Customer Reviews for Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray - 16 oz. can

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4.7 of 5 stars
(226 customer reviews)
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The only thing that worked for me

    By Kenya on 09/19/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I recently discovered a flea infestation in my apartment a few weeks ago. I've never experienced a problem like this before, as we have an indoor only cat, so I had no idea what I was up against. I got my cat to the vet and on Revolution, and then looked around online trying to figure out the best way to kill the fleas in the apartment. We used bombs at first, but that didn't seem to do anything at all. There were just as many fleas. I vacuumed every inch of the apartment every day, and while that did help some, it still didn't get rid of all the fleas, and they were still jumping on me and my husband. I tried a couple of flea carpet sprays from the store, but those didn't work very well. I tried using boric acid, and that killed some of them, but it didn't kill them all, and we were still getting bit up from fleas. I even tried using one of those flea traps, but that didn't catch too many. The whole situation was a nightmare! I figured I needed something stronger and something that could really get down into the carpets, so I got back online and did some research. I had heard about Precor in the past, but ignored it, as I thought I could take care of the flea problem myself with store bought products. Defeated by everything else I had tried, I typed in Precor to see what others had to say about it on forums, and the majority of people had good results with it. Precor 2000 Plus was recommended, so I figured I'd try it. I was very skeptical at first, as I had already tried so many other things that didn't work. I ordered the Precor on a Tuesday, and it was delivered to me at work on Friday. My cat had a vet appointment that day, so I had her stay at the vet all day while I sprayed the apartment. I went home for lunch that day, and started spraying. Very very strong smelling stuff. Very "chemically". I had on a mask, though. I opened the doors and windows before I sprayed, but the fumes are still really strong while you're spraying. I got everything sprayed: carpets, floors, couch, chairs, under the bed, closets, window sills, baseboards, etc. I left all the windows open, fans blowing, and air conditioning on, so the place could air out, and then went back to work. After work and picking up my cat from the vet, I came home. The floors and everything was dry, although there was still a little of the Precor smell lingering (the rest disappeared after a little longer). I took off my shoes and walked around the carpet. Nothing. No fleas. Not one! I was still a little skeptical wondering if one would jump on my feet and ankles, but nothing did. It's been 3 days now, and still have not seen even one flea! Not even when walking around in white socks! I read somewhere that it's best to keep vacuuming everyday for 2 weeks after applying this product, to encourage any eggs to hatch into the spray residue, and I am doing that. Ah, it's so nice to be able to relax when at home, without getting bit up by fleas! This product is a God send, and I will definitely be ordering another can to have on hand!

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    203 of 206 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This stuff works!!

    By Alex on 04/01/2009

    Verified Purchase

    I have a lot of pets and had a perpetual flea problem until I started using the Precor 2000 Plus Premise spray and now I do not see a flea at all. Used regularly, once a month in my fur-filled home, and you will not have a flea problem anymore. I have used about every other product out there and Precor is the best by far. This stuff works!

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    118 of 120 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It's the best for flea and tick control

    By Sheila on 06/11/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I've used this product for years and it's the best. If a flea or tick rides into the house on your pet, it will die. It won't have time to lay eggs, but eggs would not live either. One can treats my entire 1300 sq ft house for 7 months on a clean carpet. What I really like is that it doesn't have an aroma that aggravates my allergies. Once the product settles down after spraying, it's odorless.

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    115 of 117 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best stuff hands down!

    By Greg on 03/19/2010

    I purchased this stuff mid-summer last year. My dog and cat were bringing in fleas like crazy. One treatment (2 cans) for the whole house, and not a single flea after that. I sprayed on my couch and 5 days later I lifted the cushion and dead fleas everywhere. This is well worth the price.

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    91 of 92 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It is the best

    By Ss on 04/14/2008

    Used Precor 2000 Plus before as pest inspector recommended. It is the best!

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    67 of 70 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000

    By Paula on 08/18/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I have a grooming and boarding business and swear by this stuff. I have NEVER had any fleas spread after using this spray. My husband is in pest control and this is the stuff they use as well. I HIGHLY recommend.

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    46 of 47 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product. Great price.

    By Me on 02/04/2009

    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray really is the best. NOTHING else has worked in the past. It actually does what it says.

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    38 of 38 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000

    By Mary on 07/15/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Excellent product for killing fleas. It has a very strong smell so you have to vacate premise for several hours. We sprayed over two weeks ago and still don't have re-infestation. I highly recommend this product for those who have animals in the house. We also used the Petcor spray for our cats, they didn't like it, it kills the fleas almost instantly but once they go back outside they get more critters on them.

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    36 of 36 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    it worked!

    By Sarah on 09/22/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Honestly I tried everything to get rid of a sudden infestation of fleas in my house. I'm allergic to flea bites, I could not walk through the house without getting covered in fleas. We tried bug bombs (12 bombs) from our local super center, powders, sprays, borax, D.E. nothing was working. I was at my wits' ends. We couldn't stay in the house or afford an exterminator. I heard about this product while continuing my search for things to kill fleas. We ordered 2 cans to start with, I followed the directions, did not to cover the sq ft it indicates on the can but in retrospect I may have over applied it. But it worked right away, it killed EVERY bug that touched a treated surface, the fleas did not come back its been a month and nothing. And I know its still working from the dead beetles/flies/moths I keep finding I ordered 6 more cans right away, but have not used them, no need. I gave one to a friend who has also been fighting fleas. I love this stuff so much it saved my sanity.

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    31 of 32 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000 Plus

    By Ky on 10/21/2010

    This stuff is amazing. I had used it before, approx. 2 years ago, and it kept working until this year when I discovered a few fleas in the house. I still had some left so I used that and ordered more. Before the new order had even arrived, it had again done the trick! Having had pets in the house for over forty years, I've had numerous flea battles and I must say, this stuff is the best product I have ever used.

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    30 of 32 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Louise on 11/17/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We had a very serious flea infestation for several months and no amount of spraying with store products worked, nor did the natural alternatives. We finally had an exterminator come and spray with a Precor product. Over the next few days, we still had fleas, but the exterminator had told us that they would not be able to reproduce and slowly die off. I purchased this spray because I wanted to kill off these adult fleas once and for all. After spraying the entire basement which was really easy with the spray, we didn't see anymore fleas. I wish I had known about this site and the products sooner. The shipping was fast and I will definitely use this site again right away if we ever have this problem again. Thanks for helping homeowners get their hands on professional products and not waste time and money on those useless sprays in the store!

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    30 of 30 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Service

    By Danny on 09/11/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I saw the guy working for the company we hired to get rid of our fleas, walking in with a couple aerosol cans. I noticed they said Precor 2000. He said, "Oh yeah, this is great stuff. One can will normally treat a whole story of your house." At that moment, I think he realized what he was doing. He was a younger guy and started mumbling about it being industrial strength and only accessible to professionals. Well of course the first thing I did was look it up. I found I could get 2 cans at domyownpestcontrol for about 17 bucks each. $34 is much cheaper that the $170 bucks he charged me. I think I can figure out how to operate the can for $136. Thanks guys. I will be frequenting this site first from now on.

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    28 of 28 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Superior Performance

    By Mary on 07/02/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Precore 2000 Plus Premise Spray is the most efficient, cost effective product on the market for the total control of fleas and ticks in the home. No other product has performed as well as this.

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    18 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Flea situation under control

    By Mike on 07/31/2011

    WOW. Just one thorough application of this product and I can honestly say, this product works. Make sure your pet has some sort of flea protection as well, and in a few days, you will see zero fleas. I used the new product called Pet Armor for my dogs and Procor 2000 for the fleas who decided to take up residence in my home. Goodbye you little miniature creatures from hell!

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    17 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Flea Killer

    By Tony on 10/03/2011

    I did with this $20 product basically the same thing the terminix guy would have done for $130.00. I went from walking down my hallway and seeing 3 or 4 fleas on my feet & ankles to none for over 7 days now! I would definitely use this product again.

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    15 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000

    By Sheila on 05/26/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I've been using this product for 10 years and can't find it in my local area anymore. We live in a wooded area and it is the only thing I've found that lasts as long as 7 months. If a tick or flea rides in on the dog, it dies pretty quickly so there is no risk of laying eggs. Every spring, I clean the carpeting and treat the house with this and it has never failed to live up to expectations.

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    14 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    house infested with fleas

    By Tb on 08/30/2011

    Verified Purchase

    house was literally loaded with fleas due to renters having two cats and two dogs. I tried four flea bombs and that did nothing. I tried the precor 2000 and it was total devestation. I have checked twice a week for over three weeks and there is absolutely no sign of fleas anywhere! I thought I was going to have to remove all the carpeting, but now I can rent the property again knowing everything is clean. A great product!

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    14 of 14 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Glorious Relief from Major Flea Infestation

    By Mary on 11/17/2017

    We have no pets, but got a huge flea infestation after dog sitting for a relative whose pets, unbeknownst to us, had them. Our house is huge and covered in carpet. Those little buggers were everywhere! It was horrible. We tried all things, Diatomaceous Earth, flea sprays, vacuuming, and laundering bed sheets every day. It wasn't until we used Precor 2000 that the tides turned, and instantaneously at that. It killed everything alive immediately. It gave us a whole new life. Before that, I couldn't stand to be in my own house. We did use it twice, applying the second time 14 days after the first. That really did the trick. We are now blissfully flea free! For any review that says it didn't have the coverage they needed, I can almost guarantee it was user error. It sprays in a large cloud like mist, and covered my home top to bottom. (3 bedrooms, two hallways, 2 stairways, dining room, kitchen, and living room). It was easy to use, worked like a dream, and we only had to be out of the house for an hour before it dried. I'd recommend it to anyone (including in quite a passive aggressive way to my in-laws who started this whole mess! Hah!).

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    14 of 14 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff

    By P. on 12/02/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I didn't have too much of a flea infestation on my cat, caught it just in time and gave her a flea treatment, but I still ordered this stuff to treat the indoor environment. It is a bit oily at first when you put it on hardwood floor but that disappears when it dries. I didn't see any spots or so after it dried, however on glass surfaces it leaves a milky hue but then I guess it's not meant to go on glass. I sprayed it lightly on our leather furniture too and there is no residue either. The smell is unpleasant but if you keep all windows open for a few hours it disappears quickly. One can treated my 900sqft house with the upholstery. I can't say anything about its effectiveness because the cat didn't really drop the fleas anywhere I guess but maybe I didn't see anything because it is so effective on the other hand. So all in all I have no complaints and think this is a good product. I will reapply it again soon to be sure.

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Yikes! Fleas!

    By Peggy on 05/20/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Almost overnight we had a flea infestation. The vet said it was because of a warm, rainy winter. Just what fleas love. Initially, because one grandson has asthma, I really didn't want to spray the inside of our house. We treated the yard twice and the dog 3 times and still couldn't get a handle on the situation. After about 3 weeks of making no real progress, I ordered the Precore 2000, opened the house up for the day and got busy treating carpets, baseboards, and furniture. This product works great! The 'flea numbers' began to drop. Because we were going to be out of town for the first week-end in May, I did a last minute vacuuming and sprayed again. Praise God! We are flea free!

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    13 of 14 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Sand Fleas seem to be gone!

    By Dale on 07/06/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This company had a great turn around time for getting the product to us! I am very pleased with the final results and will be a repeat (and safety conscious) customer for other do-it-yourself pesticide treatments.

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Worked on ticks!

    By Lj on 08/21/2012

    Verified Purchase

    After trying several other products for a brown dog tick infestation in our home, we found this product. Our dogs had brought the ticks into our home and during a time that we were away from the home for a few weeks several of the adult female ticks laid eggs. It was awful! It did take two full house treatments - one week apart - but it worked magic! We had been battling them for over a month when we found this product. We had a pest control company come in four times and we still were finding dozens of live ticks every day! When we finally contacted another pest control company this is the product that they used. After one treatment the results were very noticeable and after the second treatment we were almost tick free. I purchased several cans for myself and every week or so I will retreat a room that the dogs spend a lot of time in just to be sure. Follow the directions exactly and you should get the same results.

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Tamra on 05/14/2013

    I had an infestation so bad I ALMOST JUST MOVED. I'm highly allergic to fleas as well. I easily had 200+ bites on me. You name it, I tried it to rid myself of these bastards. Googled and tried every remedy available... then this. WITHIN 2 DAYS OF SPRAYING I HAD ZERO FLEAS. I cried I was so happy. In addition, I also spray my lawn with that stuff you can attach to your garden hose. Life is good again. I order from epestsolutions. FREE SHIPPING !!

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very Happy with results!

    By Renay on 05/28/2014

    Verified Purchase

    We were paying a pest control company for years to treat fleas with no results. We had them come to our home every 3-6 weeks in the last five months, and our pets were still covered in fleas. We decided to cancel and try this ourselves. I vacuumed the day after our treatment and found dead fleas all over the house! I never saw a dead flea when the pest control company sprayed. Our pets still have a few on them after the third day, so will re-treat in two weeks as directed. Our floors were slippery after treatment - we have tile and laminate flooring, but that has subsided. There was no odor either! Very happy with this product! We are saving money and found an effective solution!

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This is so simple!

    By Happy on 02/08/2016

    I started dating this lady and she has a 85 pound dog inside. We got serious and she moved in. Immediately, I started seeing fleas after I vacuumed the hardwood. (I am very anal and the house has to be spotless.) I have no carpet in my house. All hardwood and tile. 2500 square feet, two story. I was vacuuming every day and so sick of it. My vacuum is bagless. Clear container so I can see if the fleas are there. Always they were there. I was freaking out. We did two things, she went to the vet and got Vectra 3d and used it on him. I took some Walmart can spray for immediate treatment of his bed, and then I ordered Precor. Once it arrived, I cleaned all my floors like a mad man. That morning before work, I sprayed all the areas that he typically frequents. I was able to use one 16 ounce can to treat all that I thought needed it. I did not spray the rooms where I keep the doors shut upstairs because he does not go in them. So one can sprayed a lot. It has been 3 weeks and every time I vacuum, no fleas. NONE. I still have one can on the shelve and will use it later when I need it. I love this woman and the dog is going to stay so I will just have to keep treating the house, dog, and yard periodically. Not that hard to do when you love someone. The biggest thing I like about Precor is the application. Trust me, spraying from a can is much better, eaiser, and effective than a pump sprayer. Do not try a concentrate that you have to mix in a sprayer and spray your hose. Horrible experience. Well, that is unless you live in a house with all carpet.

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000 Plus

    By Chris on 08/10/2015

    Sprayed carpets one time and the next day they were gone. Vacuumed carpets and fleas are gone. Fantastic product. Didn't even have to apply a second coat.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Please note, most homes will require a second application after 14 days to eliminate the late stage of leas that were protected from the original application. You can red more about implementing a complete flea program here:

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bought what my pest control co. used

    By P on 09/20/2014

    Verified Purchase

    After spending much for fleas (I don't even have an animal), I saw what pest control used and ordered it from Do My Own Pest Control. Although they did a second spray 21 days after, I don't think it was really necessary as the Precor 2000 Plus spray seemed to last getting those who hatched. Good product.....will spray myself if this happens again and now feel secure because of this product which I know works.

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent stuff for fleas!

    By Gail on 10/08/2011

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff is excellent, you have to vacuum though. I have recommended this to friends who have had fleas and they love it also!!

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray for Ticks

    By Buddy on 10/26/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Had serious brown and gray tick infestation. Were not on dogs, just in bed. Sprayed Precor once on baseboard of room and haven't seen any in four days.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Precor 2000 Plus

    By Tina on 12/09/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Due to an extremely dry year, I developed a problem with ticks indoors. After trying many over the counter products that were ineffective, I went online and read about DoMyOwnPest Control. I decided to buy Precor 2000 Plus Spray to help eliminate the problem. Within a week, there was a substantial difference and within a month, they were all eliminated. This has been the ONLY product I have found to be effective in killing all stages of ticks.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

Displaying 1 to 30 (of 186 reviews)