Customer Reviews for Provoke Professional Gel for Rat Traps

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3.2 of 5 stars
(28 customer reviews)
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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works like a Pro

    By Eric on 07/13/2010

    I used the Victor Rat Trap M326 Pro the day that I received the product, I caught 2 rats in the attic the very same night!! The traps are much easier to be triggered by the rats than the regular traps that you could buy from Home Depot. I used Provoke Rat Attractant on one of the rat traps and the other one I used peanut butter.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Rat attractant

    By Carl on 09/23/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Worked OK. This bait caught 1 rat in 4 days. I added acorns to the traps and caught 4 more in less than 24 hours. I guess its all about knowing what your rats like!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Rodents are gone

    By Nils on 04/29/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Have numerous poultry pens in my old stanchion dairy barn. Late winter I noticed a sudden rat population in the heifer barn and active mice in the unoccupied cow stable. Had set numerous Victor traps and one Havahart. Caught one large rat in the Havahart. After that; hadn't caught any mice or rats. Sent for and received Provoke for rats and one for mice. Baited my Victor traps and the second night, I caught a large female rat. After that, I have seen no rodent activity. The product Provoke has a very distinct odor. My thought is: They just got a whiff of the stuff and decided ti leave town. Will Keep the Provoke handy in case they decide to return.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Provoke Rat Attractant

    By Francisco on 12/09/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We experience a more than average pack rats in our area. We us this attractant with the Z traps and have good results.

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    4 of 4 people found this review helpful

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