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Dale from Raleigh writes

Should I use an 80/20 surfactant or a 90/10 surfactant?

Besides active ingredient and maybe perhaps use a little less would there be any more advantage or disadvantages on using a 90/10 surfactant instead of 80/10 in a herbicide or insectide? I have tried to search the web a little and I couldn't find any info on differences.


The numbers on a surfactant such as the Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides are indicative of how much active ingredient is in the surfactant, so a higher number, such as 90 instead of 80, generally means a higher quality product. Most products that require a non-ionic surfactant require the use of at least an 80/20 product for best results, but always check the product label of what you are using to ensure you are using the correct surfactant.

Answer last updated on: 10/01/2019

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