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David writes

What equipment can be used to mist wall voids with Bora-Care?

The label for Bora-Care (and from Nisus themselves) recommends foaming or high pressure misting to treat wall voids. What equipment can be used to apply misting into a wall void? It (unfortunately) appears only the TrueTech 4000 and 7000 are capable of this? For reference, I'm treating an old house for Anobiidae beetles. The walls still have wood lath from the days of plaster. Foaming seems like it would miss much of the wood laths, while misting would be able to cover all the wood. Is my thinking correct?


Boracare cannot be used in misting equipment but could be used in foaming equipment, and we carry a few types.  The Foamer Simpson or Chapin Poly Foamer would be able to be used along with a foaming concentrate like the ProFoam.  Once foamed it will only penetrate the wood that it touches, so be sure applications are made directly in areas that contact infested wood or wood you are wanting to protect.  If foaming wall voids would not contact the wood you need to treat you will need to drill into the wood and inject following the instructions on the product label.

Answer last updated on: 06/01/2017

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