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Sarah from Canyon Lake Texas writes

Treating Celebration Bermuda and Palisades Zoysia with Tribute Total Herbicde, per the product label, it is suggested that 2 applications in late summer/early fall be used to control dallisgrass. When would you suggest the timing of the first application?


As stated on the product label of Bayer Tribute Total, "Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) is a difficult-to-control, warm-season, rhizomatous, perennial grass weed. Best control is achieved with TRIBUTE TOTAL when applied in the late summer / early fall while the weed is still actively growing and not under stress (e.g., water stress/drought conditions)  For optimum control, follow guidelines for late summer / early fall application." Late August and then late September- early October should be good times to make your applications, however, for the best timing on when to apply this product in your specific region, you may reach out to your Master Gardener at your local cooperative extension office. Follow up with a second application approximately 4 to 6 weeks later when the dallisgrass begins to recover. Good control is sometimes not observed immediately after application but will become apparent the following spring when untreated dallisgrass greens up. Applications outside the ideal timing will provide dallisgrass suppression. 

Answer last updated on: 08/06/2021

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Tribute Total Herbicide

Tribute Total Herbicide


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