Customer Reviews for Trapper Max Glue Board for Mice

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4.7 of 5 stars
(228 customer reviews)
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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By David on 01/08/2015

    Verified Purchase

    Worked okay for mice. Problem was we had a rat. First day the rat took the board with it. Still haven't found that one. Our rat seemed to love bananas so I put three boards in a traingle shape with some banans in the center. Rat ate the banana and part of the boards. It left half of its tail and lots of hair on the boards but still got away. Put out a live trap with the board and banana inside. Finally got it. This creature was as big as a six week old kitten and strong too. Partly bald with half its tail missing. So the boards would be good for mice but for a larger rat--forget it. Mice good, rats no way.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    There are several Trapper products that are made specifically for catching rats since you will need a larger and stronger surface for larger rodents. The most popular are the Trapper Rat Glue Boards, which come in convenient 2-packs:

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Boards for Mice

    By David on 10/19/2010

    For apartment building pest control, we need a product that attracts mice and traps them without poison or other chemicals. These glue boards do the job quickly and neatly. They can be used safely around pets or children. It's a task appropriate product.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    glue board

    By Cyn on 03/20/2018

    I like it but it should be stickier. Something pulled it clear across garage and then got it off.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    easy and effective

    By Russkull on 11/12/2014

    These are a nice cheap way to keep ahead of the pests. Gets bugs too. Make sure you fold them. I put some out flat and a mouse got itself unstuck. If it was folded as directed more would have stuck it.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Board

    By Ettagm on 01/29/2015

    Just now opened the box to use a few of the boards. * there were 76 glue boards - how much do I owe? * easy to remove the plastic shield * easy to fold and insert the tab *don't know yet how effective since I just put them down

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Sticky mice

    By Mousekiller on 10/26/2015

    While it sucks to have to smoosh mice after you get them stuck, these traps work really well. You have to strategically place them where you know the mouse walk, but that's easy enough. I just leave them open and flat because there is more surface area. Twice I accidentally caught garter snakes. (Got them off the traps with vegetable oil and set them free!) I guess they are coming in the same way as the mice. I went around the outside of my house with spray foam insulation to seal it up. But you can't beat the sticky traps. They catch random bugs too. :)

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    They work GREAT !

    By Al on 10/29/2015

    Living here in NYC , we those New York mouses with attitude / When they fall in , they DON'T get away / I'll will get more

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Good Product

    By Charles on 06/28/2019

    These glue board traps work well and catch insects as well as larger pests. We have caught predominately crawling insects such as millipedes but also a 4" lizard. My only criticism is that the boards are slightly warped in the box and require some judicious bending to reach a satisfactory flatness. They do work well, however.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Board

    By Gayle on 05/03/2010

    Verified Purchase

    These glue boards are a little smaller than the large black ones I've bought in the past from home supply store. They are light cardboard, and white, with the sticky area. A little flimsy compared to the harder plastic kind. But, they have caught mice so maybe the construction is OK. Just think it would be easier for the mice to chew their way off of the cardboard. They have chewed the plastic and escaped in the past (not always, but sometimes). Remains to be seen whether I would purchase again, but probably would.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Danddtt475 on 03/08/2019

    Traps worked better for me if left open and flat on floor.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    More Than a Mousetrap

    By Kathleen on 11/16/2018

    We live in a wooded area and have a swimming pool and a few other water features. The lower walk-out level of our home seems to attract large brown crickets, so we use the glue boards for them and they work beautifully. It's amazing to see the amount of crickets that fill the glue boards, especially in the summer months. Fortunately we don't have a rodent problem but I know from a relative's experience that the glue boards trap mice. Unfortunately they don't die immediately, so I hope that's something that can be improved upon.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Work great catch pests by the hundreds

    By Paul on 08/17/2018

    Due to extreme moisture from rainy season here in Western Pa, had been over run with millipedes in my laundry room. These traps are the ticket as I can place strategically (I have dogs) and not worry about catching an innocent victim. I did actually catch a little snake as well that apparently snuck in one day when garage door was left open . I am very pleased and don't have to worry about the poisons in bug granules.

    Expert Response  Expert response:

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Phil on 08/25/2017

    Does not seem to cach when folded, but got 2 when laid down flat

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Board for Mice

    By Jackie on 04/18/2017

    I set two up in my shed. I had so much droppings in there. They must have left town. I didn't catch anything. I left them up in case they come back. I know these boxes work great. I just had nothing to catch at this moment. Sorry. As soon as I do, I'll write back I will give you stars for fast & efficient service. Thank you

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Board for Mice

    By A on 01/25/2017

    worked very well

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Glue Board

    By Lyle on 12/20/2015

    I wanted something to control Black Spiders after finding them in the bathroom, kitchen and garage. I asked Will-Kill for something and they gave me a couple as samples to try. They worked great and were cheap enough to use.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper max

    By Mk on 12/04/2015

    I have not used these yet, but I can only imagine that a mouse would not be able to get out of this, since it has the glue on all 4 sides. They are very large as well.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Catching rats in short time

    By Anonymous on 07/21/2013

    I am satisfied with the stickiness of these traps for rats. When I first used these traps, it works after waiting for a long time and it happens that the rats are smart enough to avoid going into the traps. Then, instead of using one folded trap, I used several unfolded traps to block the suspicious spots of rat traits. Under this strategy, it works for my goal of catching the rats in short time (overnight or a few days). To avoid child to step on it at home, I only placed them out at night time before going to sleep with obstacles put nearby to alert my family members of those traps on the floor. If these is a trap that is designed with the glue go all the way to the edge, I will save my time in cutting the white edge without glue to connect every trap.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Good Product

    By Billy on 02/19/2013

    First time to use this glue board. Have caught 19 mice and haven't had one escapee. Will be ordering more.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Trapper Max Glue Board for Mice - CASE (72 boards)

    By Michelle on 08/15/2012

    not as sticky as they used to be...mice get on but they also can get off

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By K.kopf on 06/08/2011

    Verified Purchase

    In this area we are battling those huge camel back crickets in the basement. Thanks to the glue boards, which is catching them, they no longer are jumping at us. Have placed them at different locations in the basement and feel much more at ease when going into the basement now that they are being trapped.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Boards Not Just For Mice

    By Rc on 06/11/2010

    We bought the Trapper Max Glue Boards because I was having a minor mouse problem in the house. Never caught the mouse (he got out and never came back), but discovered that the boards were excellent insect trappers. We now keep two boards at each outside entry door - one on each side - to catch critters that get in uninvited (spiders, scorpions, grasshoppers, crickets plus many other types). We even caught a small garter snake who happened to get in. We pick up the boards every 7-10 days and set out fresh boards. Better than spraying!!!

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