Tenacity Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 341 to 360 (of 611 questions)
  • Asked by Jerome from Strum, Wi
    Will Tenacity eventually kill Creeping charlie permanently?
    Will Tenacity permanently kill creeping charlie rhizome if applied as recommended over a year or two?

    Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to control ground ivy aka creeping charlie as a post emergent only, it may take a few applications to completely kill it.

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  • Asked by Lois from Terrace Park, Oh
    Is it okay to use Tenacity on my Kentucky 31 lawn?

    Yes, Tenacity Herbicide is safe for use on Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue as directed on the product label.

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  • Asked by Jennifer from Franklin Virginia
    Can I use Tenacity Herbicide around a almond tree in my yard?

    Tenacity Herbicide should not be sprayed on edible crops, including almond trees.  The product should be applied outside of the dripline of the trees, and take special care not to allow any overspray or drift to contact the tree.

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  • Asked by Randy from Vermilion
    Flow Rate per GPM of Tenacity Herbicide?

    There is not a set flow rate for applying the Tenacity Herbicide.  You just need to apply at the rates on the label for your turfgrass and application type.  

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  • Asked by Joanne from Laughlintown Pa
    Can I spray Tenacity between green giant arboretum without harming the tree?

    Tenacity should be applied outside of the dripline of the trees, and take special care not to allow any overspray or drift to contact the trees.

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  • Asked by Michael
    When can I overseed when using Tenacity Herbicide?

    Tenacity Herbicide is one of the few products that can be applied at seeding, prior to seeding, or just after seeding of new grasses to help prevent and control weeds at the same time. Be sure to check the label for any restrictions to certain turf types as Fine Fescue is more sensitive than other species when using Tenacity at seeding. Be sure to use a Non Ionic Surfactant with the Tenacity when applying for best results. 

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  • Asked by Norman from Eastpoint, Fl
    Will Tenacity Herbicide kill dollar weed and not kill my Centipedegrass?

    No, Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to be used on Centipedegrass nor is it labeled for dollarweed.  For small lawns, Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer  or Image Kills Nutsedge would be good safe options.  Blindside or MSM Turf are options for larger areas.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Johnson City, Tn
    Will Tenacity Herbicide treat brown patch fungus in yard?

    Tenacity Herbicide is a herbicide only and will not work as a fungicide.  Clearys 3336F is a great product to use for brown patch as directed on the product label.

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  • Asked by Shaun from Salisbury, Nc
    Can Tenacity be used under a tree canopy? Can't find any info on this.
    I really need a post-emergent herbicide for use under some oak trees on typical lawn weeds (dandelion and clover etc...). My lot is small and the tree drip lines extend past my lawn (my whole lawn is under the massive tree canopies). So anything I use is going to be near surface roots. I've seen a neighbor knock the leaves out of his trees one year with Speedzone. That is a scary thought considering the cost of removing a tall oak tree.

    Tenacity Herbicide states on the product label: Avoid applications over the top of exposed roots of trees and ornamentals.  Just about all herbicides are going to have the restriction that applications should be kept out of the dripline of desirable trees.  The best you could do is carefully spot treat the weeds themselves and not broadcast in these areas.

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  • Asked by Sidney from Wellington, Ky
    When do you apply Tenacity to the lawn - now, spring, or summer?

    When you apply Tenacity Herbicide will depend on how you are using it. When using Tenacity as a post-emergent herbicide, you should spot treat target weeds when they are young and actively growing, which may be in spring, summer, or fall. Generally, you do not want to use any post-emergent herbicides when temperatures are over about 85 - 90 degrees since your desirable grass will be more sensitive and the target weeds will not be growing when it’s that hot. Tenacity should be used as a broadcast application pre-emergent when renovating lawns listed as tolerant on the product label. Since these are primarily cool-season lawns, this application is generally done in the fall.

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  • Asked by Doug from Virginia Beach
    Can I use Tenacity as a pre-emergent during the time of fall seeding to give me contol over poa annua?

    Yes, you can apply Tenacity Herbicide before or at the same time as seeding if you are using turf types listed as tolerant on the product label. This herbicide will suppress poa annua as a pre-emergent.

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  • Asked by Allan from Portland, Oregon
    Is there any benefit to ProGrass over Tenacity as a pre-emergent against poa annua on perennial rye?
    I live in Oregon and have primarily perrenial rye with some fescue.

    Tenacity is only going to suppress poa annua when used as a pre-emergent for it. You would really only use Tenacity as a pre-emergent over the entire lawn if you are needing a pre-emergent to use at the same time as seeding or over-seeding. Otherwise, ProGrass would be a better choice for poa annua control and for use on established perennial ryegrass.

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  • Asked by Bucktowar from Mauritius.indian Ocean.
    Is Tenacity an organic pesticide?

    Tenacity Herbicide is not an organic pesticide.  Organic pesticides are made from naturally occurring ingredients. Non-organic pesticides are created synthetically. 

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  • Asked by Jack from Harrison City, Pa
    Can you spray Tenacity Herbicide on ornamental grasses to get rid of weeds?

    Tenacity Herbicide is only labeled for use on turfgrasses.  It could harm ornamental grasses if applied over them.

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  • Asked by Joey from Waxahachie
    If I used Tenacity to treat an unseeded area, how long should I wait to seed that area with Bermudagrass seed.
    Will using Tenacity to treat weeds in an unseeded area hurt/harm the Bermudagrass seed? Are is there a certian amount of time I need to wait to plant the Bermudagrass seed?

    Tenacity Herbicide is only labeled to be applied to dormant bermudagrass, it could harm actively growing bermuda or inhibit seeds from growing.  You need to wait at least 18 months to seed the area after an application 

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  • Asked by George from Chicago, Il
    Can I apply Tenacity Herbicide on a sunny day for postemergence control? Are there any temperature restrictions on when you can apply Tenacity Herbicide?

    Tenacity Herbicide may be applied when soil temperatures are around 55 degrees or higher.  Do not apply when air temperature exceeds 85 degrees. 

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  • Asked by Lynn from Frankfort, Ky
    Will Tenacity prevent crabgrass from emerging but still allow my perennial ryegrass to grow?

    Tenacity Herbicide can be used to prevent crabgrass and will not effect perennial ryegrass when used as directed on the label.  Do not exceed 5 fl. oz. per acre per application to perennial ryegrass

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  • Asked by Larry from Paris
    Can Tenacity Herbicide be used around knockout roses on the grass below?

    As long as you are not spraying the roses directly, you can use Tenacity Herbicide on the grass below.

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  • Asked by M from Sammamish Wa
    Tenacity with overseeding timing
    I know you can put down tenacity at time of overseeding, but if you miss it do you have to wait 4-6 weeks? Or could you do it a week after overseeding for example? I was thinking if it doesn't affect germination that you should be put it down whenever you wanted regardless of when you overseeded, but don't know for sure. Thanks.

    Tenacity Herbicide is best applied right at the time of seeding or close to for best results. It can be applied later if needed for the turfgrasses listed on the label with the following precaution: Avoid spraying on newly germinated turfgrass plants. Wait until the newly germinated turf has been mowed two times or four weeks after emergence (whichever is longer) before making a postemergence application.

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  • Asked by Richard from Birmingham England
    Will Tenacity kill Hippuris Vulgaris (Mares tail)?

    No Tenacity is not labeled for Hippuris Vulgaris (Mares tail).   Crossbow Herbicide is labeled for marestail.  Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions. 

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Displaying 341 to 360 (of 611 questions)