PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 95 questions)
  • Asked by Jc from New York
    Can I spray Phantom II Aerosol Spray into my (empty) dresser drawers?
    Then put clothes back in there once the formula dries?

    Phantom II Aerosol Spray can be applied to cracks of drawers only (inside edges and along the runners on the outside).  Once dry, you can put clothes back in.

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  • Asked by Jacob from Scottsdale
    If I use PT Phantom II in my kitchen pantry for pantry moth, is the odor dangerous?

    It is safe to use Phantom Aerosol as a crack and crevice spray indoors in areas such as a pantry. Be sure that you do not spray in a way that contaminates food or utensils, and the you do not contact the treated area until it is dry. If there is a lingering odor, then we suggest ventilating the area thoroughly until the odor has dissipated before re-entering the area. For complete safety details, you can view the SDS here.

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  • Asked by Amy
    Why can't one buy Phantom in NY?
    I love your website.
    Some states have certain regulations and restrictions regarding pest control products. New York is the most restrictive state, and they do not allow us to ship most insecticides to residents that live there. We do have a page just for New York resident, so that they may see what products we are allowed to ship to to New York : NY Pest Control Products. We are glad that you liked our website!
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  • Asked by Richard from New York, New York
    What is an equivalent of PT Phantom that's available for sale and shipment to New York State
    I can't find anything even remotely similar that is also a non repellent residual for ant control indoors.

    We apologize, but there is not a similar product to the PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide that could go to New York.  New York has very tough restrictions on what they allow homeowners to purchase when it comes to professional grade products.  They prefer that licensed, trained professionals only handle the products.  We do have a New York Indoor Ant Control Kit that we would recommend.

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  • Asked by Pavel from Ny
    Which product has the longest residual between Phantom II Aerosol and Alpine PT Insecticide Aerosol with no IGR?

    The Phantom II Aerosol is going to provide the longest residual time with up to 30 days. The Alpine PT Insecticide is going to have a contact kill only affect. 

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  • Asked by Maria from Laveen, Az
    Can PT Phantom II be used to get rid of cigarette beetles?
    I have a problem with cigarette bettles in my closet, bathroom, and now bedroom.

    PT Phantom II is labeled for beetles in general, but not for cigarette beetles specifically.  It can be used in the cracks and crevices in the closet, bathroom, and bedroom.  If you want to use something that’s labeled specifically for cigarette beetles, you can use D-Force Insecicide. D-Force is also included in our Panty Pest Kit which also includes pantry pest traps that have an added pheromone to the glue that will attract pantry pests including cigarette bettles.

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  • Asked by Linda from Detroit, Mi
    Does Phantom II Aerosol Spray also kill the bed bugs eggs?


    There are a few insecticides that claim to kill bedbug eggs. Phantom II Aerosol Spray Sterifab and Bedlam. You should note that those insecticides that claim to kill bedbug eggs must be directly sprayed on the eggs and they are only about 75%-85% effective at actually killing the egg. You will still be required to do retreatments every 7-10 days until you do not receive any more bedbug bites and also see no further evidence that they are active (blood stains, feces or cast skins).

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  • Asked by Mari from Canoga Park California
    Does Phantom II work for German roaches?
    I sprayed with Phantom II five days ago for German roaches. I also put down glue traps and put Vendetta Plus gel in my upper cabinets. I am still seeing roaches on the wall and walking along carpets. Does activity increase when you spray and gel? When should I see a reduction in them? I keep a clean house but live in an apartment building.

    Phantom II Aerosol will start working immediately on the roaches that come into contact with any treated surfaces. It is not likely that you would see roach activity increase during treatment, but keep in mind that it is not a contact kill type of product, so they will not die as soon as they touch it. It will start to work on their system and they will start getting weaker and dying within a few hours of contact. The Vendetta Plus also contains a growth regulator (IGR) which will further help to control the population.  However, please keep in mind that roaches are difficult to control, so it will likely take more than 5 days to see full results.  Moderate roach infestations can take a few weeks to get rid of, and severe infestations can take several months even when using all of the products needed (insecticide, IGR, roach bait), and sanitation is up to par.

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  • Asked by Josh from Concord, Nc
    Does Phantom II Aerosol Spray kill fleas?

    Phantom II Aerosol Spray is not labeled for fleas. PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol contains an adulticide and an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), which would make it a great option for flea control. 

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  • Asked by Ron from Eugene, Or
    Does Phantom II spray come with a straw applicator for tiny crevices?

    Yes, Phantom II Aerosol comes with a crack and crevice straw. 

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  • Asked by Nick
    Is it safe to use Phantom for ant control around my hot water heater and furnace? Thank you.
    It is completely safe to use around your furnace and water heater as long as the pilot light is not on during application. The heat from the furnace could potentially cause the Phantom to break down on the surface and not have as long of a residual but it would work great for ant control in those areas. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Lisa from Richardson Texas
    Treating for bed bugs
    I have sprayed all the mattresses with BEDLAM, let them dry and have put mattress encasements on and box spring encasements. Zip tied them shut. I sprayed the frame of all three beds. the kids rooms there are toys toys toys!!! Books, baby dolls, stuffed animals, Legos, ect... I have put them in the middle of the room and an feelng pretty overwhelmed looking at the pile and wonder, how do I tackle this? I also still have to hit the closets. So my question is: how do I handle all these toys? I can't bag them and put them away for a 1 & 1/2 year. Would you put the toys in a bag, spray them with bedlam, close the bag up for a week or so and then wash them In the dishwasher? And do you think the bugs would be In the Legos? Very overwhelmed. Should I spray the game room since the kids take toys back and forth from the game room to the bedrooms? Sorry so long and thanks for your help.

    You are not alone in this Bed Bug Battle. We do not recommend spraying the toys with Bedlam. When it comes to furniture and mattresses, you really want to apply to seams and folds.We recommend using Nuvan Strips. You can put the items like toys into plastic bins or tightly sealed trash bags. You want to leave them sealed for 1-2 weeks. Nuvan Strips kill by vapors that emerge slowly over time and control pests exposed to the vapors. Bed bugs can enter pretty much anywhere, even nail heads. They can enter inside of legos. Yes, you do want to spray the play room. In fact, it is highly recommended to re treat once every two weeks. Keep treating until you have gone 30 days without any evidence of bed bugs. We would also recommend to read our article How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs. You will read that it really takes more than one product to eradicate Bed Bugs. Please visit our bed bug kits which do include Bedlam. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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  • Asked by Edwin from Orlando, Fl
    Is Phantom effective on ghost ants??
    Hello, we have it seems a few colonies of Ghost Ants within our walls here in Orlando FL. We contacted an exterminator and he has been here nearly every week for 4-5 weeks baiting and re-baiting with Maxforce Quantum. He also treated the outside perimeter with ALPINE. Unfortunately the Maxforce seems to work very slow and dries quickly leaving the ghost ants not interested anymore. I visited a bug control store here in FL who recommended using Optiguard bait and to reapply ever couple days to ensure it stays wet. He also recommended to use Phantom aerosol around the baseboard perimeter. Does Phantom aerosol work well for ghost ants ? I do not want to undo or interfere with the work the exterminator is doing, he explained we must be patient to ensure the colony is destroyed but it seems to take forever with the Maxforce Quantum and within 1-2 days its dried up and he doesn't come back for another 5 days leaving the ants to start foraging further and further again. I want to treat the baseboards and cracks in the areas they are coming in from and appear with PHANTOM spray in addition to the Maxforce bait he is using but do not see that it mentions anything about its effect on ghost ants. Thanks for your help

    While Phantom Aerosol is an excellent product for ants, using bait is better for ghost ants. A product such as Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel is a better solution for ghost ants. Another good treatment method is using dust, such as Delta Dust Insecticide and a hand duster. The dust will go inside the wall voids, crack and crevices and basically places that are not easily sprayed. Delta Dust is a wonderful product because it is waterproof.

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  • Asked by Mitch from Lexington, Sc
    Why Is this product soooo expensive?
    What makes this product so good that it cost so much? I can go to Lowes and get 6 pack of wasp spray for lest than one can of this stuff, and it shoots a lot further. I was wondering why this stuff is so expensive?
    The products that we carry, such as Phantom Aerosol, are all professional grade products so the prices will be different then something that you can buy in a local store. There is likely more of the active ingredient in the products that we carry as well. However, we do offer free shipping and no tax to most places in the US. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by Dennis from Phoenix Az
    Phantom 2 aerosol
    I was reading the label and it says I have to be registererd/licnesed by the state to buy and apply this. Can I still buy and apply it?
    Phantom Aerosol can be shipped to you as long as it is not restricted your state. You can see the restricted states on the product page. 
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  • Asked by Kathy from Bauxite, Ar
    How or can you rid a fifth wheel camper that is overrun with little black or red ants inside and out?
    Recently purchased this camper, went camping and an hour or so later the counters were covered with ants, used baits and got rid of some of them. We took it back to the dealer and they used a bomb inside, killed a lot of them but they are still there, they are crawling on the outside of the camper as well. I recently purchased some Talstar from your company but I am unsure about how to get rid of the ants in the walls....never done this before so I would like some info before I ever start. Thanks in advance and hope you can help me.
    Phantom Aerosol would be a good choice for you. Phantom should be applied around baseboards, door frames, window frames and places where utilities (cables, pipes and wires) enter through the wall as these are the most likely places for the ants to enter/exit. Phantom is a non-repellent insecticide that has a delayed reaction which allows ants time to get back to the colony and spread the product. In essence, the ants will not be able to tell that the product is in place and they will pick it up on the fine hairs all over their body and inadvertently carry it back to the colony where over a course of a few days it will knock out the entire colony. Phantom works really well because you don't have to worry about whether the ants will all take the bait, they just need to walk over the treated areas.
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  • Asked by Nancy from Geneva, Il
    Is PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide effective on pantry moths?

    Yes, PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide is labeled for Indian Meal Moths. It is safe to use PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide as a crack and crevice spray indoors in areas such as a pantry, but be sure that you do not spray in a way that contaminates food or utensils, and that you do not contact the treated area until it is dry. Make sure to follow the application instructions on the product label

    Another option is to use our Panty Pest Kit which includes D-Force Insecticide instead and pantry pest traps that have an added pheromone to the glue that will attract pantry pests like Indian Meal Moths.

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  • Asked by Jason from Meadville
    Is PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide only available as an aerosol?

    PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide is only available in an aerosol. Phantom is available in a concentrate. 

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  • Asked by Rob from Jersey
    Will PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide kill flies? Thanks

    PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide is labeled to kill flies as directed on the label.

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  • Asked by Addison from Redmond, Washington
    Once the application of PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide has dried, can I steam mop the floor or will that remove the residual?

    PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide should be applied as a crack and crevice application where pests may harbor, run or hide therefore if steaming the floors, we would recommend staying a few inches away from where you've applied as it will remove the residual. 

    Crack and crevice applications should be made in openings around pipes, sinks, under refrigerators, behind baseboards, washing machines, stoves, cabinets, around windows, doors, in closets etc. Please review the product label for more information. 

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 95 questions)