Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 101 to 120 (of 1251 questions)
  • Asked by Jonathan
    When is the best time to use Talstar P indoors and outdoors?
    I really want to know if it matters if it is wet or dry outside or if it is going to rain soon.
    Outdoors, Talstar P should be used when it is dry outside and there is no rain expected within a 24 hour period. Outdoor weather elements will not have any effect on indoor treatments. For both indoor and outdoor treatments it is important that all adults, children and pets are out of the area that is being treated and they may return as soon as the treated area is dry.
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  • Asked by Michael
    Can Talstar be used inside the house? Can it be used around pets?
    Talstar is a general use product that is labeled for use inside and outside the home.  Talstar is safe to use around animals as long as they are out of the area while you are spraying, they can return as soon as the area is dry. Talstar P is odorless, dries clear, leaves no stains, is non-irritating to the skin, and will not break down easily with rainfall
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  • Asked by Chenghong
    Best product for mosquitoes?
    I live in Dallas area. What is best suitable for mosquitoes and common summer yard pest control?
    Talstar is our most popular selling product for mosquito control.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water and apply using a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  The key is to apply it to all shrubs, trees, and other foliage around the house or patio you are trying to provide relief at.  It should be directed not only on top of the leaves and plants, but on the underside of the leaves as well which is where the mosquitoes hang out.  It should be applied every 30 days for optimum control.  Best of all it will not harm any birds in the area.
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  • Asked by Mike
    I have read that Talstar is safe for pets, but what if my pets eat the grass?
    I recently purchased Talstar to treat ants on our property after reading all the reviews. I know pets can enter the treated area after the product has dried, but my issue is that two of my dogs have been eating grass in the yard, and there are a fair amount of ant colonies that I need to treat in the yard itself. My concern is they may eat grass that may have been treated along the property line or around a concrete pad I plan to treat. What precautions do I need to take here? Is there another product you would recommend instead?
    I would imagine that your dogs may eat some grass but probably not a lot of it at once.  Talstar, when mixed with water is only strong enough to kill small insects, like ants.  Your dogs would have to eat a truckload of grass most likely to get sick, and they would probably get much more sick from the grass then the Talstar.  However, of course we recommend anything you can do to minimize your dogs from eating the grass.  The other thing you could do is not broadcast the spray over the whole lawn, but treat the ant mounds individually so the grass in between the mounds is free from spray.  Hopefully your dogs don't eat dirt mounds also.
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  • Asked by Caddo
    Can Cy-Kick CS be mixed with Talstar P for mosquito control?
    If so how much of each product per gallon to treat 1000 sqft? If not Talstar what can be mixed for quick knockdown and at what rate/gallon/1000sqft
    No. Cy-Kick CS and Talstar P are both synthetic pyrethroids and there would be no valid reason to mix them together. We recommend that you stick with the Talstar P. Use 1 fl oz of Talstar P per gallon of water to treat a 1,000 sq ft area for the best knockdown and the longest residual. If you want a faster knockdown than the Talstar P alone can provide you can add 1 oz ExciteR to the Talstar/water mixture. ExciteR is a pyrethrin product which provides a super fast knockdown but no residual.
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  • Asked by Alfred
    What are the two tops to the Talstar P bottle for?
    On Talstar P has 2 outlets, how come, what do I do with 2 outlets.
    Most professional pest control products come in a bottle with a built in measuring device.  The top to the left has a measuring reservoir that measures in 1/2 and 1 ounce increments so you can easily mix the product with water.  The right hand side is just a normal top that will allow all of the product to come out.  Most people never open the right hand side though because most people just use an ounce at a time.
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  • Asked by Gary
    What is the dry time for Talstar products?
    Talstar P is a water based product that dries just as fast as water alone would dry.
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  • Asked by Uconnland
    If I were to start my own exterminating company, what products would I need for indoors?
    I know Termidor for outside, but what for indoor treatment?
    The selection of the proper product would depend on several different factors. What type of insects are your main concern? Are you doing clean outs or just preventative treatments? What state are you in? Do you need an immediate knockdown or residual control or both? Most professionals would not limit themselves to just one or two products because their clients will have very different needs. We will say that Talstar P is one of the most popular products on the market for indoor use because it dries clear, does not have an odor and has a very broad label and works well for a general insecticide.
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  • Asked by David
    Will Talstar P kill mice?
    No. Talstar P is an insecticide only and will not kill mammals. Please read and follow all product labels.
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  • Asked by Deanna
    My car is infested with stink bugs. How should I use Talstar P on a vehicle?
    Talstar P is not really specifically labeled for treatment in cars.  You cannot apply the product to any seats or anywhere that you come into contact with.  You could only apply it to cracks and crevices and under seats.  We feel that an aerosol can would be easier to apply to a car and just as effective.  We would recommend D-Force HPX Aerosol and apply it to the same areas.
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  • Asked by Rishad
    Will Talstar P eradicate springtails?
    Talstar P and Talstar PL Granules in the yard work very well springtails and they can be used in the same areas. Springtails can be tough to control. You must find the moisture source and correct it to get rid of springtails completely.
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  • Asked by Roz
    What if a dog came into contact with Talstar P while it was still wet?
    My dog didn't show apparent signs of illness, yet his coat was wet with a manure type odor and when wiped, there was a rust color that came off. The scent is still there a day later.
    The smell and color are not from the Talstar P. Talstar P is a water based product that dries clear and is odorless. It seems like your dog did indeed roll in something that was possibly still damp from the Talstar application, but it is the actual item your pet rolled in (perhaps manure or fertilizer of some kind?) that you have noticed on your pet. We think a bath is in order to wash off any Talstar the dog may have on his coat and to get rid of whatever ever else he rolled in.
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  • Asked by Brenda
    How can we get rid of a bad tick problem?
    I live in AZ and we have a really bad tick problem can you help? We have 6 dogs

    Talstar P would be a great choice for indoor and outdoor tick control. We also recommend adding an insect growth regulator such as Archer IGR to Talstar to stop the ticks from being able to develop while you are trying to eliminate the infestation. You will use 1 oz of Talstar +  1oz of Archer IGR per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft area. Do not make spot applications. Treat the entire area where exposure to ticks may occur. Use more water (not more product) when treating areas with dense ground cover or heavy leaf litter. Ticks may be reintroduced from surrounding areas on host animals. Retreatment may be necessary to achieve and/or maintain control during periods of high pest pressure. All of your dogs should be treated with a product that is specifically labeled for use on dogs for tick control.

    You can also help by creating a "tick safe zone" in your yard. You should have an area that is at least 9 ft wide between your yard and any wooded area. Trim back trees to allow as much sunlight as possible into your yard. Keep grass as short. Remove as much leaf litter as possible. A clearly defined, well manicured border between your yard and any wooded areas or weedy lots will reduce the chance of ticks infesting your yard.

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  • Asked by Karen
    Can I use Talstar on elm trees as a systemic?
    Talstar P is a synthetic pyrethroid and as such will not work as a systemic treatment. You will need to use a product such as Criterion which is a systemic insecticide to treat your elm trees.
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  • Asked by Betty
    What can I use to destroy and kill ground bees over a widespread area in my yard?
    They cover a large area and there are a lot of bees. They seem to come back every year. I wish to get rid of them permanently.
    Ground bees, also known as digger bees, can be very difficult to control no matter what product you use and they most likely will come back to your property year after year unless you do your part to alter your property to make it unfavorable to the bees. Ground bees prefer dry soils with thin grasses so irrigating the area frequently and correcting any issue that causes your grass to be thin will help deter the bees from nesting. In areas where you do not have grass, a layer of mulch will help deter the bees from nesting. Ground bees are solitary bees and are not very aggressive and are known to be a beneficial insect which is why you will not find any products specifically labeled for this type of bee. Talstar P can help provide some level of control but it will not get rid of all of the ground bees on your property. You should use Talstar P at a 1 oz of product to 1 gallon of water for a 1,000 sq ft area ratio. This will give you the fastest knockdown and the longest lasting residual. Talstar P does not offer an instant knockdown but will kill insects that come into contact with treated areas over a short period of time.
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  • Asked by Roger
    For large yard, should I have a blower to apply Talstar P?
    I have a large yard, over 15000 square feet, surrounded by large trees/woods. I would need to treat ground cover, bushes/shrubs, and also the perimeter of the property going into the woods and up into the trees several feet. Is the solo mister/blower or the Stihl mister/blower the best way or is a hand sprayer adequate or preferred?
    A hand pump sprayer or backpack sprayer would be the preferred method of application. For that large of an area a backpack sprayer would be the best method.  We carry all types and we even have one that is battery powered that is very popular and makes it very easy to apply the product.
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  • Asked by Sam
    Which is the best product to control centipedes?
    They come in through windows. I hate them.
    Talstar P would be a good choice to use around the inside and outside of your home to eliminate centipedes. Indoors you can apply Talstar P to door frames, window frames, places where utilities enter into the structure, and any other place where the insects can gain entry. Outdoors you should apply the product to door frames, window frames, places where utilities enter into the structure, around the bottom of the foundation and out onto the ground directly around the foundation. You can also limit favorable conditions that the centipedes need to thrive. 

    Remove Favorabe Conditions

    • Fix leaky faucets or pipes and dry up wet or damp areas where centipedes thrive
    • Remove outdoor harborages near the home that hold moisture (compost, wood, or leaf piles, etc).
    • Store firewood off the ground at least 20 feet away from the home
    • Water your lawn in the morning so that it will be dry by afternoon
    • Do not over mulch flower beds, since soggy mulch is an ideal harborage for centipedes
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  • Asked by C.
    Can Talstar one be used on fruit trees? If so what concentrate?
    No. Talstar cannot be used on anything edible, fruits or vegetables.  We do however have many products that are labeled for gardens and fruit bearing trees.  One of our most popular is our Malathion 55% Spray. 
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  • Asked by Barry
    Can I use Talstar P at 1 oz per gallon in an area that some will fall on my lawn without killing the grass?
    Talstar is labeled to apply on turf, ornamentals, trees, and almost any other surface or plant.  It is our best selling product to spray on the yard and on shrubs, bushes, and trees for mosquitoes and other insects that harm grass and trees.  So you don't have to worry about it killing the grass.  The only thing you should not apply Talstar to is a garden with anything edible.
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  • Asked by Dave
    Can Talstar P be used in a hose-end sprayer to treat the outdoor areas?
    Yes Talstar P can be used in a hose end sprayer as long as the hose end sprayer can be properly calibrated to spray the correct amount of product per gallon of water.
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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 1251 questions)