Tenacity Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 101 to 120 (of 611 questions)
  • Asked by Joan from Cedar Rapids, Ia
    Is Tenacity safe for use in apple orchards in early spring?
    I have nimblewill weed in my orchard and would like to eliminate it

    Tenacity is not labeled for use around anything edible so we cannot recommend it be used in an orchard.  We apologize but we do not currently have a product labeled for control of nimblewill in orchards.  However, you can click here and contact your local cooperative extension office to speak with a Master Gardner to find the name of a product and then contact us to see if we have access to that product.

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  • Asked by Nick from Wv
    Is it safe to apply fertilizer as well when spraying Tenacity?

    Yes, you can use Tenacity Herbicide at the same time as a fertilizer either as a pre or a post emergent provided you use both at the correct usage rates per the labels.

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  • Asked by Peter from Dallas, Tx
    Can Tenacity Herbicide be used to control Goosegrass on Bermuda?

    Tenacity can be used on dormant bermudagrass for goosegrass. If the product is used on semi-dormant grass, it may harm the turf by turning it white. When treating for goosegrass with Tenacity, it is best used for post-emergent control. 

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  • Asked by Kent from Columbus, Oh
    Does Tenacity Herbicide work for quackgrass?

    Quackgrass is not on the label to be controlled by the Tenacity, and we cannot recommend you use it for your needs with it not being listed. We do however carry Certainty, which is a selective post emergent herbicide like Tenacity, and does have Quackgrass listed on the label for weeds controlled. You can see the dilutions and what grasses Certainty is safe to be used on, on the product label.

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  • Asked by Tim from Pinckney, Mi
    Can I seed with Bluegrass seed right after I spray Tenacity for bentgrass?

    According to the Tenacity product label you can apply prior to seeding or post seeding of tolerant turfgrass species listed on the label, except fine fescue. If you are applying Tenacity after seeding, you should wait at least four weeks or two mowings, whichever is longer, before applying Tenacity.

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  • Asked by Kenn from Pueblo, Colorado
    Do you need to water Tenacity Herbicide in?
    This is my second application and it has killed some but not all. I keep hearing did it turn the ground white . The answer is no? I put in on as suggested 3 to 1 I did the second app two days ago when will I notice the outcome from the second. coat.

    Tenacity Herbicide can take multiple applications to be most effective.  It does not require irrigation after application for post-emergent weed control. Are you mixing a surfactant like Non Ionic Surfactant? This helps the product to stick and penetrate to the xylem of the plant best. Be sure the target weeds are listed on the Tenacity product label.

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  • Asked by Tony from Indianapolis, In
    Will Tenacity Herbicide kill daffodils?

    It is possible that Tenacity Herbicide will harm daffodils if sprayed. Since flowers can be considered a broadleaf weed, this product can harm it. Tenacity Herbicide is only labeled for use on listed lawns. 

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  • Asked by Dennis from Avon, Ma
    Can I spray Tenacity when I seed with Jonathon Green Black Beauty Ultra?

    Yes, Tenacity Herbicide can be used at the time of seeding when using Jonathon Green Black Beauty Ultra. 

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  • Asked by Paul from Newfield, Nj
    Is Tenacity safe to use on ryegrass?

    Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to be applied and safe for Perennial Ryegrass.

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  • Asked by Mike from Rockford, Il
    How soon after a pre-emergent appication of Tenacity can I apply a post-emergent spray of Tenacity?

    After further information from the manufacturer they have verified that to making a pre-remergent application with Tenacity you will need to apply a post emergent application once you detect germination of the weed itself. Syngenta recommends to apply no more than 3 application per year. 

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  • Asked by Bob from Fairborn, Oh
    When can I apply Weed and Feed after using Tenacity Herbicide?
    applied 4/1/16 and 4/18 /16

    We would recommend waiting at least four weeks to apply a Weed and Feed after using Tenacity Herbicide

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  • Asked by Gerald from Albany, Oregon
    How many times in a calendar year can I use Tenacity?

    You would not apply Tenacity Herbicide at a rate of more than 16 oz per acre per year or per crop (equivalent to a maximum of 0.50 lb. of mesotrione per acre per year), whichever is shorter.

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  • Asked by Tom from Potomac, Md
    Will Tenacity kill nimblewill?

    Yes, you can use Tenacity to kill nimblewill. Per the product label:

    Apply Tenacity at 5 fl. oz. per acre in at least 30 gallons of water per acre at two to three week interval for up to three applications. Apply with a NIS surfactant.

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  • Asked by John from Clifton Park, Ny
    Is Tenacity Herbicide organic?

    No, Tenacity Herbicide is not organic.

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  • Asked by Julie
    Does a long storage time reduce the efficiency of Tenacity?
    Tenacity worked wonderfully on my lawn when I first got it but I have stored it for approx. 3 years and the stored product does not seem to be working at all to kill weeds. I stirred it thoroughly before adding to water in sprayer. I used the recommended 1/2 tsp. per gal. of water.

    Tenacity Herbicide if stored in a cool dry area will last up to 3 years. It sounds like you need to purchase fresh product. The mix rate you are using is correct.

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  • Asked by Dan from Randolph, Mn
    Does Tenacity work on quack grass?

    Tenacity is not labeled for quackgrass elimination. We do carry a similar product called Certainty that is a selective, post-emergent that is labeled to eradicate quackgrass. Please refer to the product label for full mixing and application for the best results.

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  • Asked by Greg from Meade
    Will Tenacity work on Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) western wheatgrass?
    I saw on label that it is OK?.... on Buffalo Grass

    While Tenacity is labeled to be used on Buffalograss it is not labeled to control wheatgrass.  We are not able to find anything that is labeled to do so.  The best thing to do for this issue is to spot treat with a glyphosate based product like GlyPhoSel Pro and reseed/sod the treated area.

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  • Asked by Greg from Meade
    Will Tenacity Herbicide work on field Sandbur or other sandbur species?
    Should have asked previously can combine anser in one Email Thanks

    Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for post emergent control of burweed. 

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  • Asked by Bobby from Radford
    Can Tenacity be mixed with Triplet?

    Yes, Tenacity Herbicide and Triplet can be mixed together. Be sure to do a small tank mixture to ensure there is no clumping in the tank.

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  • Asked by Rick from Chico,ca
    Does Tenacity kill bentgrass or just the top growth?
    I do professional maintenance and used Tenacity to control bentgrass in lawns? I did 3 applications at 2 week intervals and used the proper rate. It seemed like it was working and the bentgrass was bleached white but after a few weeks it seems to have completely come back. Does it only burn down the top growth?

    Tenacity Herbicide is our most popular product for eliminating bentgrass from other desirable turfgrasses, but it does typically require multiple applications. Late summer/Fall applications will be more effective than Spring applications.

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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 611 questions)