Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 261 to 280 (of 1251 questions)
  • Asked by Dee from Quinlan, Tx
    What is the best product to help eliminate spiders from neglected property including in trees?
    I have just recently bought about 4 acres of land (no house) ,which is about 1/4 mile from a lake, which has not been kept up in a very long time. The grass, ivy, and bugs have had free reign during that time. I purchased the deltagard from you for the chiggers and other ground insects and it's worked great! There are MANY spiders on the land, both on the ground and in the trees. They literally land on you if you walk underneath the trees. I have access to a pressure washer to use to spray the trees (especially around the firepit and patio area). The 3 trees that I would be spraying are 100 year old oaks. I don't, however, want to hurt the trees or the birds. Do you have a liquid insecticide that I could use for this?
    Talstar P would be a good choice to use outdoors to help control spiders. It is important to remember that Talstar P does not give an immediate knockdown but instead works over a period of several hours to kill spiders that have come into contact with the product. Talstar P will also help to get rid of the insects that spiders feed on and that will help to stop new spiders from moving in. You can spray the lawn, trees and other plants with Talstar P.
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  • Asked by Hiya from Portland, Oregon
    Can Talstar get tracked into the home?
    This product leaves a dry residual (which obviously then sticks to & kills bugs) and is also recommended for spraying around doorframes. Thus the dry residue will get stepped on when people come & go through the door, and so it seems at least some product will definitely get tracked into the house. This seems to be a possible health concern, as it will then get further tracked onto rugs/furniture/etc, where it is NOT supposed to be applied. Is this reasoning correct?
    No. Talstar does not get stuck to bugs as you described. Talstar will bind to the surface on which it has been sprayed and insects must be on treated areas for a certain length of time to receive a lethal dose. That is why the Talstar P label recommends that you spray the product directly into areas where insects harbor and travel and that broad areas are treated around the home.
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  • Asked by Denny from Sharpsburg, Ga
    Will Talstar P harm Anole Lizards?
    We have anoles in our organic vegetable garden and we don't want to harm them. Will they be harmed by this chemical, when it is sprayed on the house and windows?
    As long as the lizards are not sprayed directly with Talstar they should not suffer any ill effects from the use of the product. You may notice a reduction in the lizards however as their food source (insects) will be reduced or eliminated by using Talstar P.
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  • Asked by Moses from Miami, Florida
    In what proportion do I mix Talstar P for spraying in the house? And also in the Yard?
    The Talstar P product label allows you to use 1/4 fl oz - 1 fl oz per gallon of water for indoor and outdoor spraying. We recommend using the 1 fl oz per gallon of water usage rate for the fastest knockdown and longest lasting residual. Please refer to the Talstar P product label for complete usage instructions.
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  • Asked by Sherry from Lexington,ky
    Will Talstar P kill bedbugs?

    Talstar p is labeled for bedbugs but according to the product label it should not be the only product that you use for bedbug control. Most folks purchase and use our bedbug kits for bedbug control as they come with all of the products that will be needed. You can see our bedbug kits by following this link: BEDBUG KITS


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  • Asked by Bobby
    What to use for ground bees?
    what to use for ground bees?
    Ground bees, also known as digger bees, can be very difficult to control no matter what product you use and they most likely will come back to your property year after year unless you do your part to alter your property to make it unfavorable to the bees. Ground bees prefer dry soils with thin grasses so irrigating the area frequently and correcting any issue that causes your grass to be thin will help deter the bees from nesting. In areas where you do not have grass, a layer of mulch will help deter the bees from nesting. Ground bees are solitary bees and are not very aggressive and are known to be a beneficial insect which is why you will not find any products specifically labeled for this type of bee. Talstar P can help provide some level of control but it will not get rid of all of the ground bees on your property. You should use Talstar P at a 1 oz of product to 1 gallon of water for a 1,000 sq ft area ratio. This will give you the fastest knockdown and the longest lasting residual. Talstar P does not offer an instant knockdown but will kill insects that come into contact with treated areas over a short period of time.
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  • Asked by Jerry from United States
    I intend to use Talastar P liquid in my yard for chinch bugs. Does it require watering in?

    According to the Talstar P product label:

    Chinch Bugs infest the base of grass plants and are often found in the thatch layer. Irrigation of the grass area before treatment will optimize the penetration of the insecticide to the area where the chinch bugs are located. Use higher volume applications if the thatch layer is excessive or if a relatively long
    mowing height is being maintained. Chinch Bugs can be one of the most difficult pests to control in grasses and the higher application rates (Up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be required to control populations that contain both nymphs and adults during the middle of the summer.

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  • Asked by Katherine from Fort Wayne, In
    What product would you recommend for tick elimination on house foundation, landscaping, and lawn?
    We have app. 1/3-1/2 acre of lawn surrounded by tall weeds. We've created a mulch barrier around our mowed lawn, treated first with Cedarcide PCO and then with various big box store insecticides. All our attempts haven't been very successful. We are still finding ticks on us, the outside of house, our deck, our garden, our shed, our well-spiget, etc. What would be the best bang for our buck, AND be the most effective to get rid of these disgusting things!!! We've bought some DE, but it clogged our tow behind sprayer, so until we can figure the best way to apply the DE to our large lawn, that's on hold. Please help!!!
    Talstar P mixed with an Insect Growth regulator such as Nyguard IGR would be a good choice for tick control. Talstar P would work to kill ticks that come into contact with treated surfaces while the Nyguard would work to help stop juvenile ticks from reaching sexual maturity. You should remember that ticks may be hidden in tall or dense brush so higher treatment volumes may be needed to treat the entire plant, not just the top side of the plant where it is easiest to spray. You should try to get the application on the underside of leaves and all the way to the bottom of the plant. We recommend treating the entire infested area (no spot treating). When you are dealing with an area that has a high tick population you may be required to treat once a month from spring through to the first frost, no matter what product you use. Be sure all pets are treated with a product labeled for tick control. The problem on your property may be that ticks are being reintroduced into the area on a consistent basis by wildlife such as deer, raccoons or birds. You will be required to use non-chemical means to reduce the tick population in addition to insecticides. As with most pests you can modify the environment on your property to make it less favorable to ticks. Keeping grass and weeds cut short in tick infested areas increases tick death during hot weather, discourages wildlife and will reduce the amount of vegetation which may need a pesticide application to kill ticks. Clear away yard debris such as old firewood or leaf piles. Remove old or abandoned bird nests and rodent nests. Patch fences where wildlife may be gaining access to your property. It may also be helpful to have the ticks identified. By identifying the type of ticks you can better understand what type of animals may be bringing them to your property and you can modify the environment to make it less favorable for that host animal. You can contact your local cooperative extension office to request an insect identification.
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  • Asked by David from Naples, Florida
    Will my Talstar kill Rugose Spiraling Whitefly on my palms?
    Yes, Talstar P has been used successfully for rugose spiraling whitefly on palms as a foliage spray. Be sure to follow the product label for complete usage instructions.
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  • Asked by Todd from Spencer, Wi
    Can I leave diluted spray in my sprayer overnight? Can I use it next day? If not why?
    Insecticide manufacturers do not recommend that you leave the products in the diluted states for more than 24 hours or you will risk the efficacy. The longer the products sit in the diluted state the more they will lose their potency. You can also risk breaking down the components on your hand pump sprayer.
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  • Asked by Arnold from Jackson , Louisiana
    How long does spraying Talstar P remain effective out doors for flea and tick control?
    You can expect Talstar p to remain effective for 2-4 weeks outdoors for flea and tick control when used as recommended on the product label.
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  • Asked by Josh from Drumore, Pa
    Will Talstar P kill Cicada Killers? If so, What is the recommended way of applying the product?

    Talstar P will kill Cicada Killer that come into contact with treated areas for a sufficient amount of time to receive a lethal dose. You will need to dilute 1 fl oz of Talstar P per gallon of water and broadcast spray over the areas where you have noticed activity. Most folks notice only very limited results from broadcast sprays of insecticides for cicada killers because they don't land and walk around for a long enough time before entering their underground burrow. Please read below for the most effective treatment method:

    Cicada Killer wasps thrive in disturbed environments, such as landscaped yards and places where bare soil is exposed. You can discourage the wasps from nesting in your yard by cutting your grass on the highest setting and by adding a thick layer of mulch to flower beds during the Cicada Killer Wasp season. These wasps do not like over saturated lawns either, so over watering during their season will help prevent them. Unfortunately, there is no fool proof way to prevent cicada killer wasps.For prevention you can try to use a granular insecticide such as Talstar PL  Granules in the couple of weeks before this pest is known to emerge. For current infestations, you would need to use Delta dust in each individual burrow.

    We also like to let our customers know that the Cicada Killer wasps are beneficial insects that provide free pest control for a couple months each year. Cicada killer wasps paralyze and provision their burrows with other insects to feed their young.  The beneficial Cicada killer wasps, while large and intimidating to see, are mostly harmless and there have been very few reports of anyone getting stung by just being near them. In most cases where a sting was reported, the wasps were being held or molested in some way. Cicada Killer Wasp stings are also reported to be almost painless.

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  • Asked by Stephanie from Fairmount, In
    Is Talstar an IGR?
    i just ordered this product from you, havent used it yet (planned on tonight) but our work has a regular pest control company come in monthly and he just came in here today so i asked him if he knew much about the product. he said that if it's an IGR is should work ok, or if any of the ingredients had 'prene' in it (ex: hydroprene, neoprene, etc). i looked on the bottle that i just received and it doesnt state that it is, or isnt. can you help me with this? i cant find it on the internet either. we are having horrible flea problems and i was so hoping that Talstar would do the truck but according to him it will only work with the IGR, or whatever it is. Please respond as soon as you can. like i stated, we had planned on spraying tonight. thank you!
    Talstar P is an insecticide only, it is not an IGR nor does it contain an IGR. Talstar is not really a great choice for indoor flea control because it can not be broadcast sprayed over floors where the fleas tend to harbor. For indoor control you can use Ultracide comes ready to use, no mixing or equipment is needed and it contains both an insecticide for a quick knock down of biting adults and an insect growth regulator (IGR) for control of developing flea eggs and larvae. Infested areas should be thoroughly vacuumed prior to product applications to help remove as much flea eggs, larvae and debris as possible and also to help stimulate larvae to change stages and come into contact with the product. You should continue to vacuum at least every other day for the next two weeks.
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  • Asked by J. from Tampa,fl
    Can I reuse a container used for weed killer (not grass) with Talstar?
    I have a have empty bottle of weed eater from home depot, but I like it because it sprays with electronic trigger. With a good rinse, could I use 1oz talstar/gallon water mix for indoor outdoor and lawn?...if I did already what should be my next plan of action?
    You can use the jug but you must rinse it several times and spray water through the hose and nozzle several times to make sure all of the residuals are gone. For most Talstar P general pest control applications you will use 1 fl oz of Talstar P per gallon water. Please refer to the Talstar P product label for complete usage instructions.
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  • Asked by Crystl from Cushing, Okla.
    Can Talstar being sprayed around dogs cause reproductive issues?
    I have mastiffs and we sprayed Talstar to kill ticks in and around their pen. It killed the ticks but now we are noticing reproductive issues. No sperm in my males.
    We have never heard of this being an issue. We recommend you contact the Talstar p manufacturer for more information. You can reach FMC by calling 800-321-1362.
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  • Asked by Steve from Swampscott Ma
    Can I use talstar p on rugs for fleas?
    I already bought it from you then I saw a Q and A and you guys stated you don't want us to use it because it's a crack and crevice treatment.No good on rugs? Well i already bought it and the directions say it works for fleas. What do think? Can I mix it with precor?

    You can mix Talstar P with Precor IGR for flea control. According to the new Talstar P product label you can make applications as spot or crack and crevice treatments to areas frequented by pets, such as under bedding, rugs, next to furniture. Vacuum prior to treatment.

    What this means is that you cannot broadcast spray your entire carpet with Talstar, you must limit the treatment to "spot" treatments (areas that 2ft x 2ft or less). If you only need to spot treat certain areas you can use Talstar for fleas. If you need to broadcast over entire carpeted rooms you should choose a product which is labeled for indoor broadcast sprays such as Onslaught or Permethrin SFR.

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  • Asked by Ed from Central Florida
    How often should I apply Talstar P outside for normal pest control?
    During the warm months of the year you can apply Talstar P once a month. As the seasons cool and the insects become less active you can apply Talstar P once every 3 months for general pest control.
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  • Asked by Bill from Georgia
    Can I mix this with CyperWP for outside use around the house
    Will mixing bifenthrin with the cypermethrin degrade eithers efficiency or activity?
    These products should not be mixed together. There is no valid reason to mix Cyper WP and Talstar P together.  Talstar P is a synthetic pyrethroid and Cyper WP already contains a synthetic pyrethroid, so there would be nothing to gain by mixing these products together. Making a pesticide too strong can actually backfire. Areas that are treated with this overly concentrated spray will be repellent and insects will simply avoid the treated areas prolonging the infestation.
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  • Asked by Eliud from Edinburg Tx
    can you mix talstar pro with demon wp?
    Do the insecticides loose their potency if you mix 3 scoops of demon EP and 2 ounces of talstar pro in 1 1/4 gallons of water? For indoor use
    These products should not be mixed together. There is no valid reason to mix Demon WP and Talstar P together.  Talstar P is a synthetic pyrethroid and Demon WP already contains a synthetic pyrethroid, so there would be nothing to gain by mixing these products together. Making a pesticide too strong can actually backfire. Areas that are treated with this overly concentrated spray will be repellent and insects will simply avoid the treated areas prolonging the infestation.
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  • Asked by Jacky from Pharr Tx
    what product and to what dosage do you recommened for extremely heavy german roach infestations?
    We recommend using 3 products together to get rid of roaches. A roach bait gel, an IGR (insect growth regulator), and a residual insecticide. We offer all three products in the Roach Control Kit 2. This professional kit includes 1 packet of Demon WP Insecticide (which makes 4 gallons of finished solution) for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc. You'll also get 4 x 30 gram tubes of Advion Roach Bait Gel--one of the best roach baits on the market. Advion can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other hidden roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally, 20 Gentrol Point Source stations provide an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) that will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals. Demon WP must be applied with a 1 gallon pump sprayer. It is very important that you do your part by making sure your home is impeccably clean while trying to get rid of a roach infestation. Poor sanitation will lead to roach control failure.
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Displaying 261 to 280 (of 1251 questions)