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Dan writes

Will Bio Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape Form kill Asian gall wasp on chestnut trees?


Bio Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape Formula is not specifically labeled to treat oak gall wasp. You may use a product such as Sevin Ready to Spray Insect Killer or Sevin SL Carbaryl Insecticide as both are specifically labeled for gall wasps instead of an imidacloprid product. You want to make sure to prune back as much of the infected area as possible. Also, make sure to pick up all clippings from the bottom of the tree, before you application.  Please review the product label for complete application instructions.
Here is a very informative article from the NC State Extension on controlling Gall Wasps:

Answer last updated on: 10/30/2022

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