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Charles from Texas writes

This is deceptive packaging, as pure ammonia nitrate is 34-0-0

UREA fertilizer is useless because it evaporates into the air almost immediately. By advertising this fertilizer as 34-0-0, you are attempting to trick the customer into thinking this is ammonium nitrate. UREA fertilizer is 44-0-0. I don't give my business to companys that try to deceive customers.


We do apologize for any misinformation you feel we have provided, we are in no way trying to deceive our customers.  We do provide information on products as given to us by the manufacturer but have no control over the packaging of the products.  We do try to provide as much information about products as possible to our customers and no where on the product page for Pennington All Purpose Nitrogen Fertilizer 34-0-0 does it list that it is ammonium nitrate in any way.  The information states that it is Nitrogen - 34% and we do provide the MSDS sheet that further details on the ingredients of the product.

Answer last updated on: 06/18/2015

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