Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 114 questions)
  • Asked by Steven from Holt, Mi
    How can I kill wasps that are nesting behind soffits or shutters?
    I've seen several wasps going behind the ribbed gaps between the aluminum soffit and the facia. I've also seen several going behind decorative window shutters. It appears that we have a fair amount of wasp actvity in our area. I'd also like to know how to prevent them from nesting in the furnace inlet/exhaust pvc pipes or the chimney flue. Thanks for your help!
    We recommned that you use a hand duster and apply a dust such as Tempo dust to the holes where the wasps are going in and out. The dust will help eliminate the wasps in the nest and any other wasps returning to the nest. Tempo dust will stay effective for several months as long as it is dry. We are not aware of a product that would eliminate the wasp pheromone to help stop wasps from returning to a particular area.  After dusting in the void where the wasps have a built a nest you can try spraying the siding with a product such as Talstar P. You can spray once a month and any wasp that lands on treated areas will be eliminated within about 24 hours which should stop new wasps from being able to build a nest.
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  • Asked by Chuck from New Waterford, Oh
    What is the best way to get rid of wasps under siding?
    Wasps are nesting under the vinyl siding of my home, where the foundation meets. I've tried sprays but find I must invert the can to reach the nest. When I invert the can and spray, all I get is the aerosol, no poison. I've tried pumping diatomaceous earth into the area, but I'm not getting to the nest and the powder is obviously missing at least some of the wasps. I need an effective poison with a delivery system I can use close up and spraying upward under the siding at about 3-4 inches off the ground.

    Our most popular dust  for bees/wasp is Tempo Dust.  You will need a hand duster to apply it with.  It usually works within 24 to 48 hours, and will provide a better transfer effect that diatomaceous earth. You want to go up to the opening where they are flying in and out of at dusk or at night when they are not active and puff twice directly into the hole.  Then pull the duster out and puff directly at the hole to cover the opening from about 5 inches away.  This is the most efficient and fastest way to eliminate a bee/yellow jacket/wasp nest. 

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  • Asked by Sue
    How long does Tempo 1% dust stay active inside a closed wall?
    Tempo 1% dust can remain active up to a year if left undisturbed in a wall void.
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  • Asked by Amy
    Is this the best insecticide dust to use on our bee wasp hornet or yellow jacket problem?
    We have a bee/wasp/hornet/yellow jacket problem. In other words, we are not sure about the critters, We believe they are wasps. Some of the hives appear to be in the ground, and others in the usual areas. Will this product work on all of the above, in case we are wrong about our assumption? Also, will it work for the hives that are underground?
    Yes, this is our most popular dust for bees in general.  Wether they are in the ground or in your home going under a roof shingle, or a paper nest out in the open, one to two quick puffs from this dust will knock them out.  You should get a hand duster to apply the product.  Also, it is best to apply the dust late at night or very early morning when the bees are less active.  Night usually works best. 
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  • Asked by Douglas
    How do I use Tempo Dust to get rid of a bee or wasp nest?
    Is the Tempo 1% Dust effective if the nest cannot be found and it is assumed the bees are either in the wall or ceiling? If dusted in the openings, will the bees take the dust into the nest to kill all off?
    Yes, the Tempo 1% Dust is our best selling product to eradicate bees.  If you know where the opening is where the bees are going in and out, and you dust that opening, the bees will get the dust on the hair on their legs and carry it back to the nesting area.  Usually this will eradicate a bee colony within 24 - 48 hours depending on the size.  It is best to treat the opening late at night or very early morning when they are all inside and less active.
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  • Asked by Bill from Greenwich, Ct
    How long until yellow jackets stop emerging into house after treatment with Tempo 1% Dust?
    I have a yellow jacket nest in a house wall. They were getting access to the house at an opening between the roof and the siding. Three weeks ago I treated the opening twice with Tempo dust over two days and since then there has been no activity there. However, dead and alive yellow jackets continue to appear inside the house, at a rate of 1-2 per day, the same rate prior to treatment. Must I drill holes in the wall to find and treat the actual nest, or will they die out in time? And how long? I have not been able to find any other activity by worker wasps into and out of the structure.

    Tempo Dust will usually eradicate a nest within 24 - 48 hours depending on the size and depending on whether all entry and exit points were treated.  As long as they are contacting the area where the dust was applied, then it should kill them all.  It might be best to also drill holes in the area you suspect the nest to be to kill the larvae which may now be old enough to emerge. 

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  • Asked by Chris
    What is the shelf life of Tempo dust if left in the bottle?
    And kept in a cool storage area (basement storage). Thanks.
    Tempo Dust should be used within 3 years of the date of purchase if stored out of extreme temperatures.
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  • Asked by Noreen from Genoa, Il
    How do we get rid of them a bumblebee nest under our concrete stoop?
    I'm allergic to all stinging flyers. We have a bumblebee problem under the concrete stoop to our back yard. They are active all day. Stinging my husband, my dogs and my new puppy. I'm allergic to stings! ER allergic. We've tried sprays, foam every wasp and hornet spray. What can we use??? Need ASAP!!!!!

    Tempo 1% Dust is our best selling product to eradicate bees.  If you know where the opening is where the bees are going in and out, and you dust that opening, the bees will get the dust on the hair on their legs and carry it back to the nesting area.  Usually this will eradicate a bee colony within 24 - 48 hours depending on the size.  It is best to treat the opening late at night or very early morning when they are all inside and less active.  For your safety, if you are allergic, have someone else make the application for you. 

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  • Asked by Paul from Tigard, Oregon
    Will Tempo 1% Dust work if it is raining or if the ground entrance is wet?

    No Tempo 1% Dust would not work if it got wet. You would need to re-apply if it came in contact with any water source. 

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  • Asked by Doris
    Will Tempo Dust work on Cicada Killer Wasp?
    I have Cicada Killers in my backyard and I need to get rid of them - will this work? What is best - using in tandem with Cynoff WP or alone? This is year number three battling these wasp and I can no longer enjoy my backyard because of them. HELP!
    Tempo Dust is great for Cicada Killers or any other flying insect.  In the evening when they are in their burrow you can treat each individual burrow with 2 quick puffs of Tempo Dust using a hand duster.  For overall prevention you can apply Cyperwp over landscaped areas where they like to nest to deter future burrows from being made.
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  • Asked by Bonnie
    I know you do not recommend killing honey bees but they are under our trim and coming in the house.
    What do you recommend? Thank you for your time.
    The first thing you can do is contact your local cooperative extension office and ask for the phone number for your local honey bee farmer. Many bee farmers will come remove honey bees free of charge because of the recent decline in the honey bee population. If this is not an option for you, you can use a hand duster to apply a dust product such as Tempo Dust into and around the area where the bees seem to be gaining access to your home. Over a period of a couple of days to a week (timeline will depend on how many bees are contacting the treated area) this will kill off the colony that has taken up residence in your home. Any insecticide applications should be done very early in the morning or very late in the evening when the bees are less active. After the bees have been eliminated it is important to remove the bee hive from the void where the bees were nesting. Failure to remove the hive can lead to mold issues and secondary infestation from hive beetles and other insects. If the bee hive is in an area that is not easily accessible you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control operator.
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  • Asked by Dan from Wexford
    What is more effective to use on carpenter bees, Tempo Dust or Delta Dust?
    I want the most effective dust to control carpenter bee and don't know which is the absolute best. Please recommend. Thank you.

    Tempo Dust and Delta Dust are both very good for carpenter bees and will work. The main difference between them is that Delta Dust is waterproof and has a different active ingredient than the Tempo Dust does. If you are concerned about water or moisture getting into the area you are treating, Delta Dust is an excellent option. Tempo Dust is also very good and will eliminate the bees as well. Be sure to wait at least 14 days or until there is no longer any activity to plug the holes up.

    Also, please check out our Carpenter Bee Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent carpenter bees.

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  • Asked by Rudy from Freedom, Wi
    Does Tempo 1% Dust kill wasp eggs and larvae?
    I need to exterminate a wasp's nest and want to make sure to kill all the eggs and larvae too.

    Yes, Tempo 1% Dust is a great choice to apply to the wasp nest if you have access to the opening. You should treat late in the evening or early in the morning when the insects are the least active. The wasps that come in contact with it will transfer from bee to bee, killing adults and larvae.

    Wasp Control Article

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  • Asked by Charles from New Holstein, Wi
    Which product is better for getting rid of Yellow Jacket Wasps, Delta Dust or Tempo 1% Dust?
    I have Yellow Jackets under my cedar siding of my home. I also had to kill a couple inside my house.

    Our most popular dust  for bees/wasp is Tempo Dust.  You will need a hand duster to apply it with.  It usually works within 24 to 48 hours. You want to go up to the opening where they are flying in and out of at dusk or at night when they are not active and puff twice directly into the hole.  Then pull the duster out and puff directly at the hole to cover the opening from about 5 inches away.  This is the most efficient and fastest way to eliminate a bee/yellow jacket/wasp nest. 

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  • Asked by Sara from Hag. Md
    How safe Tempo 1% dust to put in around the baseboard trim in your house?
    So if we put it around the bottom of our carpet edge at where the trim is, will be a big deal to be around it in the house as far breathing?
    Tempo 1% Dust can be applied to cracks, crevices, base boards or wall voids. You want to allow time for the dust to settle before re entering.
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  • Asked by Anon from Cincinnati, Oh
    Delta Dust, Tempo Dust, or...?
    We have a bed bug infestation in our apartment and the exterminator who's been spraying has mysteriously disappeared and his company no longer answers their phones, and the spray doesn't seem to be working at any rate. Is it okay to apply Delta Dust (which I already have) directly to our couch (which seems to be the most heavily infested) and other furniture, in addition to the crevicies and whatnot around the apt.? Or would Tempo Dust be better? I heard that the strain of Bed Bugs in Cincinnati have become resistant to Delta Dust. Would you recommend I get some Bedlam Plus as well? I have a plastic cover for my mattress, but that doesn't help us with the couch. The exterminator said we'd probably have to end up throwing the couch out. I don't want to do that as it was quite expensive. Also, do you have any further suggestions as to what we might do? Thanks you so very much!!
    Some Bed Bugs strains have become resistant to pyrethroid insecticides like Tempo and Delta Dust. If you suspect a resistancy issue then a pyrethroid based insecticide would not be recommended. CimeXa Insecticide Dust is the newest product available in the battle against bed bugs. CimeXa Dust is 100% Silica dust (pyrethroid free), is very safe, odorless, and will not stain.  CimeXa Dust will last up to 10 years when applied to undisturbed areas like wall voids, or frames of some furniture such as couches. It is very effective on bed bugs, especially pyrethroid resistant bed bugs. When pests come into contact with CimeXa, the product clings to their exoskeleton and absorbs the waxy coating, causing death from dehydration. You would want to reat the interior framework, cracks and joints of the furniture, and the folds, tufts and edges of cushions and other upholstered areas.
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  • Asked by Dave
    Why can't you just dispense Tempo dust straight from the bottle? Do I really need a hand duster to apply Tempo?
    You could dispense Tempo dust right from the bottle, but you would be wasting a large amount of the product. The dust would come out too fast and you would most likely have a hard time getting the dust directly into cracks, crevices and voids because the bottle is not made for application purposes. We definitely recommend purchasing a hand duster to make application more efficient. Most customers that have purchased insecticide dusts, but declined to get a hand duster, have called back to make the purchase after they tried to apply the dust straight from the bottle.
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  • Asked by Wbgalloway from Concord Nc
    How can I kill yellow jackets coming in my basement from a nest in the ceiling?
    We sprayed the outside entrance and now they are coming in thru cracks around duct-work in the ceiling
    Please check out our article "How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets". If you can get to the openings where the yellow jackets are coming in and out from we highly recommend applying a dust like Tempo 1% Dust and when the yellow jacket comes in contact with it, the dust will transfer from yellow jacket to yellow jacket and kill off the entire nest.
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  • Asked by Josh from Co
    Is Tempo 1% Dust safe to use in a yard that has pets and kids?
    Tempo 1% Dust is safe to use in places where pets and children will be as long as you follow the product label and only apply the dust in allowed places.
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  • Asked by Elizabeth
    Do you recommend Tempo 1% dust for roaches or is there anything better?
    Tempo 1% dust will kill roaches, but it is some what repellent. If you have a current infestation we recommend using the following combination of products: 1. roach bait gel, 2. insect growth regulator, 3. residual insecticide spray. We offer a roach kit that contains all of the products that you need to get rid of roaches.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 114 questions)