio
    How long does it take Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray to dry?

    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray is usually dry within about 1-2 hours, depending on how heavily it was applied.

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  • Asked by Lisa from Eureka, Mo
    Trying to decide between Precor 2000, Pt Alpine Flea & Pt Ultracide Press. indoor flea sprays.
    I've read about each one & they're all similar. Can u give opinion which one u think is the best or most effective? 2 indr cats, bn battling few mos., but I am disabled & struggle to get around & being consistent till get new hip, so looking for most effective in shortest amt of time. Then agn, aren't we all? Lol Btwn those 3, unless u recommend sumthng else. Ty

    Ultracide would give the fastest results as it has an added active ingredient for a faster knockdown during application.  Be aware that fleas treatments can take time and multiple treatments depending on the level of infestation.  They are done every 2 weeks with vacuuming every day in between.  We have a guide here that can help.  

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  • Asked by Ann from Panama City, Fl
    Can I spray Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray on the bed directly?

    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray can be applied to the following areas using a sweeping motion, applying in a light uniform spray to all surfaces of furniture, rugs, carpets, drapes, and around all pet resting areas. We do not suggest applying to the surfaces with which you will have skin contact such as cushions and the surface of the mattress. It can also be applied to a dust skirt around a bed. You should not apply it to the sheets or pillows directly. Typically fleas will be down around the floor and dust skirt area. You can wash the sheets and blankets which will kill any fleas or eggs. Please take a moment to review the product label before making your application.


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  • Asked by Kyle from Lynchburg, Va
    Can I apply diatomaceous earth after applying Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray?
    I was wondering if it could soak up the residual IGR and be vacumed up leaving the surface without the long term protection the IGR gives? Thanks!
    You can apply Diatomaceous Earth under carpet. We recommend to go ahead and vacuum the carpets. This help to bring the fleas up to the surface and in contact with the D.E. You want to stick with applications to, cracks and crevices; behind and beneath appliances, cabinets, and garbage areas; around sewer pipes, drains, foundations, and windows; in attics and basements; on patios; along baseboards; under carpeting; in and around pet bedding and sleeping quarters. You can use Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray inside your home. Please check out our video How to Get Rid of Fleas.
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  • Asked by Jackie from Mobile, Al
    Is Precor 2000 Plus Premise spray safe to use on carpeted cat condo that cat sleeps on daily?

    Premise 2000 Plus Premise Flea Spray is fine on the carpeted cat condo. It is recommended that you keep your pet out of the area until the product has had time to dry completely. Once the product has had time to dry, it is safe for your cat to sleep there. Be sure to vacuum this the best that you can to agitate the fleas and eggs so that they can be eliminated.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 119 questions)