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Sarah from Washington writes

Why is there residue after applying Boracare?

Applied 3 coats of poly but we have white smudges all over floor which finisher believes is boracare reacting to poly. Have to strip wood and start all over. How do we avoid this happening again? Are we supposed to wash floor after boracare and before finishing?


If you are seeing white residue after applying Boracare, then there are a few possible causes. What usually happens is that either the Boracare was not mixed properly before it was applied, or too much product was applied to wood. Another possibility is that the Boracare did not have enough time to dry completely before the poly coating was applied. Typically Boracare dries in 24-48 hours. You can remove excess Boracare using soap and water, but we would try to avoid doing this unless there is clearly too much product applied. Another condition that could cause strange drying is if you are trying to apply Boracare to wood that has already been treating with paint, stain, sealant, oil, or another finish.

Answer last updated on: 10/03/2017

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