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Corey from Minnesota writes

When is the best time to apply Certainty to kill Tall Fescue?

I want to kill my Tall Fescue. I've read it is a "cool season grass." What is the best time of year to apply Certainty? In addition, is a surfactant necessary or does it simply aid the absorption? I have about 1/2 acre to treat Thanks


You should mix Certainty with a surfactant to increase its effectiveness.  It would be best to call your local county extension office for when to apply any type of herbicides or insecticides in your area.  They would know better than we would since we are not the manufacturer and we live in Georgia.  They will know exactly when you should apply it in your specific county. You can find your local county extension office information here:

Answer last updated on: 08/02/2012

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Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

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