Customer Reviews for Reward Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide

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4.9 of 5 stars
(27 customer reviews)
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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Combo treatment for pond

    By John on 10/08/2012

    Verified Purchase

    So far, so good. I have a small pond with unwanted "growth" in it and was told that Reward in combo with an algaecide would cure it. I treated as suggested by my referral friend and it appears after 4 days the plants are dying and I have no dead fish. If it finishes like it has started, this stuff is worth it's weight in gold because my bride was torqued-out about me letting these plants grow! Thanks for the great product and ultra-quick delivery.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Dead "seaweed"

    By John on 07/10/2015

    In the husband wife tug-of-war on killing our pond weeds, Reward seems to be the exact ticket. The wife wants the "seaweed" not to show and I want it to remain for baby fish to hide in. The Reward knocks it down and thins it out, but it always comes back. I have to spray twice a year to keep it in check. Wear gloves and glasses as suggested. I have been impressed and pleased with DMOPC from all aspects...advice, product and service quality. I have referred friends to DMOPC.

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