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Jessica from Slc, Ut writes

Will Gentrol IGR Concentrate harm house plants?

I have a fruit fly infestation and they are breeding in the soil of my house plants! Would I be able to just apply it to the soil?


Gentrol is a product used to sterilize fruit flies. This means it will keep them from reproducing, it is not a product that will kill adult fruit flies. It should not be applied to houseplants. It doesn't sound like you are experiencing fruit flies, if they are solely in the houseplants. Fungus gnats can be confused as a fruit fly and are harmless to humans.  The fungus gnat larvae can damage the plant root system as they feed on organic matter. Fungus gnat control is fairly simple:  The easiest way to get rid of gnats in the home is to let your soil dry out completely in between waterings, both indoors and out. Lack of moisture is the natural gnat killer; the larvae cannot survive in dry conditions. Overwatering or constantly damp soil is the perfect environment for fungus gnats. We recommend drenching the soil with a pesticide formulated for gnats or flying insects, like Talstar P to kill gnat larvae.  An aerosol gnat repellent spray containing pyrethrin like Mircocare aerosol can kill existing adult gnats in the area.  Sometimes fungus gnats enter a home because of a leaky pipe in a wall void or water leaks around windows and doors. Using sticky gnat traps can help you locate the source of the fungus gnats, and when located, try to dry out and seal those damp areas.  

Answer last updated on: 01/21/2018

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Gentrol IGR Concentrate

Gentrol IGR Concentrate

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