Tenacity Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 261 to 280 (of 611 questions)
  • Asked by Kevin from Sc
    Does Tenacity kill nimbleweed?

    Tenacity Herbicide is labeled for post-emergent control of Nimbleweed to established cool season turf. Per the product label, you may need a second application after 2 to 3 weeks. Apply to young, actively growing weeds, and be sure to use a surfactant such as Southern Ag Non-Ionic surfactant for post-emergent applications.




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  • Asked by Zachary from Michigan
    How soon can I overseed an area that was treated with Tenacity if I will be using a blend of Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, and rye?
    My target weed I am killing is bentgrass.

    You can apply Tenacity herbicide on the day of seeding.  Once you have seeded you will need to wait until the grass is mature.  You can start applying a month before seeding so you can apply 2-3 applications before seeding.    

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  • Asked by Greg from Green Bay, Wi
    To kill extensive bentgrass, is it best to apply the first application of Tenacity as soon as the grass begins to come back or wait until the grass is completely back and fully green?
    All bentgrass is dormant now. Wisconsin climate. Looking to apply late summer/early fall.

    Your first application of Tenacity Herbicide in the fall to control bentgrass will be most effective just before the onset of new growth. You can then apply at 2-3 week intervals. You do not want to wait for it to be fully re-established to start treatment.

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  • Asked by Tyler from Vancouver, Wa
    Can Tenacity Herbicide be used as a pre-emergent for Poa trivialis? Should I water immediately after application?


    Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to treat poa trivialis. Please provide your desired turfgrass for an alternate recommendation. Thank you!





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  • Asked by Ryan from Maryland
    Can I apply Tenacity immediately after scalping my lawn for an overseed?
    I know instructions advise to allow for two days after mowing to apply.

    Yes, you can apply Tenacity just before or at the time of seeding for best results. Be sure that you are not using Tenacity at the same time as seeding if the grass is more than 20% hard or fine fescue.

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  • Asked by Nick from Pocasset, Ma
    Can Tenacity be mixed with other post emergent herbicides?

    Yes, Tenacity can be mixed with another herbicide as long as both products do not contain the same active ingredient, and both have labels that allow tank mixing in general.

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  • Asked by Brett from Canton, Ga
    What is the mix rate for Tenacity Herbicide on Fescue lawns?

    According to the Tenacity product label for smaller applications, you will need to mix 1 tsp of Tenacity and 3 tsp of surfactant to 2 gallon of water, using 1 gallon each to cover 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Mark from San Jose, Ca
    Please clarify the mixing directions if one uses 2 gallons.
    You stated "... mix 0.5 tsp of Tenacity and 1.5 tsp of surfactant to one gallon of water covering 1,000 sq ft.", QUESTION: to be certain the 1,000 sq. ft. are covered, may one use two gallons of water and still mix in the 0.5 and 1.5 amounts? That is to say, what's important - - the concentration or the total mg. of Tenacity applied?

    If it takes one gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq ft then use one gallon of water to the appropriate amount of products. If it takes 2 gallons of water, you will still use the same amount of Tenacity and surfactant. The water is the carrier so that amount of product is applied over the full 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Erin
    How much of the Tenacity Herbicide do I use on 5,000 sq ft lawn?
    How much Tenacity product would I put into 2 gallons of water (2 gal battery sprayer) to cover 1,000 sq ft? I have 5k sq ft of lawn to fully spray when I overseed in fall

    According to the Tenacity product label for smaller applications, you will need to mix 1 tsp of Tenacity and 3 tsp of surfactant to 2 gallon of water, using 1 gallon each to cover 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Nike from Michigan
    Will Tenacity Herbicide affect any other cool season grasses?
    I sprayed to kill bentgrass and it has worked but I believe it turned some of my other grass, like fescue white as well.

    Tenacity Herbicide may cause temporary whitening of turfgrass foliage. In general, symptoms appear five to seven days after application and last for several weeks. A repeat application to the same site causes less whitening of the plant tissue.

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  • Asked by Wayne from Mattoon, Il
    Will Tenacity Herbicide kill poa annua or annual blue grass?

    Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to control Poa Annua/Annual Bluegrass as a post-emergent application. The label only states that it could cause injury to it if sprayed. It is only labeled to be used to suppress poa annua when used as a pre-emergent. Please provide your desired turf grass for an alternate recommendation. Thank you!

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  • Asked by Rexlo from Hackensack, Nj
    Can I mix the Tenacity Herbiicide with Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide, Dismiss Turf Herbicide & Talstar P (Talstar One) for turf?

    It is not recommended to mix certain insecticides, herbicides, or fungicides with Tenacity Herbicide.  You should wait to apply insecticides 7 days after treating with Tenacity Herbicide to avoid potential turf injury. Other ingredients in the fungicides or herbicides would be fine to use at the same time if there are no resttrictions on the product label. 



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  • Asked by Larry from Cowlesville, Ny
    For spot spraying crabgrass with Tenacity Herbicide, can a dye be used?


    Tenacity Herbicide would be a great option for you to control crabgrass, and yes it is advised to use a dye like Turf Mark Blue with it so you can make sure to not overlap if you plan to do a broadcast application on the property. 

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  • Asked by Mark from Shelbyville, Ky
    What do you recommend to combat the wild violet and nimblewill taking over my yard?
    The desired grasses in the yard are bluegrass and fescue. Will I get effective control applying at this time of the growing season? Recognizing they are very different weeds, can the recommended products be mixed into one application? Or, should they be separate applications and, if so, how far apart?

    Tenacity Herbicide can be used for both nimblewill and wild violet.  To control nimblewill, you should start applying Tenacity Herbicide in the spring (late-April). You may need to make two or three applications to get complete control.  You can also apply Tenacity in late summer and fall, but you should initiate treatments by August for best results. For other weeds such as wild violet apply to young, actively growing weeds.

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  • Asked by Matt from Fairfield, Ct
    Are there any temperature restrictions on when you can apply Tenacity Herbicide?

    Tenacity Herbicide may be applied when soil temperatures are around 55 degrees or higher.  Do not apply when air temperature exceeds 85 degrees. 

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  • Asked by John from Demotte, In
    Will Tenacity Herbicide stop poa from germinating in the fall but still allow me to do some reseeding?

    Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to suppress poa annua when used as a pre-emergent. Please provide your desired turf grass for seeding details. Thank you!

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  • Asked by James from Ogallala
    How long does Tenacity need to be on the weeds before rainfall for maximum effectiveness?

    For best results, do not apply Tenacity Herbicide when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours.

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  • Asked by Wes from Fort Calhoun, Ne
    What temperature range is recommended for a post-emergent application of Tenacity?

    Tenacity Herbicide should be applied when temperatures are between 65-85 degrees.  We suggest making an early morning or late evening application if temperatures in your area exceed 85 degrees during the day.

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  • Asked by Mg from New York, Ny
    When is the best time to do aeration and seeding when using Tenacity?
    I am going to apply 3 coats of tenacity to my yard. I was told that every two weeks should be performed. But when is the best time to do aeration and seeding? I am going to start in the first week of September. I live in NYC so I am worried that it gets cold in late October

    If you are applying Tenacity as a pre-emergent herbicide at all, then you would want to do any work that would disrupt the soil (such as aeration) before putting down your pre-emergent. For post-emergent control, we recommend waiting a minimum of 2 days – but ideally at least a week –  after applying the herbicide before aerating. You can apply Tenacity before or at the same time that you put down seed; just do not apply Tenacity to the new seedlings until the new turf is established.

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  • Asked by Mary from Ocean View, Delaware
    Will Tenacity Herbicide kill wire grass in our tall fescue?

    Wiregrass is a form of bermudagrass.  The product label states that bermuda grass is sensitive to Tenacity but it would not be recommended as a product specifically used to kill it.  Fusilade II can be used to get rid of bermuda grass in tall fescue.  Please be advised that bermuda grass is extremely difficult to control and you will likely need to make several applications. 

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Displaying 261 to 280 (of 611 questions)