Customer Reviews for Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide

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Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Dust Works Great

    By Matt on 09/18/2009

    Verified Purchase

    I also had yellow jackets up in my soffits. The local Pro service wanted $140 to get rid of them. I found this awesome website and ordered the Tempo 1% dust and the $14.95 bellow hand duster. I dressed up like a space alien for protection and gave them a few good shots of dust late last evening. I was a little worried at first because it did not kill them instantly on contact like a jet spray. They were swarming around the opening (and me) pretty well even after I dusted them. But today after work I looked and they are all gone! Plenty of dead ones on the ground and none flying around anywhere. I saved around $100, I now own the hand duster, and I have plenty of the Tempo dust left over. Glad I found this place!

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    168 of 177 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The ONLY thing that worked.

    By Jeremy on 09/23/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I saw this product online with these great reviews. I had to try it as it was my last hope. I had a huge yellow jacket problem. At first I tried to let them coexist. I then tried to control them by eliminating the nests as I spotted them with OTC sprays. I hung a OTC trap in an effort to control them. This year, they got especially aggressive and stung myself and my father in law. Their stings were very very painful. I now know why they are called the devil's insect. The final straw was them building a nest under my shed. This was a nest I could not physically get too. I knew it was getting bigger and bigger as more and more activity continued around an opening. In a matter of weeks I would see constant swarming yellow jackets going under the shed floor through a crack. I tried dousing with spray and spraying into the crack. This just made a few die and get the rest extremely angry. I tried sealing it with bricks and preventing entry. They still found a way through the tiniest of cracks and actually moved gravel. They were VERY motivated. I ordered the dust and crossed my fingers. After the first dusting I wasn't sure if it did anything. I waited 2 days and still saw activity. On the 3rd day, I waited until nightfall and planned my second dusting. I pulled back a brick to examine the hole and sure enough there were probably about 50+ dead yellow jackets all on the ground. They were still getting in but dying on the way in/out. I applied more dust. This time getting all of the perimeter of the shed. Next day, no yellow jacket activity. They got the hint. I even spotted a dead yellow jacket about 25-30 feet away from the opening! The devil's insect terrorized me for a good 3 months and kept me from even going into my shed. Thank you so much it is such a relief to finally be able to enjoy my own yard. Use Tips for Yellow Jackets: Apply at nightfall. I can't stress this enough. You are less likely to be stung at this time. Activity is way less. Still be VERY careful. Even at night, one of the worker friends didn't appreciate the forceful dusting and popped his lovely head out to say hello and chase me. Buy a duster. Only way to make it work. I used the cheapest bulb duster I could find here. It dispersed it pretty dang far. A little goes a long way and I probably went overkill a bit with 2 dustings. I wanted to be sure though as I can't see the nest and wanted to cover the perimeter for permanent treatment. Even then I didn't even use much compared to what they send you. Don't count on it killing on contact like the spray. Remember this is a permanent fix. Not just a "spray them they are dead." The sprays are good for visible nests. Spray and knockdown. If you are dusting and they come out to say hello, you should make a hasty exit and try back another time. Service here was great. If I ever need anymore, I will always by from!

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    145 of 150 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Dennis on 09/19/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had (key word is HAD) a yellowjacket problem under the aluminum siding of my house. I could see where they were entering, but couldn't get to the nest, so I drilled a hole through the siding into the space just under the window and tried using a straw to inject liquid and foam insecticides. It proved ineffective, so I mixed up a batch of seven (the hardware store assured me it would kill the bees), stuck my sprayer wand into the hole and drenched it with about a half gallon of the mix. I'm sure I must have killed a few of them (perhaps they drowned), but I was unimpressed and still had a bee problem. Then I found this website and what they said made sense to me. I bought Tempo 1% dust and a duster and went after the wasps. I dusted the openings and dusted in the hole I had drilled in the siding. It took a day or two for the yellowjackets to track the dust back into their nest, but it did an excellent job of eradication! There was a marked reduction in wasp activity within 24 hours and a complete kill in 48. Best product I have ever used. Make sure to use a breathing mask and gloves as the dust is so fine you will undoubtably breath in some of it and it's a bit rough on the lungs. I had a 10 minute coughing fit after using it, but I'll be smarter next time. After all it really is harder on the bees than on me! LOL! I only used a few ounces of the dust so there is alot left over for future needs. Thanks guys, I appreciate you site and products.

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    90 of 92 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best Product for Cockroaches and BED BUGS

    By Jesus on 06/18/2014

    Verified Purchase

    This product has saved my life from bedbugs. When the product arrive, I couldn't wait to use it. I ordered this product and the bellow duster. Before using it on bedbugs, I went on using it on cockroaches in my kitchen. I live in a apartment where the manager doesn't really do much. She has only fumigated the kitchen for cockroaches maybe 3 times in my 20 years of living. The exterminator didn't do a good job. Cockroaches aren't my big concern since they aren't the ones biting me at night but once I puffed around the kitchen, cockroaches started to appear out of their hiding areas. This product is amazing! I puffed under the stove, under the refrigerator, under the cabinets and in the crevices where I would see them flee. The cockroaches kept coming out and coming out. They would climb up the ceiling and then fall right straight down on the floor. It has gotten rid of a lot of cockroaches. And the plus side to this product is that it stays active up to a year. I do recommend buying IGR since cockroaches make eggs and this can't kill the eggs. Once I started seeing the cockroaches crawling up to the ceiling and then dying, I didn't want to be near the kitchen. So I started my bed bug extermination. I began my room. I puffed in the crevices of the wall. I opened up the outlets and puffed in the walls too. I put the pipe of the duster between the wall and the carpet. I puffed the whole room against the carpet and the baseboard in order to get any bedbugs underneath the carpet or in the baseboard. I did the same thing to the rest of the apartment. Later on in the evening, I found a bedbug crawling up the wall with some white dust on it. It was wobbling. I have left the dust around for 2 months now and I have been able to sleep. Haven't seen any bedbugs or bedbug feces. I gave this thing a week to say if it worked or not because having bedbugs has been traumatizing. I even bought tempo sc ultra and IGR just incase it didn't work. IT WORKS!!!! Thank GOD!! I have been living with them for 2 years and now I thank GOD and Domyownpestcontrol for this product!!!. I'm planning on using this product for a year since the building is having bedbug problems. Forgot to mention that before using this product, the building sent an exterminator a total of 8 times in 2 years. I noticed that the exterminator was just not doing his job, he cared more about making a bigger profit than having the customer happy. That's when I decided to do research on doing my own extermination and I found this website.

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    76 of 77 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo 1% Dust Did It!

    By Jon on 08/21/2009

    Verified Purchase

    I just wanted to let you all know how well the Tempo Dust got rid of the hornet and yellow jacket problem in my soffits. I had tried so many things to get rid of them – OTC jet sprays, Delta Dust, foggers, and even paint thinner! The problem was I did not know exactly where the nest was in my soffit. I just puffed Tempo Dust around all the crevices to my soffits where they were getting in last night and now there is no insect activity this morning! Thanks again for your products and prompt delivery.

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    67 of 72 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Steve on 06/03/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Easy to use. Just fill duster and squeeze. I have been dealing w/ carpenter bees for a while. Tried sprays. If you got a direct hit it would kill them. Almost impossible while they are in flight. Sprayed in and around holes. If bee is going in or coming out and got a taste, it worked. However, after 10 minutes or so it drys up and is useless. Tempo dust IS the answer. I dusted holes; about 150 of 'em, in the morning. By early afternoon started to see some DEAD bees. Dusted again two days later in evening. After a couple of days and no bees, plugged holes w/ 3/8" plugs in the morning. I am now grilling out and enjoying back porch again.  Nothing but good say about it.

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    25 of 28 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very Effective

    By Brad on 08/12/2010

    If you have found the nest, this is the product to use. Within minutes of use, the ants were crawling (stumbling) from the nest and dying. I noticed immediately that ants which were once exploring areas in the house were no longer present. Product is very strong, one may want to use a respirator and goggles.

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    22 of 25 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Go get tempo. Don't be skeptical.

    By Nobe on 09/29/2013

    Verified Purchase

    If your having pest problem than you are reading the right review to persuade you. My entire family had a roach infestation but now they can live in peace. Tempo dust is the most effective pest control on the market. Theres no need to be looking for roaches after you apply this powder. The roaches come out to die. And the powder keeps knocking them out day after day.

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    22 of 22 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo 1% Dust Solved My problem

    By Howard on 07/20/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had two wasp nests with entry holes at each end of my front porch. After a week of using liquid spray and killing about 40-50 wasp I knew I needed something else because there seemed to be more wasp than before. I decided to try Tempo 1% Dust even though I had my doubts it would work. Boy was I wrong. So early one morning about sunup I loaded my Bellow Hand Duster and applied about 5 good pumps into each entry hole and a couple on the outside. To my amazement not a single wasp flew out. Later that day the wasps were flying around as usual but the next day they were gone!...Like Magic! And I still have plenty of product left if necessary for future use. Can’t beat that and it’s so easy to use even a “Caveman” could do it.

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    19 of 23 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo 1% killed "my" wasps!

    By Jo on 09/13/2010

    Wasps had nested between the exterior stucco and an interior wall (crawled in through a tiny crack in a window frame). The first thing I tried was the messy foam stuff which did absolutely no good. Tempo 1% stopped all activity with only one application. I then caulked the area and all has been peaceful since. Thanks for a great product I would gladly recommend.

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    18 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    yellow jacket control

    By Earl on 09/13/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had 5 nests and used this Tempo 1% dust 1 treatment on each nest and never saw anymore yellow jackets after a few days from all 5 nest. Just dust them when it is cool in the evening and your done. I will use this again.

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    17 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bee's everywhere!!!

    By Anonymous on 08/16/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We moved this spring and come to find we were not alone! By mid-summer we found that we had 3 wall yellow jacket nests and 2 of those nests were in the siding of the house. The 3rd was in the wall of the chicken coupe and you could hear the hum of the bee hive more than 12 feet away. IT WAS HUGE!!!! WE had tried over the counter sprays but could not reach the route of the problem without tearing apart the siding and walls. We have children and were very concerned for their safety, so we purchased the Tempo 1% Dust along with the B&G Bulb Duster 1150. Results were amazing!! Within 20-30 minutes of dusting inside the walls using the attachments, the buzzing and scratching of the bee's were GONE!!! After dusting in the walls, 1 of nests did have bee's that found another exit and made their way into the house. The one's in the house were so almost out of it that they were flying really slow or just walking out of the hole one after another and falling over dying right there. Any bee's that were outside of the nest during our time of dusting only flew up the entrance of the hole but wouldn't go in and flew away. I am extremely impressed with this product and I know that this will not be my last problem with bee's here, so I will be more than sure to have this on hand at all times. Our neighbors have now found ground hives and nests in the back of their house. We told them our success with this product and they are now buying some too. THANK YOU!!!

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    17 of 17 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Anonymous on 06/08/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Used Tempo after spraying only 1 time,and it killed everything the spray didnt.Put it along every wall in my apartment,on all box springs and under all furniture and in couch.Its great,8 months and aint been infested again. bill,

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    15 of 16 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very effective bed bug killer.

    By Lisa on 07/05/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Read some studies about what dusts were effective for bed bug elimination, so I chose Tempo for it's fast mortality rate, and the price was fair too. I have a metal chair that has a padded seat and padded back that I use for a computer chair. Got to looking it over real good for bed bugs, and on the back side at the bottom corner edges on both sides of the padded back bed bug black crap was present. I put a couple puffs of Tempo in each crack, and just a few minutes later one bed bug fell out onto the floor laying on his back dying. Kept watching the dusted cracks and within five minutes two more bed bugs came out covered with dust. Tempo dust is awesome.

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    13 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Really Works

    By Canmine on 09/12/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I was quoted $450 by Truely Nolen to get rid of my bees. Unbelievable! That motivated me to do some research, came up with Tempo, and solved the problem myself for $25. Shame on these companies that prey on people's fear and ignorance. Double shame on the communist state of NY for banning the product.

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    11 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Massive Hornets nest vs Tempo 1%

    By Ed on 09/28/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Discovered a massive hornets nest in a porch attic, they were chewing through the wood ceiling and getting into a screened in porch. I orderd Tempo 1% since it was the only thing that would possibly work after lots of research. I drilled a hole in the ceiling inserted the end of the dust applicator (was scary) pumped the thing a few times, then put duct tape over the hole. I did this at night, nothing seemed to happen. After about 30 min we noticed the whole outside of the house was covered and seemed to be atttacked by the hornets, (like a scary movie "BIRDS") was very scary, there were constant thumps on all the windows from the hornets ramming into them. We turned off the lights in the house, turned on some outside flood lights, after about a hour the activity stopped. The next day thousands of hornets were found on the ground and stuck in spyder webs dead, there was still a little activity around the nest opening, so again I re applied Tempo 1%, I heard buzzing in the attic when I applied this. The next day there was still some activity, but the second day the hornets were defeated, Yay! I haven't pulled apart the ceiling to remove the the nest but I estimate it to be a well over a thousand colony. I will always have Tempo 1% in my arsenal from now on-Good Stuff! MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE ALL ACCESS INTO YOUR HOME WHEN USING THIS STUFF AND TURN OFF UNNESSARY LIGHTS!

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    11 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo dust - awesome!

    By Don on 09/14/2013

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff really works. I sat on my deck for 10 days with my vac, sucked up over 4000 wasps coming and going from a small hole. Two dustings of this more wasps.

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    DA BOMB!

    By Matt on 09/15/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I'd post a pic of the yellow jacket nest if I could because it was the size of a soccer ball and attached to the INSIDE basement sill of our 100 year old house. LATE at night I gave it a couple puffs with the duster from inside, then went and blew more TEMPO into the outside entrance points. We could hear LOUD buzzing through the floor boards and thought..OMG!! It lasted about 20 minutes. Next day...absolutely NO activity. They must have spread the dust throughout the nest themselves. AWESOME product with no oily petroleum residues. THANKS!

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    10 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    bees in block wall

    By Steve on 10/26/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Great stuff ....3 puffs about half gram each and no more bees ....must have used 10 cans of all the sprays ....what a great product

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    9 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Wasps in soffit

    By Don on 10/05/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had a wasp nest in the soffit of my house. They were going through a 3/8 inch hole. I purchased the Tempo 1% Dust and the $14.95 Bellows Duster. At night I gave 2 squirts in the hole and the next day the wasps were gone. I almost paid someone to do the job. I'm glad I didn't. It was way too easy to do it myself for a lot less.

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    8 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    dead, deader, deadest

    By Bob on 09/13/2012

    Verified Purchase

    yellow jackets in wall, siding. One application - done. These vermin ate the spray you buy at the store and laughed, well they're not laughing now.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Magic Yellow Jacket Dust!!

    By Robert on 09/16/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We discovered a yellow jacket nest in our front yard right at the base of shrub by the front porch. It was under ground and very problematic. My son disturbed the nest and got stung about 12 times so we knew this was a dangerous situation. I couldn't find a good solution that wouldn't kill the shrub but would kill the yellow jackets until I found Tempo 1% Dust. I treated the nest the night I got the dust and had no activity for a week. A week later I noticed a couple of small yellow jackets coming out and treated again. Now they're completely gone!! Didn't damage the shrub and wiped out those vicious things.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Only thing that worked - and tried it all!

    By Jason on 09/19/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Yellowjackets dead within 24 hours...tried Sevin, sprays, you name it...nothing killed em all. This stuff is a must buy for frustrated homeowners.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bed bug armageddon

    By Jeff on 08/23/2016

    Moderate bed bug infestation; mostly in the bedroom. Half-hearted use of DE showed early promise, then crapped out. After reading the study that showed 100 efficacy even over pyrethrin resistant strains using Tempo 1% Dust I ordered some, along with Cimexa and the bellows hand duster. Applied both separately, but liberally. Greater than 90% reduction overnight. Less than a week since initial application bites have stopped but inspection reveals a few stragglers. The war isn't quite over, but it looks like the death blow has been dealt. The effect was so quick it was a revelation. Still counting on the Cimexa to help clean up any particularly resitant bugs, but for me Tempo Dust seems to have been the magic bullet. Ideal purchase for a limited budget. YMMV, but I recommend this highly.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    tempo dust

    By Herbert on 08/31/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This will be the second time I have purchased this product and it has worked great. I have a summer home and use the dust in the beginning of spring and it lasts a whole year without a reapplication. This product has been proven on various bee species and also kills ants.

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    7 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Delta Dust

    By Ken on 09/02/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Nice product. Worked instantly on the bee nest. Thought that I needed a lot of dusting to do the job, but not so. As advised it seems that all I needed were a few good puffs from the duster and the job was done. Never saw another live bee. Finally a product that works with professional results. Good stuff.

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    7 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Charles on 10/08/2015

    Tempo did the trick gone after dealing with yellow jackets all summer.

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    7 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Yellow jackets

    By Chris on 11/09/2015

    I had a huge infestation of yellow jackets. I bought the Tempo 1% Dust. I had a hole were my 1st floor roof butted up against the wall of the house. First I put a generous amount of 1% Dust in a piece of card board bent in a v. I pushed this into the hole hoping the yellow jackets would walk over the dust and carry it into the hole. This did not work. Next I the took a long poll taped some 3/8" flexible tubing to the pole and pored the dust into the bottom of the tube. I held the tube to the hole and my brother used my air compressor to blow the dust into the hole. We did this a half dozen times using a generous amount of powder. Yellow jackets started falling from the hole immediately. The next day there were no yellow jackets leaving or entering the hole. I highly recommend this product.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Diane on 11/09/2015

    We fought wasps all summer by using sprays and natural remedies. We almost gave up the fight (wasps in the area above the stones all around the house...hundreds). After reading about this product, my husband puffed a small amount ( with the long nozzle puffer) and was amazed to see them die within an hour). We are ready for any returners next year !

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    5 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Brianne on 10/20/2017

    Killed them in one application, amazing product. Don't buy a duster though, the nozzle is made for that. My only regret is buying the duster because shipping it back costs more than i paid for it.

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    5 of 7 people found this review helpful

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