Our Customers Say it Best

DoMyOwn has helped hundreds of thousands of customers solve their pest control problems like pros. Here are just a few of their testimonials...


"Information on web site identifies everything an inexperienced person needs to know and how to execute using the various products. Helps the do it yourself homeowner save lots of money each year. Service is most responsive to any questions submitted."

Wayne, NJ


"Your instructional video on treating roaches gave me the know-how and confidence to do it myself. Great website, great customer service, and products arrived in three days. I've already killed some roaches!"

Raleigh, NC


"I bought the Avert to get of a long term roach problem that I initially moved in to. Amazing I saw results within 5 days, that might sound crazy cause I think most people say 2wks, but after 2wks, the roaches in this house are gone! Now I'm back for something for the lawn, watch out fleas! YOUR GONNA DIE!!!"



"After having tried an exterminator without success, I found your site and after 3 days of treatment the problem was solved. On one visit the man had said it would take a very long time and that they were not easy to get rid of. Your product was great. I will always come back to your site. You were very helpful in explaining things. The shipping was also very fast."

Plymouth, MA


"Great products. Great service. Excellent customer care. Outstanding value. All of this and expedited shipping! What a great place to do business!"

Pineville, LA