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Erren writes

What is the setting for Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide using a Ryobi 18v spreader settings?


The Taltar Xtra label does not specifically list settings for the Ryobi 18v, but it does list the Scotts SpeedyGreen 2000 and its spreader settings. If this is what you meant, or those two spreaders are compatible with settings, you can use setting 2 3/4 for putting out 1.15 lbs per 1000 sq/ft, 5 1/4 for 2.3lbs per 1000 sq/ft, or 9 for putting out 4.6 lbs per 1000 sq/ft. Otherwise, if your settings do not match up, you would want to calibrate your spreader for the product. Here are instructions on how to calibrate your spreader. 

How to calibrate your spreader: 

Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet.  So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting.  You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing the required amount of product in pounds in the spreader.  Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace.  You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over 1000 square feet.

Answer last updated on: 11/04/2020

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