Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 241 to 260 (of 1251 questions)
  • Asked by Bridget from Toms River Nj
    Is Talstar P safe to use around cats?
    Talstar P is safely used in homes with cats everyday. Be sure the cats are away from the area while Talstar P is being applied and they can return to the treated area after the application has dried. Please refer to the Talstar P product label for full usage instructions.
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  • Asked by Brad from Hagerstown, Md
    I have a caterpillar eating the top of a blue spruce tree. What product do you recommend to kill them?
    The tree is about 7 feet tall and the caterpillar or worms are all over.
    It is important to have the caterpillar identified so that we can make the best product recommendation for your needs. Without the exact identification we would recommend Talstar P as it is a broad spectrum insecticide that can be sprayed on blue spruce trees.
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  • Asked by Dennis from Mechanicsville, Maryland
    Need help getting rid of biting flies, horseflies and other smaller biting flies by my swimming pool
    the flies are constantly buzzing around your head and biting when you are in the pool and on the one side of my yard primarily
    Horseflies and many other species of biting flies tend to develop on the edge of bodies of water and since they are strong fliers these breeding areas can be near or far which makes finding the source next to impossible. You can apply a product such as Talstar P around the pool area and flies that land on the treated areas will be eliminated. Using Talstar will give some relief but since these flies can fly over treated areas it can be tough to get complete control. Relief should be on the way soon however as horsefly season is usually on 3-6 weeks long.
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  • Asked by Bob from Georgetown, Ca
    Best long lasting product for spiders, ants, wasps, outside & inside house?
    Looking for a concentrate to kill spiders, ants, wasps & any other household bugs that will last for a few months. Mostly outside spraying, but want to treat inside occasionally.
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests.
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  • Asked by Christopher from Boca Raton, Fl.
    Does Talstar P (Talstar One) kill white fly and not trees?
    does it kill white fly and not palms?
    Talstar P is labeled for whiteflies and will not harm trees as long as you follow the directions listed on the product label.
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  • Asked by Nicole
    Can I apply talstar to newly seeded grass?
    Talstar P is water based and is known to be very gentle on plants and it should be fine to spray on your newly seeded grass. We do recommend that you do not spray during the hottest part of the day. We also recommend that you spray a small section and wait a couple of days before spraying all of the grass to make sure damage does not occur as some plants may be super sensitive to any chemical.
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  • Asked by Pat from Memphis, Tn
    What can be used to eliminate zoysia mite?
    Started seeing this in my lawn in Memphis last year. Paid professional lawn care co to eliminate, which seemed to work after spraying twice. Don't know what they used, but it's back again this year. Was a bit pricey and could probably do it myself if I knew what to use.
    Talstar P is our most popular product for control of zoysia mites. You will need to dilute 1 fl oz of Talstar P per gallon of water and apply the dilution over 1,000 sq ft.
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  • Asked by Angel from Capitol Heights,md
    How often should I spray Talstar P for a roach infestation?
    For indoor roach control you can spray Talstar P once every 14 days at the beginning of the treatment program and then reduce the applications to once every 90 days for maintenance.
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  • Asked by Missy from Nola
    Can I use Talstar P in my attic?
    I have wasps and spiders in my attic getting into my house. Can I spray this in the attic? If so, where can I spray just the rafters or the insulation too? And what do I do about the electrical wires, pipes, and recessed lights in the attic?
    You can use Talstar P in your attic in all of the cracks and crevices for insect control. If you have a lot of exposed electrical elements you may want to consider using a dust insecticide instead of the Talstar P in your attic. Dusts like Evergreen dust and Tempo dust will last a lot longer than liquid insecticides and they can be used around the electrical elements you described without worry of shock or shorting out the device.
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  • Asked by Linda from Kingsport Tn
    Will Talstar P kill whiteflies?
    Talstar P is labeled for whiteflies and is one of the most popular products on the market for this pest. Be sure to spray the undersides of the leaves on the infested plants as that is where whiteflies like to harbor.
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  • Asked by Robin from Atlanta, Ga
    Which product(s) would you recommend to kill mosquitos, ants, roaches, biting gnats (or flies) outdoors?
    Note: I have a sink hole in backyard with damp leaves, pinestraw, etc., and filling it in with dirt hasn't worked b/c it keeps settling over time. Also, I have gutter covers and know there is breeding there as well, but I cannot get into gutters to clear a few clumps of debris, so I'm wondering if there is a solution for that problem too? THANK YOU!
    Talstar P would be a great product for the mosquitoes, ants, roaches and gnats. It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water and apply using a sprayer.  You will need about 1 fl oz of product diluted into 1 gallon of water for every 1,000 sq ft of space you need to treat. The key is to apply it to all shrubs, trees, and other foliage around the house or patio where you are trying to provide relief.  It should be directed not only on top of the leaves and plants, but on the underside of the leaves as well which is where the mosquitoes hang out. Talstar P can also be applied to your lawn, exterior of your home for barrier insect control and indoors to control current infestations. Talstar should be applied every 30 days for optimum control. If you don't find a way to alleviate the moisture in the sink hole and in the gutters you will have a constant influx of new mosquitoes and gnats. While Talstar P may help limit their numbers you will keep seeing these pests.
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  • Asked by Sharon from Scurry Texas
    Grasshoppers, plague proportions, what's the recommended product?
    I would like to use a hose end sprayer with the water hose. I see the video of a gallon jug - being used only around the edges and crevises. I've got to cover the entire ground.
    You can use Talstar P to cover non fruit bearing trees, lawns, bushes, shrubs and other areas excluding edible vegetation. Talstar P can be used in a hose end sprayer and should be diluted 1 fl oz per gallon of water for the fastest knockdown and the longest lasting residual for grasshopper control.
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  • Asked by Ray from Philadelphia, Pa
    Can I use Talstar P for Fleas?
    My mother in laws cat recently had fleas and now my "m.i.l" wants to treat the whole house for fleas.
    Talstar p should not be used for indoor flea control because it is restricted to cracks and crevices indoors. Ultracide would be a much better choice for indoor flea control. It is our recommendation and industry standard that you vacuum immediately before the application of Ultracide and every day or every other day after the application for the next two weeks. Vacuums can physically remove a decent percentage of flea eggs that are in the carpet, along with much of the organic crud that the flea larvae feed on.  The vacuum will also stimulate the flea adults still in their pupa form to quickly emerge as the adult, and at this point perhaps be sucked up in the vacuum or exposed to the Ultraicde application.  After two weeks most infestations require that you do a second application of the Ultracide and continue with the vacuuming. You should use a product that is registered to use on your pets for fleas such as Frontline or Advantage. Talstar P can be used effectively outdoors for places where your pets may frequent and also moist shady areas where fleas are likely to develop. Treating outdoors will help prevent your pets from re-infesting your home.
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  • Asked by Natalia from Moreno Valley, Ca
    Will Talstar P harm little lizards living around my house?
    I have a few little lizards living around my house. I bought Talstar Professional and plan to use it around, so I wanted to find out whether it will harm those lizards (which I wouldn't like to do). Could you please advice me? Thank you.
    As long as Talstar p is not sprayed directly on the lizards the product should not cause them harm. You will see a reduction of the little lizards however because by spraying Talstar P you will be eliminating their food source near your home and the lizards will naturally go in search of better hunting grounds.
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  • Asked by Ellen from Mckenney, Va
    If never opened how long is Talstar P good for?
    You should use up the bottle of Talstar P within 3 years of the date of purchase for best results.
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  • Asked by Suanne from Corpus Christi, Texas
    Which is most effective to get rid of ticks?
    We had a very bad tick problem and have tried everything. I noticed you have a couple of products for ticks. Which do you prefer I purchase for the tick issue. Thanks for you time.
    Talstar P mixed with an Insect Growth regulator such as Nyguard IGR would be a good choice for tick control. Talstar P would work to kill ticks that come into contact with treated surfaces while the Nyguard would work to help stop juvenile ticks from reaching sexual maturity. You should remember that ticks may be hidden in tall or dense brush so higher treatment volumes may be needed to treat the entire plant, not just the top side of the plant where it is easiest to spray. You should try to get the application on the underside of leaves and all the way to the bottom of the plant. We recommend treating the entire infested area (no spot treating). When you are dealing with an area that has a high tick population you may be required to treat once a month from spring through to the first frost, no matter what product you use. Be sure all pets are treated with a product labeled for tick control. The problem on your property may be that ticks are being reintroduced into the area on a consistent basis by wildlife such as deer, raccoons or birds. You will be required to use non-chemical means to reduce the tick population in addition to insecticides. As with most pests you can modify the environment on your property to make it less favorable to ticks. Keeping grass and weeds cut short in tick infested areas increases tick death during hot weather, discourages wildlife and will reduce the amount of vegetation which may need a pesticide application to kill ticks. Clear away yard debris such as old firewood or leaf piles. Remove old or abandoned bird nests and rodent nests. Patch fences where wildlife may be gaining access to your property. It may also be helpful to have the ticks identified. By identifying the type of ticks you can better understand what type of animals may be bringing them to your property and you can modify the environment to make it less favorable for that host animal. You can contact your local cooperative extension office to request an insect identification.
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  • Asked by Roland from Santa Fe Tx, Galveston County
    What should I use for a heavy infection spidermites in 20 ft tall junipers?
    junipers 20ft tall how to best controll galveston tx.
    Talstar works well for both the mature and the immature spider mites. Talstar provides optimal spider mite control when applied during spring to mid-summer. Higher application rates and/or more frequent treatments may be required for acceptable spider mite control during mid- to late-summer. The addition of a surfactant or horticultural oil may increase the effectiveness of Talstar. Talstar applications may be rotated with those of other products  that have different modes of action in control programs that are designed  to manage resistance by two-spotted spider mites. Consult your local Cooperative Extension Service for resistance management recommendations in your region.
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  • Asked by Jackie from Knoxville, Tn
    General pest control
    I am looking for a product/ products that will work well on spiders, ants, roaches etc. I am just not sure which product will work the best for general pest control. Thanks for your help.
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests. Talstar is also available in a granule formula called Talstar PL if you prefer to use granules.
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  • Asked by Jen from Baltimore, Md
    How long does it take from when a bug comes into contact with Talstar until it dies? 1 hour? one day?
    does that timeline vary from bug to bug?
    How long it takes an insect to die after coming into contact with an area that has been sprayed with Talstar P will depend on several factors. How long has the Talstar P application been in place (the longer it has been there the more degraded it is and the longer it will take an insect to die), age and size of the insect, What species is the insect (insects with piercing sucking mouth parts such as spiders and scorpions take longer to succumb) and How long has the insect sat on the dry deposits of Talstar P. Generally speaking you can expect most insects to die within 24-48 hours of contact.
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  • Asked by Michelle from Orlando, Fl
    Is Talstar safe around my orchids when I spray?
    Talstar P is safe for use on most plants. Having said that we still recommend you test the product on just one or two plants before using it on all of the plants to test for damage as some plants can be more sensitive than others.
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Displaying 241 to 260 (of 1251 questions)