Product Q&A

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Mel from Litchfield Park Az writes

What is the rate for SedgeHammer Plus Herbicide per gallon of water when using 1.33 oz bottle? How many scoops per gallon of water?


Using the scoop provided with SedgeHammer Herbicide - 1.33 oz. Bottle, the application rate is 1 scoop (0.9 grams) to 1 gallon of water and 1 gallon of mixed solution will cover 1,000 sq ft. The 1.33 oz bottle will yield approximately 40 gallons of mixed solution and does not contain the surfactant. For best results, a non ionic surfactant should be also tank mixed in the sprayer.  Please refer to the product label for more information and for application instructions. 

Answer last updated on: 08/17/2021

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