Product Q&A

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Ashley from Columbia Sc writes

Sprayed Taurus SC all over yard and three days later ant hills still thriving

I sprayed my yard liberally with this product and ants acted like nothing was there. Still in their mounds and I drenched the top of each one and the whole yard. How long does it take to work and is there a better product for fire ants? I really don't want granules. I'd prefer a spray. Thank you.


Taurus SC CANNOT be broadcast sprayed over lawns. This is an off label use of the product and quite dangerous to the environment due to the threat of hurting honeybees. Additionally, Taurus Sc is a slow acting product and it can take at least 3 weeks for you to see a reduction in ants after the application. Here is a link to the product label for you to review to be sure you use the product correctly in the future: Product Label

Answer last updated on: 03/28/2020

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