Sevin Lawn Insecticide Granules

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Sevin Lawn Insecticide Granules

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4 out of 5 stars Rating: 3.9

16 Reviews | 216 Q&A

Product Overview

Sevin Lawn Insect Granules is labeled for a wide variety of insect pests and can be used on lawns, ornamentals, in gardens and outdoors around homes. Sevin Lawn Granules has been trusted by professionals for many years to provide control of virtually any outdoor lawn and garden insect pest. Won't harm plants, blooms or the lawn and kills insect above and below the ground surface.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Zeta-Cypermethrin - .029% Bifenthrin - .115%
Target pests Armyworms, Centipedes, Crickets, Cutworms, Earwigs, Grasshoppers, Millipedes, Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Ticks, Scorpions, Fleas, Japanese Beetles, White Grubs, Chinch Bugs, Fiery Skipper, Chiggers, Sod Webworms
* See Label for complete list
For use in Lawns, Fruit & Vegetable Gardens, Flower & Ornamental Gardens and around Homes
Protects over 175 listed Fruits & Vegetables:
Tomatoes, Peppers, Zucchini, Sugar Snap Peas, Carrots, Blueberries, Grapes, Raspberries, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Watermelon
Application Apply at a rate of 1 to 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. using a ground or hand spreader
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, when used as directed on label
Coverage Area 10 lbs. Treats up to 10,000 sq. ft.
20 lbs. Treats up to 20,000 sq. ft.
Shipping Weight 10.37 lbs
Manufacturer GardenTech
UPC 613499010193
EPA Registration 279-3346-71004



Ants: Mound Treatment, including Fire Ants:

Treat ant mounds by applying 1/2 cup of this product per mound. Water with sufficient force to break its apex and allow the insecticide to flow into the ant tunnels, but not sufficient to significantly damage the mound that may lead to relocation. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 to 80 F) or in early morning or late evening hours. Treat new mounds as they appear. This product will provide control of ant mounds within four hours. Food utensils such as teaspoons and measuring cups should not be used for food purposes after use with insecticide. For optimum control or for heavily infested areas, combine both mound and broadcast treatments.

Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms:

Irrigate the treated area with up to 0.1 inches of water immediately after application to activate (release from the granule) the insecticide.

Annual Bluegrass Weevil (Hyperodes ) adults:

Time application for when adult weevils leave their overwintering sites and move into grass areas.

Billbug adults:

Apply when adult billbugs are first observed during April and May.

Black Turfgrass Ataenius adults:

Apply during May and July to control the first and second generation of black turfgrass ataenius adults.

Chinch Bugs:

Irrigate the treated area with up to 0.25 inches of water immediately after application to activate (release from the granule) the insecticide. Higher applications rates may be required to control populations that contain both nymphs and adults during the summer. In temperate regions, Spring applications will provide control of over-wintered chinch bugs.

Flea larvae:

Irrigate the treated area with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after application to activate (release from the granule) the insecticide.

Mole Crickets:

Apply as late in the day as possible to moist soil (irrigate before application if necessary), and water in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. Treat grass areas that receive pressure from adult mole crickets in the spring immediately prior to peak egg hatch when young nymphs are located near the soil surface. Use higher and more frequent applications to control larger, more damaging, nymphs later in the year.


Treat at dusk to prevent outdoor scorpions from entering the building. Treat areas where scorpions reside hidden during the day such as in cracks and voids. Remove trash, debris, or firewood that scorpions may use as resting sites prior to treatment.

*Ticks (Including ticks that transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever):

Target applications to kill juvenile ticks (larvae and nymphs) in late spring or early summer (May/June). Adult ticks can be killed with late summer and fall applications (August/September). Make applications to lawns, shrub beds, ornamental plantings, wooded areas and around outside perimeters of home and other buildings. Treat entire lawn and perimeter wooded areas and property boundaries where exposure to ticks may occur. Irrigate treated areas thoroughly after application to remove chemical from the granules and move down into thatch. Ticks may be reintroduced from surrounding areas or host animals. For extended control, do not rely on spot applications only. Treat the entire area where exposure to ticks may occur. Use higher application rates when treating areas with dense ground cover or heavy leaf litter. Re-treat if ticks are reintroduced from surrounding areas on host animals. Do not allow use of treated areas during application.

Deer Ticks (Ixodes sp.)

Apply in mid to late-spring to control larvae and nymphs that reside in the soil and leaf litter.

American Dog Ticks

Applications should be made as necessary from mid-spring to early fall to control American dog ticks.


Water-in granules immediately after treatment with 1/2 inch of water. Treat BEFORE damage is seen if previous infestation is known to have been an issue in the area. Lawns should be treated for grubs in late summer and early fall. Inspections can be performed by digging up small sections of sod and examining the soil. If 10 or more grubs are present in a square foot of sod, it is important to treat the lawn.

Scarab Beetles:

Apply granules in the summer when beetles are seen. Water granules in immediately after application to ensure they fall through any thatch to the soil.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Wonderful Product

    By Matt on 09/23/2013

    I recently started over on my lawn and planted new grass seed on September 14, 2013. While preparing the soil I noticed I had a major grub infestation. As I am a first time homeowner I am fairly new to maintaining a new lawn. Upon further research it appeared that it was to late in the season to apply most insecticides. However, I came across this product. I purchased a 10 lb bag that day and spread that over my lawn that same night. After applying, I gave the yard a good watering. I went out several hours later to see if anything had occurred....low and behold the grubs were coming out of the ground and began dieing off that night. Great product, will definitely use needed. Thanks!!

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    77 of 83 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    flea infestation

    By Ralph on 07/15/2012

    Watered my lawn granules kicked in killed the fleas does a good job.

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    59 of 62 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    great stuff

    By Anonymous on 06/14/2013

    worked over night on ticks,and ants.will definetly buy again. awsome.

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    42 of 43 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works fast, buy a lot

    By Scott on 06/19/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I purchased Sevin to keep springtails and clover mites outside. I used it around the perimeter of my house and it literally worked over night. One bag was just enough for a perimeter treatment around my house...

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    41 of 44 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Ineffective againt Chafer beetle grubs

    By P on 10/08/2014

    I tried to control and infestation of Chafer beetle grubs with 30Lbs over a 2000 sq ft lawn. this was ineffective and now have to sit back and watch the crows and raccoons destroy my lawn.

    Expert ResponseExpert response:
    Sevin is labeled for Japanese beetle grubs, but not chafer beetle grubs specifically. For subsurface pests, Sevin granules must be watered in immediately and will only kill the pests contacted directly at the time of application. You will need to apply when the pests are actively feeding near the surface. For long term grub control applied in spring or fall, we would recommend Merit Granules with imidacloprid:

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    40 of 45 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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Is Sevin Insecticide Granules harmful to dogs and cats?

Sevin Granules are pet safe when used as directed on the label. After spreading the granules across your lawn they would need to be watered in to activate the ingredients. Once they have been watered in and the water dries, pets and people are can return to the area safely. Normally a safe time frame to wait after watering is 1-2 hours. 

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784 of 910 people found this answer helpful

How long after treating my yard with Sevin Granules can I take my new puppy out?

She is a beagle so nose to the ground and chewing everything,

After spreading the granules across your lawn they would need to be watered in to activate the ingredients. Once they have been watered in and the water dries, your pup will be safe to play/chew to its hearts content. Normally a safe time frame to wait after watering is 1-2 hours.

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344 of 363 people found this answer helpful

What is setting for a Scotts Standard broadcast spreader using Sevin Insecticide Granules?

for European Cranefly.


The Sevin Insecticide Granules label calls for 3 to 7 pounds per 1000 square feet.  If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting.  If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting.  The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet.  One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place It on a higher setting than someone that walks slower. 

Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet.  So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting.  You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing 4 ounces of any type of product of similar granule size, or of the extinguish in the spreader.  Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace.  You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over a 1000 square feet. 

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224 of 315 people found this answer helpful

If it rains for several days after applying Sevin granules to my yard, will I have to reapply the granules?
If it rains for several day after Sevin Insecticide Granules application, then you would want to re treat. 

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Can you spread Sevin Insecticide Granules AND weed & feed at the same time? Or should applications be spread out?

As long as you are following the application rates on each product label you could use the Sevin Insecticide Granules and a weed and feed product at the same time.

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Sevin Lawn Insecticide Granules 4 out of 5 stars Rating: 3.9 (16 Reviews / 216 Q&A)

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