Customer Reviews for Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide

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Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide
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Displaying 31 to 60 (of 1513 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By F.l on 06/10/2010

    Verified Purchase

    It works great on the fire ants. We had so many mounds and fire ants around our home. Now there are none. Even when it rained they made no new mounds. We are very satisfied. The fire ants have been a battle for us for years. Currently, they have disappeared due to the Termidor SC.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Do My Own Pest Control

    By Mike on 04/07/2010

    Verified Purchase

    These guys are the real thing.  I bought Termidor SC, a product to get rid of termites.  These guys walked me through the process, shipped the product immediately, and relieved some of the "termite anxiety" that the pro's will tell you.  I did the job myself for 1/3 of the price from a pro and I did a much better job than they would have.  Thanks for your help

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carpenter ant trouble

    By Matt on 06/16/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I sighted the big black ants about the 2nd week in May. When we had a couple 80 degree days (Metro Detroit area) I then proceeded to find something to get rid of them - hence the review. I bought Termidor and received it a week later. I waited for a nice dry spell so I could get the best application possible. I sprayed the foundation, about 4 feet high, and then the mulch and perimeter of the house about 2 feet out. I then proceeded to spray the fence as well as the edge of the sidewalk where the grass meets the concrete - they love this area to nest. It's been about 2 full weeks now since I've sprayed and I have yet to see a living ant inside my house. Nada. I went to the fence where they had made a nest in a 2x4 and there is absolutely no activity. I've noticed that there are no ants roaming on the sidewalks around the house and no ants roaming in the mulch. I believe that the ants brought the chemical back to the nest and killed the queen and colony. I will reapply in the fall. I've also tried prelude - only a contact killer and does not kill queen or colony. This stuff kicks butt!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Nothing better

    By Adam on 10/01/2013

    I am a pro pest killer. This is the solution for your ant problems. It also happens to work on nearly every other pest that comes into contact with it. This is NOT an instant-kill solution, so if you're "testing" it by spraying bugs and watching them crawl around in it and complaining... you did it wrong. Allow a couple of days to see results. DO NOT ADD MORE THAN THE DIRECTIONS SAY. If you think mixing more in your water is going to be beneficial, you are mistaken. Ants will be able to detect the pesticide and will avoid it. Mix as directed! You aren't supposed to use this inside as a pro. That being said, if you happen to treat in wall voids, cracks and crevices, the ants will disappear too. For inside, use Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel. These two pesticides when used as a tag team, will destroy your ant population. If you find more ants coming back later, they are certainly from a different colony. Track it down, and kill it.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC and domyownpestcontrol

    By Jim on 04/25/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I recently purchased 1 bottle of Termidor SC which was the first time I ordered from DoMyOwnPestControl and I was very impressed with their service. I will definitely order more products from DoMyOwnPestControl. I had a local pest control company do my last termite treatment and I am not even sure they used the proper amount. I asked how many gallons they used and they did not know. I will definitely order more Termidor and other items from DoMyOwnPestControl and I have quit my local pest control contractor.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good-bye carpenter ants

    By Scott on 07/27/2010

    For about three weeks, give or take, I dinked around with home improvement store remedies to eradicate the giant black carpenter ants from my deck, house siding and pole barn. Nothing really seemed to work. Enter Termidor SC. BLAM. All gone. This stuff is like a miracle or somethin’. Three days after applying it I called my wife back to the deck and said, “Honey, what don’t you see?” “I dunno,” she said. “NO ANTS,” I rejoiced. She walked away shaking her head, unable to comprehend my excitement.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC - Does the job in South Florida!!!

    By Michael on 09/20/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We had an ant problem in our home. Not sure what kind but Termidor got rid of them all. It worked within a few days. After paying Terminix $75/quarter, now I can treate my home for the next several years for less. I don't write many reviews, but this works so well, I had to recommend it.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Carpenter Ants Zapped

    By Ronald on 10/26/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I've been fighting carpenter ants for 10 years, using every imaginable strategy to no avail. This time I tried Termidor SC and within three days all carpenter ants were eliminated, including three queens that I found dead at their point of entry. I wish I had this product 10 years ago. It is the best product for eliminating carpenter ants and I highly recommend it to anyone coping with these pests.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent Product

    By Anonymous on 07/01/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Got rid of termites after i found a swarm of winged termites in kitchen during $30K kitchen reno. Fired contractor after he nailed new studs into as he said- "soft wood" after moving exterior door and new windows. I pulled trim boards and clap boards outside and my 4x6 sill was infested. Cut it all out and sprayed Spectricide- Wasp and Hornet Killer which kills termites intantly. Replaced wood then trenched around house and applied Termidor SC i purchased here. No signs of termites, ants, spiders and even got rid of the nasty looking House Centipeedes which have been an interior nuisance for years. Great product !!!!!

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    16 of 16 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By David on 04/07/2014

    I am retired Professional Pest Control Operator with 30 yrs experience. This product is easy for the home owner to use. Just follow instructions. I treated my home for Ants like 2 yrs ago, and still no return of Ants.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    BASF got it right

    By Joe on 08/06/2010

    This is the second time I’ve used the product for termite control. The first application was done professionally to control an existing infestation at a cost of $4,000. Well worth the money considering the cost to repair damage done by these pests. The second application was done ‘in house’, as a preventive measure, at a fraction of the price. Not only do I not have to worry about termites for the next few years, but the ant problem I’ve been dealing with over the past year has also disappeared. As a plus, I used what little Termidor remained to eliminate a Yellowjacket problem on my 4+ acre property. Mixing the diluted (.009%) product into tuna and putting the bait in locations around the property inaccessible to all but Yellow jackets, I’ve cleared the property completely within a week. BASF has earned a loyal customer for life.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Neutron bomb for ants! AMAZING stuff!

    By Scott on 04/07/2014

    Every February they came: Wave upon wave of carpenter ants. Until I found this stuff. Eleven years I've experimented with false promises. No more. A foot up and a foot out around the exterior foundation of my house and hallelujah! I have not detected any form of insect life within my home all season. Problem solved at last!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome product!

    By Megan on 06/26/2013

    We got rid of our termites for $60 ourselves. The termite company we had do an estimate wanted $1500! I could not be happier and highly recommend this company!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best termite control ever!!!

    By Luis on 04/04/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I have to say that this is a great product, termite activity stop in one day, they where coming out just to die!!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Greatest product!

    By Steve on 06/20/2008

    Termidor is the greatest. I have been using it for about 3 years now. I use one application every 3 mos. and it kills everything. The ants are gone completely and the only other pests I find (an occasional roach or spider) if any are dead. Nothing gets past this stuff.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By Eric on 11/28/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Great product for ants, termites, carpenter ants and even carpenter bees!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC for Ants

    By Maria on 03/24/2014

    Verified Purchase

    We've been having ant issues for the past 2 years and we have tried just about anything and everything to get rid of it but nothing permanently worked! Until we had a termite inspector 3 weeks ago and suggested that we purchase a Termidor SC. We did and went to Utube for guidance. We bought a spray and my husband, who's really not familiar with the process, followed instructions and sprayed around the house almost 3 weeks ago. He accidentally hit the Ant Hill too and we've been ANT-FREE since then. It's like MAGIC! Knock-on-wood! So far we've recommended it to our neighbors and friends. You will probably get more orders! We probably saved money by doing it on our own. Thanks to the inspector and

    Expert Response  Expert response:

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Maria on 05/13/2014

    Verified Purchase

    We've had ant problems for many years and nothing seemed to solve this problem. We tried everything and we almost paid a lot of money to hire a pest control. It was getting worse until we were advised by a termite inspector to purchase a TERMIDOR SC. My husband, who is not a handyman read the instructions and sprayed around the house. He also discovered a giant ant hill. We haven't had ants since he sprayed. It was all gone the very next day and not a trace. The spray was so effective that even our neighbors said they too don't have ants anymore. I recommended it to my best friend who lived a few blocks away and gave her this website. Her ant problem was worse than ours. She was so happy she did because just like us, TERMIDOR SC got rid of all her ants!!! THANK YOU Termidor SC. I will post it on my FB.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Product

    By Jimmy on 05/02/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We followed the directions to place around the entire house. The infestation of termites we had was under a stepping stone in the front yard. After I applied the product, I called an exterminator to get an termite inspection. He came out and found no termites and said he could treat the house for $900. I them told him I already had and showed him what I used. He asked where I got the Termidor SC because he used the same stuff.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff

    By Ryan on 09/08/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I use to be in the pest control industry and would use this product on HOA's (sugar ants), which are one of the hardest pest to get rid of here in WA in my opinion. It's very effective in ridding a board spectrum pest. From ants to sub termites.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Anyone can apply themselves

    By Tom on 06/29/2008

    Termidor is a great product and got it for a great price from The product is perfect for a do-it-yourself person like me! Your company supplies expert advice and customer service is second to none. Anyone can apply this product themselves. Thanks Mike!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termite Scare!

    By Brian on 10/26/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I recently found evidence of termites in two areas of my house. One was a door frame and the other was a ceder valiance. I purchased the Termidor SC, which arrived in no time (2 days). I mixed a batch according to the directions, removed the top molding from the door gave it a good spray then sprayed the unpainted back of the valiance. Went back a week later and found the queen dead on top of the valiance. No more worrying about a big repair bill! I am happy!

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    11 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good Product

    By Pdipak on 03/12/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I have been using this "Termidor SC" for over 5 years. It's a very good product need to apply twice a year and you are done for with it, no bugs are going to bother you! Product delivered as promised,product was well packed too.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Patrick on 09/04/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Done 1 spray around house and inside basement have seen no ants. I have swept up a lot of dead spider crickets in basement and have seen no looks like termidor sc done the job. Read the label and follow instructions and you will get more Home Depot sprays save your time and money get Termidor sc..

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    No more ants!

    By Customer on 08/29/2005

    Purchased Termidor upon recommendation of friend and it works great on my ant problem.  No more ants. Will take it to Florida and spray around base of that house also.

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    10 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Termidor SC

    By Stephen on 05/29/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Bugs don't walk at my house anymore.  I mixed one bottle to 24 gallons of water.  This mix is not the strongest strength but the middle.  Warning you can not smell this product ((((BUGS DIE)))) I MEAN ALL BUGS.

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Incredible solution to ants and termites

    By Jerry on 08/10/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had sugar/ghost ants and spraying and ants baits were useless. A friend recommended Termidor. Sprayed around the outside of my house and a few days later no ants were to be found. 1 year later, still no ants. I took 2 ounces to the Philippines with me (ant paradise!), treated 4 houses and all their ants disappeared. For termite control, it stops termites in their tracks. I use bait/monitoring stations and put a few drops if termites are seen and presto, they are gone! I have been using the same 20 oz bottle for 2 years and still have 1/2 a bottle remaining.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Great

    By Tracy on 06/12/2012

    Verified Purchase

    This product is great. I chose it because it killed more than just termites. We used a piece of re-bar (suggested by a former pest control employee) and tapped it down in the ground 1 ft every 6-10 inches then applied. I also purchased and have been using in conjunction with Advance Termite Bait Kit. Prior to using Termidor the Advance Termite Bait Kits were swarmed with termites and ants. Now there is nothing in the bait traps.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The Best Termite Control

    By Neil on 02/14/2013

    Verified Purchase

    I had termites in my floor wood in my mobile home. I found only a few and removed all the wood floor. I used the Termidor to spray the underlayment, beams and any crevices. I am confident with the Termidor product as it is highly recommended.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    termidor SC

    By Anonymous on 06/05/2013

    Verified Purchase

    this is one of the best product I had a chance to use. I was using a company that did my exterminating and used this product, it cost me $1000.00 plus 175.00 per year for insurance of keeping termites away. I have stopped this company, do my own with a huge saving and peace of mind. Plus it is very simple to apply. I rate this product highly.

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    10 of 11 people found this review helpful

Displaying 31 to 60 (of 1513 reviews)