Customer Reviews for Termidor SC

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(1654 customer reviews)
Termidor SC
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carpenter Ants!

    By Raymond on 02/08/2011

    Being a newbie to the pest control 'world', I first found a local professional pest control supply company in the yellow pages and decided to call for DIY product info. Was told that they only sold to professional exterminator companies, BUT they were good enough to refer me to the Internet (bless their hearts!) and suggested Termidor: as that is what the 'Pros' use.  Called two of the 'major' companies for an on-site free estimate. I proceeded to ask if they used Termidor and the estimator (from the nations largest company) gave me a rather surprised look and said "yes".  Ordered the product and received excellent all-round service: have yet to use so cannot attest to it's merits. I'll report back...

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By Residential on 11/16/2015

    I am very happy with the website and the store. The price was good and the shipping was great. I can't really rate the product. I purchased and applied the product as instructed. I rented a heavy-duty impact hammer-drill from Home-Depot for the day for $75. I drilled 1-inch holes around the perimeter of my foundation (i have regular hollow concrete-block). I drilled one hole every 12-inches (1 per block) and inserted a funnel to pour solution. Based on my calculations of the instructions, after dilution 0.8oz per gallon, and 4 gallons every 10 sq/feet, I proceeded to add 1/2 gallon to each hole in the blocks. It appears my home was previously treated (over 30 years ago. I re-tapped the same holes in the foundation from the markings I observed. I hope the termites don't return for another 30 years. I did however find a void outside my home in the space near my outside stoop by the side door leading to the kitchen. I suspect the gap between the stoop and foundation allowed rain water to collect and thus attracted the termites to the area.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termites Eating My Pool Liner.... NO MORE!

    By Chip on 09/21/2009

    I couldn't figure out why my above ground pool was losing water. I hired a professional "leak buster" outfit to help me find the source. It turned out there wasn't one hole in my liner, there were thousands of tiny holes caused by moisture seeking subterranean termites! I tried treating the issue myself with some Home Depot bait stakes. That liner lasted 1 season before the pool started losing water again. I somehow found this site and started to research this Termidor stuff. I bought a jug and a pump sprayer. Since the lining needed replaced (again) I got all set up. When the old lining was removed, I soaked the sand base with my sprayer filled with the Termidor solution. I replaced the liner. Then, I sprayed the outside base of the pool and let the solution roll down the sides through the gravel. Since I had about 12 bait stake holes, I pumped them full of the diluted solution as well. I used the entire bottle on my pool. It's been two full seasons since I treated with Termidor and needless to say, I am thrilled. Not even a hint of termites! If I were to ever install a pool again, I would treat with Termidor as a preventative measure. I had no idea termites hunted for water in swimming pools. I highly recommend this product and this website!

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    414 of 444 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By Ms. on 05/29/2016

    Recommended to me by handyman who was repairing termite damage to my shed. He sprayed the chemical into the walls that he had to replace. He said that Termidor was the same as used by a popular pest control company. I immediately ordered it to save my two sheds. Have just completed putting the chemical around my sheds and now putting the dirt back into the trench that I had to dig around the sheds. Label stated that it could take 90 days to kill the termite colonies;however, I have not seen any more termites! Had a pest control person at my home this week for another reason and he stated that they have recently started using Termidor at their company. It is also mentioned on their website, that they now apply Termidor! So glad I found it and found it available through Do My Own Pest Control. I found it other places, but it was much more expensive and I would have had to pay S&H as well!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Twas the night before Termidor.....

    By Brent on 10/14/2009

    Verified Purchase

    Twas the morning after Termidor, and all through the yard
    There were ant hills melted like lard.
    All the ants were dead or dying,
    With poisoned soil for a bed.
    No matter the color, black, brown, or red.

    The home owner rejoiced to see such a site,
    As these critters were killed with delight.
    A noble graveyard, the short grass must be,
    For arthropods, and not just two or three.
    The sprayer wand is the pistol that fired the shot,
    That sent them ants to their funeral plot.

    In prose, I’m impressed. The tops of the hills were littered with dead ants in all stages. In a few cases, there were a few squirming but certainly not moving normally. It seems Termidor is quite an effective treatment. My perimeter treatment left me another present as well, a single two inch roach at the shed door, just two inches across my perimeter line.

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    117 of 122 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    have no doubts...

    By Jmiii on 09/06/2012

    so I had a Rasberry Ant problem. A relatively new species in the Houston area of which there "is no real known treatment for." Thats what my local pest control place told me when they came out and quoted $600 for treatment, and get this....they informed me my neighbors had them too and the likelihood of them coming back was pretty good. And I'm supposed to just hand you $600 then huh? These guys obviously think people are idiots. After hearing that, we quickly researched it and found this product and this site. The stuff got here in several days and was very easy to mix and apply. Sprayed my whole property, and my neighbors in less than 30 minutes. Two days later, the ants seemingly were uneffected. I must admit, I was starting to doubt. I had read and understood how it worked, but was growing uneasy. Needless to say, the third day, they were obliterated. Totally gone, not one of them left. I am more than impressed with this product. I have since spread the word and offered to spray my friends' houses as I have two full bottles of this stuff and if 1.6oz can take care of an entire property the size of mine, I'll never be able to go through all of this myself. Anyhow, bottom line, this stuff will work, just give it a few days to do it's thing. Thats the beauty of it, they have no idea whats coming to them.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The Writing on the Wall

    By Greg on 01/31/2010

    Verified Purchase

    As a termite sales representative for a major pest control company I saw the “writing on the wall” several years ago when Termidor first became available. Why would someone pay thousands of dollars for a termite treatment and hundreds of dollars every year to maintain a guarantee when a product so easy to use and so effective was available. Two years ago, after leaving the Company, I discovered that my house was re-infested with termites. I spot treated the area where I found the termites with Termidor purchased from Do My Own Pest Control and I placed some wood monitors in the area a few weeks later; they took no hits. This past Summer I noticed some damage on my siding and as I continued to pull off pieces I found a lot of termite damage, but no termites. Termidor works because the treatment does not have to be perfect. Get some in the area where they are active and they will carry it back to the colony. There is no need to pay for costly drilling inside your home anymore.

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    1449 of 1516 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC for Crazy Rasberry Ants

    By Jay on 10/04/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I purchased a home this summer in rural southeast Texas and recently was introduced to a very small ant in many numbers (millions) all around the perimeter of my home. After talking with neighbors and doing some self research I realized that it is the newly discovered Crazy Rasberry Ant that is paying me a visit. Although they do not seem to sting and apparently over take fire ants, which I can attest to since I have not found even one fire ant mound on my three acre property to date, they can be a real problem. The problem with these ants is they seem to like electronic equipment and reportedly have caused significant damage to home electrical systems and equipment in this part of Texas. I used several of the well known insect/ant pesticides which did kill the trailing ants but a day and in some cases a few hours later there are just as many to replace the dead ones. By the way I learned that these ants will actually feed on their on dead. According to information from Texas A&M University it seems there is not yet a known solution to kill off this new species of ants but the product Termidor SC was recommended as a product to use externally for their control. I purchased this product and applied according to directions about eight days ago. The results to date are very positive. I do not have any ants around the perimeter of my home and the numbers of ants away from the home (in the yard) at least seem to have been reduced significantly. I would definitely recommend this product.

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    57 of 61 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Exterminator and "Ants"

    By Justin on 05/30/2010

    I discovered an infestation of ants, though didn't know what species. So I figured ant baits purchased at a local store might take care of them -- nope! They weren't interested in the least. After an exterminator arrived, he identified them as "ants" which wasn't too inspiring since I too figured as much. He blew some dust and killed 5 "ants" for $36. His parting words were, "I doubt that I killed the nest, and you'll probably have to call me back." Not wanting to settle for an indefinite series of $36 exterminator "dustings", I spent a few hours researching online and discovered: (1) I had "acrobat" ants, (2) That rigid board insulation (used to construct walls in newer homes) is an attractive nesting site for acrobat ants, and (3) That acrobat ants are notoriously difficult to treat with ant baits. Hmmm...not good. I came across this website and "Termidor SC" and purchased a bottle. Treatment at the foundation of my house was quick and easy, and it took less than 3 days for total extermination of the "ants" (aka 'acrobat ants'). For the amount I had to spray, a $60+ bottle of Termidor will last about 4 years with 2 treatments per year (it has a 5 year shelf-life). That is $15/year, and it will take care of other insects as well! The product is also safe. The active ingredient is Fipronil which is what I used to put on my dogs for flea/tick control (i.e. Frontline) when I lived in Texas. I won't be calling back the exterminator.

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    109 of 112 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Texas - Rasberry ant issue - solved for now

    By Jay on 09/25/2012

    I had a major infestation in Fort Bend County with crazy ants. Not knowing what they were, I was fighting them with regular spraying with LESCO CrossCheck (Talstar) and granules. They would come back with a vengeance after each rain. I learned from an electrician who was working on my house that these were "Rasberry ants" and he said good luck getting rid of them as he had seen an explosion of these pests recently in our area. I found through my research the TAMU webpage dedicated to this pest: This pest is not be trifled with, my fooling around with Talstar this summer saw these ants grow in number and streaming in through minute cracks in the caulking near my dryer vent and A/c piping. I normally get 2-3 red ant "issues" each summer. These ants chased out the red ants. I sprayed the 1' up and 1' out method as in the label. I think you need a professional licence for the section 18 exemption label method of 3' up and 10' out as listed in the TAMU site. It worked wonders, all ant activity "died out" in 48 hrs. I further used Talstar granules on the mulch nesting sites two weeks after spraying with Termidor. My recommendations for other fellow Texans battling crazy ants: 1) Read up about your adversary on the TAMU link above. It will help put your struggle in perspective. Nothing you have done in the past will help you with this pest. Note: These ants nest outside in mulch and other wet and moist places. Follow the ant trails back to their nesting sites. 2) Buy this product from this site, for price (its not cheaper anywhere else) and speed of shipping. 3) Invest in a brand new sprayer. This product is non-repellent, keep it that way by using a clean new sprayer. 4) Wear long gloves, long sleeves, pants, shoes with socks pulled up on to the pants and eye protection. 6) Mix exactly per directions, do not shake the concentrate violently before spraying as it will froth up and throw you measurements off. 7)Fill your (new) sprayer with water before adding the product, this thing is like soap and froths up. After you close you sprayer shake it well before you start spraying. Wash your equipment thoroughly, in an area not draining into the street, storm water drain OR water body. 8) Wait. This stuff takes time, it says up to 90 days for termites, my infestation was gone in 48 hrs. 9) Use your preferred contact kill insecticide on the nesting sites. Please include any improvements/corrections you make to the steps above in your reviews

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Displaying 61 to 70 (of 70 reviews)