Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 181 to 200 (of 1251 questions)
  • Asked by Todd
    Can I pour Talstar around a tree to try and poison the pests within?
    I have seen signs of the emerald ash borer on our property. Now I also am seeing signs of the asian longhorn beetle in our maple and pine trees. If I pour this around the tree and the tree drinks it up will it then kill these pests as they eat the wood from the inside? I have never seen these bugs on the outside of the tree but the signs of the asian longhorn beetle are hard to miss.
    Talstar P will not work as a systemic insecticide and will not eliminate insects inside the tree. You will need to purchase a product that contains imidacloprid such as Merit 75 WSP, Adonis 75 WSP, Adonis 2F, Dominion 2L, Criterion 75 WSP and Fertilome Tree and Shrub Systemic. Each of these products will work systemically to help treat for Emerald Ash Borers and Asian Long Horned Beetles but the application and usage rate will vary so you should read the product label of the product you are considering and make sure you are comfortable with the application before purchasing. Systemic products can take several weeks to translocate through a plant. Trees that have not been infested with these beetles can be protected with topical bark sprays like the Talstar P. We recommend you contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener or entomologist on staff to find out when the best time to apply a systemic and/or a bark spray would be as this varies from region to region. Heavily infested trees may need to be taken down and chipped or burned to help save the neighboring trees.
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  • Asked by Nilda from Miami, Florida
    My pest control guy sprayed Talstar on my fruit trees...lychees & mango! Help!
    The first thing I told this guy is that I wanted to make sure that whatever he used on my fruit trees was safe because we eat from them. Now he tells me he used Talstar and I've been reading it's not to be used on fruit trees or any edible plants. What can I do now?? Can this stuff be rinsed off??? Please help.
    Any fruit that was sprayed should be discarded. Please call the manufacturer of Talstar, FMC, for further instructions 800-321-1362.
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  • Asked by Jane from Cotton Mn
    What do I buy to get rid of cluster flies?
    Talstar P can be used to help control cluster flies indoors and outdoors. If the cluster flies have already made their way indoors they will be harder to control because they usually hide in a wall void or other inaccessible area and are only visible when the house warms up. If the cluster flies are in an attic or drop ceiling or other dark area, a fly light would do a great job controlling the population. Using small fly lights such as the FlyWeb Fly Light in the house would also help to catch the flies. Spray Talstar directly on baseboards, window frames, door frames, and places where utilities (pipes, wires, cables) enter in to the building and any other crack, crevice or gap where insects can enter.
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  • Asked by Jude from Murphysboro, Illinois
    Can Talstar safely be removed from furniture?
    I have a little rocker for my son outside that I want to move indoors but the pest control guy sprayed Talstar all over it. Is there a safe way to wash it off? Will it hurt my son? Should we re-stain it? Will Talstar end up on my carpet?
    Talstar breaks down in about 3-4 weeks when it is exposed to outdoor elements. After 3-4 weeks has passed you can thoroughly scrub the chair with soap and water and rinse with copious amounts of water and bring the chair inside for your son to use. Talstar is a water based product and it will not hurt your carpet. Talstar is even labeled for indoor use but it is restricted to cracks and crevices.
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  • Asked by Keith from Sullivan, Mo
    Can Talstar P be used in a room with oxygen used by a person?
    Have a O2 concentrator in use 24 hours a day
    We are not sure of the answer to your question. We recommend you contact the Talstar manufacturer directly for more information. You can reach FMC at 800-321-1362
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  • Asked by Robert from Jacksonville, Fl.
    I'm using Talstar to treat my home for bed bugs. Is it safe to spray on furniture like the couch and mattress?

    Absolutely not.  Talstar is not labeled to apply to any furniture, mattresses, or other areas that you may come into contact with.  Talstar is restricted to cracks and crevices and other areas that you would not come into contact with.  The instructions for applying Talstar for Bed Bugs are below, and you should know that even in the instructions it states that Talstar should not be used as your only protection against bed bugs.  Our most popular product for bed bugs is our bed bug kits.  

    Bedbugs: Thorough application should be made to crack and crevices
    where evidence of bed bugs occurs. This includes bed frames, box
    springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets and carpet edges,
    high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product
    on bed linens, pillows, mattresses or clothes. Remove all clothes
    and other articles from dressers or clothes closets before application.
    Allow all treated areas to thoroughly dry before use. Not recommended
    for use as sole protection against bedbugs. If evidence of bedbugs is
    found in/on mattresses, use products approved for this use.

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  • Asked by Bob from Toledo, Oregon
    Should I use a 2 oz. Talstar per gallon of water for these pesky/biting bugs as to keep them outdoors?
    for the use against asian beetles. Bad infestation every 2nd week in October annually.
    The maximum use rate for Talstar P is 1 ounce of product per gallon of water. We do not recommend that you make the dilution any stronger than the max usage rate. Using more than the recommended usage rate will just mean that you are wasting product but you will not see any better results. You can use Talstar P outdoors around your door frames, window frames, vents, eaves, around the bottom of your foundation, and any other crack or crevice where an insect could gain entry, once a month August-November to keep the Asian Lady Beetles from getting indoors.
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  • Asked by Courtney from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl
    How long does Talstar take to kill ticks?
    Once a tick comes in contact with the residual of Talstar, how long will it take for the tick to die? Also, once Talstar is applied to all baseboards, cracks and crevices in the house, how soon will we stop seeking ticks? (We also treated the yard the same day we treated the inside of the house).
    How long it takes the ticks to die after they come into contact with a treated area will depend on a number of factors. It will depend on the maturity of the tick as well as how long they stayed on the treated area, how long it has been since the area was treated and the concentration that was used to treat the area. Typically it can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a day or so for them to die. It can take several weeks for you to stop seeing ticks indoors because the ticks like to stay hidden which also means they could be staying out of treated areas and eggs may hatch out prolonging the infestation. We recommend doing follow up treatments every two weeks at the highest usage rate of 1 oz Talstar of product per gallon of water until you do not see any ticks.
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  • Asked by Rob from Mineola Tx (where Trees Are)
    When should I start spraying for pine borer beetle control?
    Hello. I just bought some Talstar product and a trombone sprayer from you. I know the beetles just hatched out for the year. I've lost 3 trees this year so far. What is the recommended time of year to spray? Need some help bad! Thanks, Rob
    Unfortunately there is no easy solution when it comes to pine beetles. Infected trees should be cut down (before the newly hatched beetles fly out of the trees in the spring/summer) and the wood burned or chipped, while other still healthy trees should be sprayed annually to protect them. Because of the natural boring behavior of the beetle they are protected from topically applied insecticides and systemic insecticides (those injected into the tree or applied as a root drench) have proven ineffective for pine beetle infestations. Healthy trees can be protected before the beetles attack by topically spraying them with a synthetic pyrethroid like Talstar. The tree should be sprayed from the ground to 15 ft up the trunk to prevent future infestations. You should contact your local cooperative extension office to find out the best time to start spraying in your region.
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  • Asked by Peter from Venice, Florida
    What product kills the Sri Lanka Weevil. Can we treat the soil where larvae live?
    We know it lays its eggs in the soil so would like to kill the larvae before they hatch. When we returned from the North, we found they have eaten Live Oaks, dahoon holly, crepe myrtle.
    The only product that we know of that is recommended for the Sri Lanka Weevil is Talstar, but Talstar will not kill the eggs. (Talstar is not labeled for the Sri Lanka Weevil but is recommended by many universities that have done research on this pest) We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension as they may have more information on the Sri Lanka Weevil that is invading your region.
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  • Asked by Dot from Nea Washington, D.c.
    What would help with control/death of indoor aphids? It's an epidemic.
    Talstar is one of our most popular products for aphids as well as any other insect.  It is our most popular product and widely used by professional companies both outside and inside homes.  You can apply Talstar to any plant, shrub, bush, or turf grass, as well as inside and outside perimeters, as long as you are not applying it to anything edible.
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  • Asked by Arnold from Kona, Hi
    I know Talstar when dry is pet safe; however, if i use it in my yard and it rains what are the effects then?
    Once Talstar has had a chance to dry completely it will not reconstitute and it will not pose a higher risk to your pets when it rains.
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  • Asked by Anonymous
    Will Talstar One kill Silverfish?
    Talstar is labeled for silverfish and will do a great job helping to eliminate them. Be sure to spray in all of the cracks and crevices where silverfish are known to harbor for best results.
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  • Asked by Rlb from Georgia
    Is Talstar P a suspended concentrate or an emulsifiable?
    Talstar P is a water based concentrate. Most Emulsifiable concentrates have the initials EC after the name of the product.
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  • Asked by John from Kansas
    How long does it take for Talstar to dry indoors?
    Most insecticides I have noticed are 30-45 minutes, just wondering if Talstar was the same?
    Talstar P is a water based insecticide and it takes the same amount of time as water to dry. In most cases it is dry within 1 hour.
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  • Asked by Jim from Port Charlotte Florida
    Does Talstar kill brown recluse spiders?
    Talstar will kill spiders.  However, it is not a contact kill product....it is made more for longevity and having a long residual.  It will work much faster when a spider is present when you are spraying and you spray directly on the spider.  It will still not die immediately, but rather quickly. Once the spray dries, if a spider walks over it at a later time, it will pick up the dried Talstar on its body, but it will take much longer to kill it.  It can take hours to a day or so for it to finally kill the spider, depending on the size of the spider.  Most all residual insecticides will work this way.
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  • Asked by Ben from Tampa, Fl
    Which spray product should I use? I want to replace my pest control service.
    I don't have a insect problem. It's more of a preventative service every 6 months.
    By far our most popular product is Talstar.  It is the most popular product used by professional companies and by our customers.  It is labeled for almost any insect you would have a problem with, is safe to use both outdoors and indoors, it is odorless and can also be used on your lawn, trees, and shrubs.  Take a moment to read some of the customer reviews on the Talstar page and you will feel sure that Talstar is the right product for you.  Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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  • Asked by Mark
    What would be the best killer for deer ticks?

    Talstar P would be a great choice for indoor and outdoor tick control. We also recommend adding an insect growth regulator such as Archer IGR to Talstar to stop the ticks from being able to mature while you are trying to eliminate the infestation. You will use 1 oz of Talstar +  1oz of Archer IGR per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft area. Do not make spot applications. Treat the entire area where exposure to ticks may occur. Use more water (not more product) when treating areas with dense ground cover or heavy leaf litter. Ticks may be reintroduced from surrounding areas on host animals. Retreatment may be necessary to achieve and/or maintain control during periods of high pest pressure. All of your pets should be treated with a product that is specifically labeled for use on pets for tick control.

    You can also help by creating a "tick safe zone" in your yard. You should have an area that is at least 9 ft wide between your yard and any wooded area. Trim back trees to allow as much sunlight as possible into your yard. Keep grass as short. Remove as much leaf litter as possible. A clearly defined, well manicured border between your yard and any wooded areas or weedy lots will reduce the chance of ticks infesting your yard.

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  • Asked by Chris from Gates, Nc
    What is a good pesticide for the perimeter of my house?
    I live in north east North Carolina and I am looking for a good concentrate that I can mix and spray around the outside and inside the crawl space of my house.
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests.
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  • Asked by Brian from Pittsburgh, Pa
    Dogs eat stink bugs, safe to use Talstar P?
    My dogs tend to eat stink bugs. I know Talstar P is safe around pets once it has dried, but I am concerned that when I spray my screened in porch my dogs will continue to eat the stink bugs that were killed by the Talstar P. Are there any concerns here?
    Talstar, when mixed according to the product label with water is only strong enough to kill small insects, like ants or stink bugs. Your dogs would have to eat huge amounts of stinks bugs at one time to have any type of negative effect on them. In most cases your dogs would not be able to consume enough stinkbugs that have come into contact with treated areas for there to be any cause for concern.
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Displaying 181 to 200 (of 1251 questions)