Product Q&A

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Annick from Brooklyn writes

Will Green Way Liquid Ant Killing Bait eradicate or at minimum control the numbers of foraging Pharaoh ants?

My apartment (multi-unit dwelling) is infested. Can you suggest the best way not to import any to a new apartment when I move?


Yes, Green Way Liquid Ant Killing Bait is an excellent option when treating for Pharaoh ants. You will put the product out in bait stations. They will consume the bait and/or take it back to the colony as well. Another good option to use in conjunction with this product is Maxforce Complete Granules. This can be broadcast in your lawn and put in places where you have seen activity. It contains a unique formula with a mixture of proteins, simple sugars, fats and complex carbohydrates in a food-based granular structure that is irresistible to insects. Also, be sure to check out our Ant Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent ants.

Answer last updated on: 08/16/2016

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