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Rick writes

Should I use IC2 or Bifen IT, or do you have a better option?

I'm trying to kill both mosquitos and springtails with 1 product, the safer, the better b/c I have animals and children. Should I use IC2 or Bifen IT, or do you have a better option?


Both Eco Exempt IC-2 and Bifen IT have been shown to be effective against mosquitoes but only Bifen IT is labeled for both mosquitoes and springtails.  Bifen IT is safe to use around children. They need to be out of the area while the application is being done and they can return as soon as it is dry. Springtails are usually a sign that there is a moisture issue close by. Check all around the outside of your home for built up leaf debris or yard clippings, leaking faucets, mulch that is too damp or other moisture problems. Springtails need a very high level of moisture to survive, so correcting that issue may help.

Answer last updated on: 04/08/2010

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Eco Exempt IC-2 Insecticide

Eco Exempt IC-2 Insecticide

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