Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 301 to 320 (of 1251 questions)
  • Asked by Aaron from Atlanta, Ga
    How can I get rid of ground/miner bees that are in a hard to reach juniper bed?
    These bees return every year and seem to number in the thousands. There also seems to be more and more each year. They swarm in the heat of the day and are living along the edge of my yard in a massive Juniper bed. The Junipers are mature and thick, so I can't even see their holes/nests, but when they are active, they are very intimidating and create concern for child safty.

    A good treatment of Talstar should help do the trick.  However, if the junipers are really thick, then you need to apply quite a bit for the product to get down to the ground where the bees are nesting. 



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  • Asked by Robert from Jacksonville Fl
    What's the difference between Talstar P and Bifen IT?
    Talstar P and Bifen IT are essentially the same product, they are just made by different manufacturers. Talstar P was manufactured 1st and is known to be the "name brand" and Bifen IT is known to be the generic.
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  • Asked by Allen from College Station, Tx
    Can I mix Talstar P and Permethrin SFR together in a hose end sprayer and apply at the same time?
    I already have Permethrin SFR but after reading on your Q&A site that the residual effect for mosquitos is better with Talstar P which I ordered some from you today. Just want to know if I can use both at the same time or is that overkill. Mainly using on my lawn to kill flying insects, ticks, fleas, and ants.
    We do not recommend that you mix these products together as they are both synthetic pyrethroids and it would be like doubling the usage rate of each product. Just using the Talstar P for mosquito control will work very well. We recommend using 1fl oz per gallon of water for best results.
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  • Asked by Martin from Indianola Iowa
    What is the best product to use to spray outer perimeter of house for pest control?
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests.
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  • Asked by Mark from Denver, Co
    What product to use on evergreen trees and aspens to protect against insects?
    I want to protect my landscaping trees from insects. None of the plants are edible.
    Talstar P is a great general use insecticide and can be used on trees, bushes and other ornamental plants and it labeled for many kinds of plant infesting insects. You should note that almost all insecticides have the potential to make evergreen trees loose a bit of their color.
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  • Asked by Lue from Baltimore, Md
    Which to use first Termidor SC or Talstar P on my newly constructed home and barrier?
    I am considering using both Termador SC (because I had such great results with it in the past) as a protective barrier on my home. I also want to do a barrier with Talstar P because of all the other pests (mosquitos, roaches, stink bugs) that it treats. Which should I product use first? Should I wait a period of time before applying the other product? Will the products work adversely or well with each other? Thanks
    Are you trying to use the Termidor as a Termite barrier?
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  • Asked by Joe from Leland, Nc
    Does Talstar P kill kudzu bugs? Which should I use Talstar P or Demon WP?
    Both Talstar P and Demon WP will kill kudzu bugs. If you are spraying porous surfaces you would want to choose the Demon WP because it will stay up on the surface a bit more and be more available to the insects. If you need to spray plants, trees and siding Talstar P would be a great choice.
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  • Asked by Sarah from United States
    I need the strongest, easiest, most effective broad-spectrum insecticide for my yard.
    suburban, have dog. dallas Texas, must include fleas, chiggers, spiders, roaches, big ass tree roaches, beatles. if it crawls i want it gone. prefer something that i can spray on with a water hose to yard and outsise of home. that lasts. also need a strong weed killer to kill all tx weeds, but expecially these burr weeds ( look like clover but put out these non spikey, round burrs.) grass not an issue, plan to reseed. weeds cover 75% of yard anyway. a few trees i dont want hurt.

    Talstar P would be your best general insecticide for your yard. It is labeled for just about any insect you could have a problem with including ants, roaches, beetles, mosquitoes, and many others. Talstar P can be used in a hose end sprayer but can be a little thick so may need a touch of water added to thin it a bit.

    If you are looking to get rid of the weeds and grass so you can reseed you should use a glyphosate product such as Glyphosel Pro. This is a non-selective herbicide that will kill the weeds and anything other foliage it is sprayed on. You can reseed after 14 days. Do not directly spray the trees or allow drift to get on the trees to avoid damage.

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  • Asked by Elaine from Bakersfield, Ca
    Can Talstar P be used with Archer IGR?
    I would like ot use pet and child safe products that are also broad spectrum and Archer IGR and Talstar P seem to fit the bill. I would like to use both an IGR and adulticide so as to get as much as possible at all stages of development. Is Talstar P and Archer IGR a good combination? Could they maybe just be used on the ame areas a couple opf weeks apart, maybe spraying first with Archer IGR and then coming back and spraying with Talstar?
    Talstar P and Archer IGR can be mixed into the same gallon of water so you only have to spray once. Archer can be mixed with most insecticides in this way.
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  • Asked by James from Stuart, Florida
    Will Talstar P control hoosehold casebearers (Phereoeca uterella)?
    When the larva or the moths make contact with areas that have been treated with Talstar P or Demand CS they will be killed by the dry residual. They must contact the treated area for any products to work. Typically a crack and crevice application of either product, lots of cleaning under furniture, appliances and under cabinets and lots of vacuuming will help eliminate these pests. Any wool items should be examined for damage and cleaned if needed.
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  • Asked by Leo from Ocala Fla
    What is the mixture ratio of Talstar P to kill mole crickets?

    We recommend using 1 fl oz of Talstar P per gallon of water. Use 2 gallons of solution/1000 square feet, immediate irrigation of treated area with at least 0.25 inches of water following application to ensure efficacy of sub-surface pests such as,
    but not limited to, Mole Crickets, is recommended.


    Mole Cricket adults: Achieving acceptable control of adult mole crickets is difficult because preferred grass areas are subject to continuous invasion during the early spring by this extremely active stage. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.25 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate
    before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized. Grass areas that receive pressure from adult mole crickets should be treated at peak egg hatch to ensure optimum control of subsequent nymph populations (see below).

    Mole Cricket nymphs: Grass areas that received intense adult mole cricket pressure in the spring should be treated immediately prior to peak egg hatch. Optimal control is achieved at this time because young nymphs are more susceptible to insecticides and they are located near the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated. Control of larger, more damaging, nymphs later in the
    year may require both higher application rates and more frequent applications to maintain acceptable control. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.25 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized.

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  • Asked by Judy from Rose Hill, N.c.
    How much Talstar would it take just to make a quart mixture in a spray bottle?
    We do not recommend that you use a regular squirt bottle for Talstar applications because the application will not be even. That being said, you will mix 1/4 fl oz of Talstar P per quart of water for most applications.
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  • Asked by Sandy from Newton,nj
    Will Talstar work better than Niban FG on my camel crickets?
    With Talstar P the crickets just need to cross over treated areas to get a lethal dose of the insecticide. With the Niban FG they need to be attracted to and then consume the bait. Both products work great and both will do a great job it just breaks down to what is needed for your particular space. Is it okay to apply an insecticide? Can you get to the areas that need to be treated? If so an insecticide like Talstar will work very well.
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  • Asked by Alan from Harrisburg,nc
    Is there a way to spray for mosquito without having to use a mister or fogger that is still just as effective?
    In other words will a regular hand sprayer work and what chemical should I use.

    Talstar is our most popular selling product for mosquito control.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water and apply using any hand pump sprayer or backpack sprayer.  The key is to apply it to all shrubs, trees, and other foliage around the house or patio you are trying to provide relief at.  It should be directed not only on top of the leaves and plants, but on the underside of the leaves as well which is where the mosquitoes hang out.  It should be applied every 30 days for optimum control.  It is also very good for bees and wasps, however you would not want to apply it or any other product directly to play sets where children will touch treated surfaces.  Also, Talstar is labeled for over 100 different insects and will work in just about any situation.

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  • Asked by John from Louisville, Ky
    Talstar for Carpet Beetle
    I have a carpet beetle problem in my basement. I have use Talstar outside, but have never used it in my house. The carpet beetles seems to be contained in the basement, part of the basement is carpeted - part is not. Is talstar safe to use on the carpet - I have tried other dusts applied topically to the carpet but they are still there.
    While the product will not hurt the carpet, Talstar P is not labeled to be broadcast sprayed over carpeted areas for carpet beetle control. Talstar P can only be used as a crack and crevice application indoors. For indoor carpet beetle control you may want to consider a product such as Nyguard Plus. This product contains an insecticide to kill the roaming adults and an insect growth regulator to stop the harder to kill immature beetles from reaching a reproductive state which in turn will break the cycle of infestation. As an added bonus this product also contains a deodorizer for carpet applications.
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  • Asked by David from Macungie, Pa
    I want to use Talstar P to spray my lawn.
    I want to use it w/ an all purpose sprayer that you attach to a garden hose such as the Gilmour 362. Would this work? I am especially wanting to spray my front and back yard to guard against fleas, ticks, grubs and ants.
    Talstar P will work in most hose end sprayers though a few folks have commented that the sprayer they used did get clogged because Talstar is a little bit thick. Talstar P is a great general use insecticide but it is not labeled to control grubs. Most general use insecticides do not control grubs.  For grub control you will need to use a product such as Dominion 2L that contains imidacloprid.
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  • Asked by John from Almaty, Kz
    What should be used around pond/lake areas to kill mosquitos?
    Essentria IC3 is the product of choice when you need to treat for mosquitoes around a body of water.  Essentria IC3 is a flexible, broad-spectrum EPA FIFRA 25(b) exempt product and is organic compliant.  This means it is a very safe insecticide for use around your family and pets, but still very effective.  One of the best features of Essentria IC3 is that it has no aquatic toxicity.  This means you can apply near or over water for spiders, mosquitoes and other water dwelling pests with no worries about harming aquatic life.
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  • Asked by Jay from Harrisburg, Pa
    Does Talstar contain a Surfactant? if not is there any advantage to using one with this product?
    Talstar p does not contain a surfactant. A surfactant is not usually need but can be used if you are trying to protect a plant with waxy leaves and need the product to stick a bit better.
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  • Asked by Anthony from Dandridge, Tn
    Will Talstar P be effective for killing carpenter bees?
    I see that Demand CS (lambda-csi) is specifically labeled to kill carpenter bees, but is much more expensive. Also is dusting the nest necessary, or will re-spraying the nest periodically (monthly?) be effective as well to kill larvae?
    Talstar P is very effective for controlling carpenter bees. We do recommend dusting the actual nests because the dust will last longer than a liquid. This is important because it can take a while for the egg to hatch and for the larvae to come into contact with the product.
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  • Asked by Damon from United States
    We live in Oklahoma and are having a problem with spiders and ants.
    What do you recommend as the best spray treatment for inside and outside of our home?
    Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  It will last for 60 to 90 days outside in between treatments.  It is also labeled for lawn and ornamental use, and can be used on trees, plants, bushes and shrubs for all sorts of ornamental pests including Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other leaf eating pests.
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Displaying 301 to 320 (of 1251 questions)