Product Q&A

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Sammy from Tuscaloosa, Alabama writes

Will Ferti-Lome Azalea/Evergreen Food Plus with Systemic kill beneficial insects such as lacewings?


The active ingredient in Ferti-Lome Azalea/Evergreen Food Plus with Systemic is Imidacloprid and has been shown to affect lacebugs when applied as a systemic application. For a low toxic method of treatment, it is recommended to use a contact kill or non-residual product such as Monterey Horticultural Oil. These insecticides have low toxicity to people and pets and relatively little adverse impact on the populations of pollinators and natural enemies and the benefits they provide. To reduce the risk of injurying pollinators, you should not apply to flowering blooms or when pollinators are in the area. 

Answer last updated on: 05/23/2018

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