PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 107 questions)
  • Asked by Tracy
    How long do you wait to vacuum rugs after application?
    I most recently bought Ultracide from my local pest control store and applied it to my carpets. I have one particular hallway that is the most affected area. It seems all the adult fleas have been killed and now we only see the tiny little fleas. Should I continue to vacuum the rugs to get rid of these little fleas? The pest control person told me to wait at least one week to see if the product truly worked, and I should not vacuum or clean the floors because it would remove the product from the carpets and floors. Is this a good idea since the eggs can lay dormant for some time before hatching?
    It is our recommendation and industry standard that you vacuum immediately before the application of Ultracide and every day or every other day after the application for the next two weeks. Vacuums can physically remove a decent percentage of flea eggs that are in the carpet, along with much of the organic crud that the flea larvae feed on. A critical part of the diet of the larva is dried blood, present there as fecal material from the fleas that are on the pets. Wherever the pets spend time they will shed the fecal matter and the eggs, so it is extremely important that you focus on these potential hot spots where the pets sleep. A vacuum also will remove a small percentage of larvae, but the larva is pretty tenacious, and will wrap around the carpet fibers down there at the base of the pile, and hold on for dear life as the vacuum passes by. The pupa is even tougher to physically remove, for it uses fibers as part of its "cocoon". But, the vacuum will stimulate the flea adults still in their pupa form to quickly emerge as the adult, and at this point perhaps be sucked up in the vacuum. Even if they are not removed by the vacuum, at least they now are exposed and susceptible to your treatment. After two weeks most infestations require that you do a second application of the Ultracide and continue with the vacuuming.
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  • Asked by Katie
    Is Ultracide flea spray safe to use around children and pets?
    I am concerned about a chemical application for obvious reasons. If you spray Ultracide aerosol on your carpet, sofa, chairs, bed etc. does it have the potential of making myself children and pets sick? It can't be a good thing. Are there any secret to use this as effectively as possible without harming loved ones?
    Ultracide is a very safe and effective flea control product that is used widely by professional companies such as Terminix and Orkin in homes with children and pets all the time.  As long as you follow the directions on the product label, there are no issues with anyone in the home being sick.  You should only apply this product to carpeted areas and upholstered areas.  Do not apply on top of couches and chairs where people rest their arms, fleas do not breed in these areas.  You would want to spray around the foot of the furniture, and underneath couch cushions.  You should have children and pets in another room while you are treating.  After treatment allow 30 minutes to dry and then it is perfectly safe for children and pets to re-enter the room.
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  • Asked by Kasie from Loganville, Ga
    What is the best indoor flea killer?
    I have used every "buy it in store" flea killer you could purchase. I even brushed sevens dust in the carpet. It killed most of the fleas, but now I have the little rice larva looking things crawling in my carpets. I have a dog and cat, but he is treated regularly. Any advice on what to buy from you guys? I just want these stupid things GONE.
    We recommend using Ultracide for indoor fleas. Ultracide is a very effective flea control aerosol that provides immediate kill of adult fleas and prevents formation of new adults from eggs or larvae. Ultracide is a very safe and effective flea control product that is used widely by professional companies such as Terminix and Orkin in homes with children and pets all the time.  You should only apply Ultracide to carpeted areas and upholstered areas.  Do not apply on top of couches and chairs where people rest their arms, fleas do not breed in these areas. You would want to spray around the foot of the furniture, and underneath couch cushions.  You should have children and pets in another room while you are treating.  After treatment, allow 30 minutes to dry and then it is perfectly safe for children and pets to re-enter the room. Vacuum immediately before the treatment and every other day for the next 14 days. A second treatment may be needed after 14 days for heavy infestations.
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  • Asked by Brooklyn
    How long does it take Ultracide to dry before I can go in the room?
    Typically, Ultracide should be dry and it will be safe to re-enter the room 30 minutes after application of the product.
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  • Asked by Steve
    Does Ultracide flea spray work on concrete basement floors?
    I've heard that with sprays, they are soaked into the concrete and not as effective.
    Ultracide does work on nearly all surfaces, including concrete floors.  Since concrete floors are very porous, an aerosol works well because the particle size of the product is so small it can evenly coat the porous surface and work its way in tiny cracks and crevices where the fleas like to lay their eggs.  If you were to look at concrete under a microscope, it would look like the moon, full of large cracks and crevices and crater like indentations.  Aerosol particles are so small they can fill these quite easily and therefore work very well on concrete surfaces.
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  • Asked by Michelle
    I have used Ultracide for three weeks now, but I am still finding tiny fleas on my cat. What should I do?
    We are vacuuming a few times per week, have applied Ultracide to all furniture, carpet, hardwood and drapes (home is mostly hardwood). Disposed of cat bedding. Cat (indoor animal) has been treated with Revolution three weeks ago. There are no visible fleas in the home, but the cat still has 15 or so tiny fleas each day when I use flea comb. What do I do next?
    Ultracide should be used once every two weeks until you do not see fleas any longer. Light to moderate infestations will require at least 2 treatments and heavy  infestations may require three treatments. The product sounds like it is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, as you are not finding the large adult fleas, only the very small juvenile fleas that are emerging from their cocoons. At this point, you should treat again (be sure to wait at least two weeks from the time of your last treatment) and keep up the vacuuming.
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  • Asked by Marsha
    How long should you wait to mop after you have applied Ultracide to a tile floor?
    Will I need to reapply the Ultracide after mopping?
    You should thoroughly vacuum the tile floor before applying the Ultracide, paying special attention to all cracks and crevices. This will help remove a great deal of the flea eggs, pupae and the debris they can develop in. Mopping can be done before the application and you should wait to mop for about two weeks after the application. Please test the Ultracide on an inconspicuous area of the tile to be sure it does not mar the finish.
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  • Asked by Adam from St. Paul Mn
    4 weeks of Ultracide and fleas are still terrible- is this normal?
    I have a severe infestation of fleas in my home and have been using Ultracide to treat them for exactly 4 weeks today. I have been applying to ALL floor surfaces, washing linen daily and vacuuming all floor surfaces daily during this time. I noticed the "knock down" the day I first used it and for the first two weeks the population seemed to be steadily dropping off. I have not seen any full grown brown adults in the past 2 weeks which is reassuring but In the past several days the population seems to be rebounding and I'm very worried they are developing a tolerance to it. Last night was so bad I didn't sleep because as soon as I lay down I felt them crawling all over me in bed (while wearing long sleeve clothing and flea repellent no less) Is tolerance to Ultracide a possibilty? If so, what do I do next?
    You are doing exactly what you should be doing. If you are still seeing fleas, it is possible that the problem was worse than you initally though. You will need to do treatments with the Ultracide until the fleas are completely gone. You will also keep vacuuming daily for the 14 days. The fleas will not build up a tolerance to it.
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  • Asked by Curtis
    When dry, is Ultracide safe to walk on in bare feet?
    Yes. Ultracide is formulated to be used on carpets in homes where the manufacturer knew people would walk with bare feet, children would sit and play and pets would rest. As long as you follow the product label and allow the treated areas to dry before walking on them there will be no issues.
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  • Asked by Tracy
    Do I need to reapply Ultracide?
    I applied Ultracide to my carpets just a little over two weeks ago and to my beds, couch, and car carpets and seats just a little over one week ago. I have been vacuuming non-stop everywhere everyday since our problem began just a little over three weeks ago. I disposed of the vacuum contents each time. I don't see any fleas, but I am still getting itchy areas on my skin after vacuuming and spending periods of time inside the house. After inspecting the itchy areas on my skin, I find very tiny one hole pin pricks at the center of the itchy area. I don't think I have the typical reaction to flea bites that result in the tiny lifted red bump. After awhile, the itchy areas go away and the pin pricks heal. Do you think I still have fleas? Should I reapply the Ultracide to everything again or just continue doing what I am doing? But for how long?
    If you still had fleas then you would definitely see them.  If you are not seeing any fleas but you are still itching and seeing signs of bites on your body, then we would recommend seeing a dermatologist to see if you can get the itchy areas identified with anything.  Fleas are definitely noticeable.  One way to determine if you have fleas is to place a white sock over your hand and arm and slide it across the floor.  The small black fleas should be easy to identify on the white sock and will let you know if you still have activity or not.  If you do still have some fleas then you should treat again.  Flea Treatments almost always take 2 to 3 treatments and should be applied every 14 days since the flea eggs hatch every 14 days.
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  • Asked by Erin from Nj
    How long does Ultracide take to work?
    We first noticed fleas in the house about 3 weeks ago. We gave the cats (3, all indoor) flea baths and treated them with Advantage, as advised by our vet. We ordered Ultracide and sprayed the entire house 5 days ago. Initially, we saw less fleas. However, last night I got bit 5 times (I had never been bit previously) and my husband was bit 7 times. We've been vacuuming every single day. Is it necessary to move furniture and spray every inch of the carpet/floor with Ultracide? Do we then have to move the furniture and vacuum every single inch? We haven't moved anything and have only sprayed/vacuumed the visible, easy-to-reach locations.
    What you are describing is very normal when dealing with flea infestations. You will need to vacuum and spray with Ultracide all of the carpet, paying special attention to the places the cats like to spend time resting. This initial spray application will help knockdown the jumping biting adults that are present at the time of the application. The daily followup vacuuming will help speed up the life cycle of the flea so that the pupae (immature fleas) will become exposed to the insecticide. You will need to do a second application to get any of the stragglers. You should expect to see fleas, usually smaller than the ones you were seeing before, for a couple of weeks after you start treating.
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  • Asked by Lynette
    What is the best product for wood floors with a flea infestation?
    I was wondering if there is an adulticide solution combined with an IGR that is recommended to cover a whole room with hardwood flooring. I know fleas,eggs and larvae are in the cracks of the wood throughout my home. This is an older house with original hard wood flooring. I need to get in all of the cracks and crevices of the whole flooring, not just baseboards and rugs and carpeting. I have tried many things, but they keep coming back. I see a lot of positive reviews but not anything on wood floors, just carpeting.
    Most products are not recommended for use on hardwood floors for flea control because fleas rarely  harbor there. In most cases, the fleas will develop in upholstered furniture, pet beds, rugs and carpeted areas. We are always a bit reluctant to recommend any products that will be sprayed on hardwood floors because of the risk of staining or discoloration. We recommend no matter which product you use, that you first test it in an inconspicuous area. Ultracide has an adulticide and an IGR. After testing for staining, you can spray Ultracide directly into cracks and crevices on the floor. Vacuuming the crevices immediately before spraying will help to remove some of the flea eggs and stimulate the developing pupa to become exposed to the Ultracide. With heavy infestations, you may need to retreat after 14 days to get rid of the stragglers.
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  • Asked by Donna
    Is there any effect from using Ultracide on people who have asthma or breathing problems?
    Should you use Ultracide on clothes?
    Ultracide is a very safe product and it does not have a strong odor.  That being said there are different levels of severity of asthma, and certain people may be more sensitive to certain things.  We are not doctors, so we always recommend leaning towards the side of caution.  You should make sure some windows are open or have the person in question not be around while you are spraying the Ultracide.  They can return to the treated area 1 hour after application and there should be no issues.  Ultracide is not labeled to spray on clothes.  Any article of clothing ran through a wash and dry cycle will kill anything on it so you do not need to treat it.
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  • Asked by Mark from Tulsa, Oklahoma
    I used Ultra-Cide, and I still have fleas.
    I recently sprayed 1 can(20 oz)Ultra-Cide in home, approx.1200 sq.ft. of carpet. I sprayed sides of couches and chairs as directed by your help-line, and I still have fleas?

    It is normal to still see fleas after an application of Ultracide.  It is not a contact kill after the product has dried, it will take time for a flea to die after contacting a treated surface.

    Typically most flea problems can be handled in 2 treatments, but this depends on how bad the problem is.  You should repeat the treatment exactly 14 days after the first treatment, or 2 weeks, since this is how often flea eggs typically hatch. It is common to have to do 3 or 4 treatments (treating every 2 weeks) over 2 months for bad problems.

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  • Asked by Kasey from Burlington, Nc
    Can I spray ultracide on my mattresses?
    I have two cans of ultracide I am planning to spray our house today. I have all hardwood floors. Can i spray all of the hardwood floor surfaces AND our mattresses?
    You can spray Ultracide on mattresses and most hardwood floors. You should test the Ultracide on a small inconspicuous area of your hardwood floors before spraying the entire floor as some finishes can get marred by insecticides.
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  • Asked by Steve
    Can Ultracide be used on bedbugs, ants and roaches?
    I bought some for fleas. Now I have a bedbug problem, can it kill them too?

    Ultracide is a specific product that is made for fleas. It is not labeled for bed bugs and would not be effective for treating bed bugs.  You should use one of our Bed Bug Kits which will give you the best chance of defeating a bed bug problem. The products in the Bed Bug Kits are also labeled for roaches. We would recommend adding a Roach Bait Gel to the treatment.  Below are some great articles on treatment. Please let us know if you have additional questions.

    Flea Treatment

    Roach Control Articles

    Bed Bug Control Articles

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  • Asked by Tracy
    Should I treat the cat litter with Ultracide?
    My cat and house have been treated. I treated the carpets with Ultracide four days ago. I have been vacuuming everyday. Although the cat has been treated with Frontline, I have kept the cat in one room. She does not seem to have any signs of fleas. I recently was vacuuming the cat's room and changed the cat litter bag and replaced it with new. I put the wrapped up garbage bag to the side and continued to vacuum. I think I saw the bag moving as if fleas were trapped inside the bag with the cat litter. If there are fleas getting inside the cat litter, should the cat litter be treated with anything? Would it be okay to let the cat out of the room? I am afraid she might transfer eggs or fleas to other parts of the house which seem to be under control or the couch which I didn't treat at all.
    You should not treat the cat litter with anything. Simply change the litter frequently and you should not have any issues. Go over the cat carefully with a flea comb. If the cat does not have any signs of fleas or flea debris, it should be just fine to let the cat back into the rest of the house.
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  • Asked by Kathy from Rtp,nc
    Why do we need to vacuum so much? How does Ultracide kill and prevent fleas?
    If ultracide will eliminate flea problems for up to seven months, why does it still need to vaccum every day or every other day after the application for the next two weeks? and it asks a second application in 14 days. why?
    The insect growth regulator in Ultracide lasts for up to 7 months. This is the ingredient that will stop reproduction of fleas. The other two ingredients are insecticides and they will only kill for about 2 weeks. Vacuums can physically remove a decent percentage of flea eggs that are in the carpet, along with much of the organic crud that the flea larvae feed on. A critical part of the diet of the larva is dried blood, present there as fecal material from the fleas that are on the pets. Wherever the pets spend time they will shed the fecal matter and the eggs, so it is extremely important that you focus on these potential hot spots where the pets sleep. A vacuum also will remove a small percentage of larvae, but the larva is pretty tenacious, and will wrap around the carpet fibers down there at the base of the pile, and hold on for dear life as the vacuum passes by. The pupa is even tougher to physically remove, for it uses fibers as part of its "cocoon". But, the vacuum will stimulate the flea adults still in their pupa form to quickly emerge as the adult, and at this point perhaps be sucked up in the vacuum. Even if they are not removed by the vacuum, at least they now are exposed and susceptible to your treatment. After two weeks most infestations require that you do a second application of the Ultracide and continue with the vacuuming.
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  • Asked by Peter
    Is Ultracide safe for hardwood floors?
    We bought a home recently and the old owner removed the carpets. We refinished the hardwood floors, but we still find we have a lot of fleas. I want to apply to the baseboards of the home and hardwood floors.
    Yes, Ultracide aerosol is perfectly safe on just about any surface. You should always test the spray first in a corner or inconspicuous area.  Remember to vacuum all surfaces and cracks and crevices around baseboards first before you apply Ultracide.  You should also vacuum often over the next week and apply again exactly 14 days later after your first application. Be sure to vacuum again before your second treatment. 
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  • Asked by Mike from Norcross
    How Do You Kill Flea Eggs?
    Can you please explain how to kill flea eggs? Thank you.
    The key to killing flea eggs is using an IGR or Insect Growth Regulator. Most IGR's cause growth abnormalities in the egg and larvae stages that prevent growth. Ultracide is a very effective flea control aerosol that provides immediate kill of adult fleas and prevents formation of new adults from eggs or larvae. Ultracide is a very safe and effective flea control product that is used widely by professional companies such as Terminix and Orkin in homes with children and pets all the time.  You should only apply Ultracide to carpeted areas and upholstered areas.  Do not apply on top of couches and chairs where people rest their arms, fleas do not breed in these areas. You would want to spray around the foot of the furniture, and underneath couch cushions.  You should have children and pets in another room while you are treating.  After treatment, allow 30 minutes to dry and then it is perfectly safe for children and pets to re-enter the room. Vacuum immediately before the treatment and every other day for the next 14 days. A second treatment may be needed after 14 days for heavy infestations.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 107 questions)